Case report: the thoracoscopic surgery in peritoneal-pleural leakage. A valid therapeutic strategy


Pleuro-peritoneal leakage is an uncommon complication of peritoneal dialysis (PD). In this study, we report the case of a male patient (age 83), treated with PD (daytime single-exchange). In October 2019, hospitalization was necessary due to dyspnoea and a reduction of peritoneal ultrafiltration. A right pleural leakage resulted at chest x-ray. A regression of the pleural leakage was immediately observed after interrupting PD.

It was then performed a pleuro-peritoneal CT scan at baseline, followed by a second scan performed 4 hours after the injection of 2 L of isotonic solution with 100ml of contrast medium, which evidenced a pleuro-peritoneal communication. It was then decided to perform a video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS), that showed no evidence of diaphragm communication. It was then executed a pleurodesis using sterile talcum. The patient was released on the 3rd day, with a conservative therapy and a low-protein diet. After 2 weeks a new pleuro-peritoneal CT scan with contrast medium was executed. This time the scan evidenced the absence of contrast medium in the thoracic cavity. The patient then resumed PD therapy, with 3 daily exchanges with isotonic solution (volume 1.5 L), showing no complications.

Concerning the treatment of pleuro-peritoneal leakage, VATS allows both the patch-repairing of diaphragmatic flaws and the instillation of chemical agents. In our case, VATS allowed the chemical pleurodesis which in turn enabled, in just 2 weeks of conservative treatment, the resuming of PD. In conclusion, this methodology is a valid option in the treatment of pleuro-peritoneal leakage in PD patients.


Keywords: pleuro-peritoneal leakage, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery, peritoneal dialysis, end stage renal disease


Pleuro-peritoneal leakage is an uncommon complication of peritoneal dialysis (PD) with an incidence of 1.6%, first described in 1967 [1]. It occurs in higher frequency in female patients and in the right hemithorax (90% of cases) [2]. Frequently accompanied by dyspnea, it is asymptomatic in 25% of cases [3].

The diagnosis is established observing pleural leakage and performing chest x-ray, albumin-marked scintigraphy and CT scan of peritoneal area [4].

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Home dialysis and home assistance: from institutional aids to a sustainable model


Home dialysis, and mainly peritoneal dialysis, is indicated as the optimal choice as far as the comfort and lifestyle of uremic patients is concerned. Despite this, home treatments show a lack of growth. The reasons are mainly linked to the patients’ cognitive, psychosocial, familiar and physical barriers due to aging and morbidity. To overcome these barriers, we analyzed all the available institutional aids: civil disability, not-self-sufficiency funds, home, social and nursing assistance, expenses refunds. 

The assessment of the patients’ needs is performed through validated instruments such as multidimensional evaluation (VMD) and equivalent economic index (ISEE). Overall, economic relief is limited to low income patients, and those in serious distress. Some Italian regions have issued specific measures dedicated to home dialysis. Our review shows a great heterogeneity of measures, centered in some cases on economic aids and on home assistance in others. Moreover, some Italian dialysis centers directly provide caregivers for home dialysis. 

The international literature describes many experiences relating to home dialysis assistance. Their common message is that, in developed countries, economic help is generally sustainable despite the heterogeneity of health care systems. Home support and economic aids for dialysis, in fact, are made possible by the overall savings enabled by home treatments and by the careful redistributions of the funds.

Keywords: home dialysis, peritoneal dialysis, economic aids, assisted peritoneal dialysis sustainable assistance models

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Il Piano Nazionale per la Cronicità prevede per i pazienti che necessitano di dialisi la personalizzazione delle terapie sostitutive e la domiciliarità, per il mantenimento di un buono stato funzionale e di autonomia [1]. A questo scopo è anche indicata la sperimentazione di modelli di dialisi domiciliare (sia peritoneale che emodialisi) utilizzando strumenti di teledialisi. Allo stato attuale, la dialisi peritoneale (DP) è il tipo di dialisi domiciliare più utilizzato in Italia e nel mondo [2, 3]. Alcune esperienze di emodialisi domiciliare si stanno sviluppando e costituiscono un’ulteriore area di crescita della domiciliarità [4, 5].

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Use of ultrasounds in PD catheter-related infections: indications and clinical implications


Peritoneal dialysis (PD) related infections continue to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients undertaking renal replacement therapy with PD. Nevertheless, despite the great effort invested in the prevention of PD infective episodes, almost one third of technical failures are still caused by peritonitis. Recent studies support the idea that there is a direct role of exit-site (ESIs) and tunnel infections (TIs) in causing peritonitis. Hence, both the prompt ESI/TI diagnosis and correct prognostic hypothesis would allow the timely start of an appropriate antibiotic therapy decreasing the associated complications and preserving the PD technique.

The ultrasound exam (US) is a simple, rapid, non-invasive and widely available procedure for the tunnel evaluation in PD catheter-related infections.

In case of ESI, the US possesses a greater sensibility in diagnosing a simultaneous TI compared to the clinical criterions. This peculiarity allows to distinguish the ESI episodes which will be healed with antibiotic therapy from those refractories to medical therapy. In case of TI, the US permits to localize the catheter portion involved in the infectious process obtaining significant prognostic information; while the US repetition after two weeks of antibiotic allows to monitor the patient responsiveness to the therapy.

There is no evidence of the US usefulness as screening tool aimed to the precocious diagnosis of TI in asymptomatic PD patients.


Keywords: peritoneal dialysis, exit-site infection, tunnel infection, peritonitis, ultrasounds, Tenckhoff catheter.

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Gli episodi infettivi continuano a rappresentare la causa principale di morbilità e mortalità nei pazienti sottoposti a terapia sostitutiva mediante dialisi peritoneale (DP) [13]. Nelle ultime tre decadi considerevoli sforzi sono stati compiuti nella prevenzione delle infezioni correlate alla DP: il miglioramento dei metodi di connessione [4], l’ottimizzazione della cura dell’exit-site (ES) [5], e la creazione di specifici percorsi per l’addestramento dei pazienti [6]. Nonostante l’adozione di queste misure circa un terzo dei fallimenti della DP sono secondari a peritoniti [7].

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Italian nephrology and the progress of dialysis from its dawn to the present day


In Italy, over the last 50 years, dialysis has been the driving force of research in nephrology. The work of many Italian nephrologists has fueled progress in dialytic techniques worldwide, improving dramatically the quality of dialytic therapy. Our foreign colleagues unanimously agree that we have been the first to look into the complexities of dialysis, into the many differences between dialytic patients and how to best address this diversity. This has allowed us to adopt a holistic approach, deeply connected to technological innovation, with the aim of putting the patient center stage and creating a “precision dialysis”.

Keywords: hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, Italian nephrology, development of filtration techniques

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In Italia, negli ultimi cinquanta anni, la dialisi è stata il motore trainante della nefrologia e ha portato, attraverso la sua continua evoluzione, allo sviluppo anche della nefrologia clinica e dell’attività di trapianto. I nefrologi italiani sono stati gli ispiratori di molti dei progressi della dialisi nel mondo ed hanno costruito le basi di innumerevoli nuove tecniche dialitiche, realizzando una altissima qualità nell’offerta della terapia dialitica. Merito questo che ci viene riconosciuto universalmente. 

Negli anni sessanta, per preparare la soluzione elettrolitica necessaria a depurare il sangue, si ricorreva a vasche da 180-200 litri che venivano continuamente riempite con acqua deionizzata e sali. Si iniziava alle sette del mattino e si finiva con lo stesso paziente alle sette di sera. Durante quelle dodici ore di dialisi il malato presentava spesso problemi clinici sconosciuti, drammatici, a cui non si riusciva a dare una spiegazione fisiopatologica. Ci si rendeva conto che si stava verificando qualcosa di grave, ma non si sapeva quale fosse la causa della tragedia incombente e quindi la terapia era molto “approssimativa”. 

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Peritoneal dialysis in the Lazio region: results from 2017 regional audit


In 2011, a first peritoneal dialysis audit was held in the Lazio region to analyze the problems hindering the spread of this method and to improve the quality of care through the sharing of best practices across Centers. A scientific board was therefore set up, representing all the Centers offering PD, in order to assess clinical effectiveness using KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and to quantify the objectives to be achieved. The analysis made it possible to identify the main problems and take action, all the while monitoring progress through KPIs.

A second audit was carried out in 2017 and the collected data was analyzed and compared with the findings of the previous study. Overall, data showed an increase in prevalence, although the incidence showed a slight decrease. Indicators on the change of dialysis treatment, the dropout from domiciliary treatment and the incidence of late referral appeared stable over time. A slight improvement was observed in clinical data on peritonitis and on the length of hospitalization.

All participants in the audit declared that sharing and discussing clinical practices had been really useful. In addition, through the drafting of practical documents (guides for patients, guidance on informed consent, protocols of clinical follow-up), a number of tools have been provided to ensure a uniformly high level of care across the different regional Centers.


Keywords: audit, peritoneal dialysis, best practices, Key Performance Indicators (KPI), protocols

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L’insufficienza renale cronica terminale (ERSD) si associa ad un incremento della morbidità e della mortalità dei pazienti ed a un deterioramento della loro qualità di vita (QoL) [1]. La richiesta di una tecnica sostitutiva che possa conciliare una migliore QoL con le necessità depurative/ultrafiltrative del paziente spinge verso una sempre maggiore adozione di DP o emodialisi domiciliare (HHD) [1]. Su questa linea si pone anche il recente Piano Nazionale della Cronicità, che sottolinea tra gli obiettivi generali l’importanza della dialisi domiciliare in alternativa alla dialisi ospedaliera [2]. Inoltre, i costi di gestione del paziente in dialisi domiciliare, che essa sia dialisi peritoneale o home hemodialysis, sembrano essere più contenuti [3]. Considerando anche l’incremento progressivo dell’incidenza di ERSD [4] e la sempre minore disponibilità di risorse, le considerazioni economiche ne rendono auspicabile il potenziamento [5].

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La dialisi peritoneale nell’anziano


In questo lavoro abbiamo analizzato l’utilizzo della dialisi peritoneale (DP) nei pazienti anziani relativamente ai seguenti aspetti: risultati della metodica, barriere alla DP e DP assistita.

La DP, salvo poche eccezioni, a livello nazionale o di centro, è utilizzata meno negli anziani. Rispetto all’emodialisi (HD), i dati di registro evidenziano una sopravvivenza uguale o superiore nei pazienti giovani in DP, uguale o inferiore negli anziani. Più del 50% degli studi riporta una sopravvivenza della tecnica peggiore in DP con l’aumento dell’età; nei rimanenti studi essa è uguale o migliore. Il rischio di peritonite non è maggiore negli anziani, in cui tuttavia questa complicanza può avere un decorso più grave. Diversi studi, infine, non evidenziano differenze significative nella Qualità di Vita tra DP ed HD, nei pazienti che hanno potuto scegliere tra le due metodiche.

All’aumentare dell’età aumentano le comorbilità e si riduce l’autonomia; per tale ragione negli anziani sono presenti un maggior numero di barriere sociali, fisiche, cognitive e psicologiche all’autogestione della DP. La DP assistita consente di superare in modo efficace queste barriere, con risultati adeguati in termini di giorni di ricovero, mortalità, sopravvivenza della tecnica ed incidenza di peritoniti.

Nella nostra esperienza, la videodialisi (VD) è un sistema di telemedicina affidabile, sicuro e facilmente utilizzabile da utenti senza alcuna conoscenza tecnologica per realizzare un “caregiver virtuale” che consente d’iniziare o continuare la DP quando sono presenti barriere. Essa è anche in grado di favorire l’empowerment del paziente, evitando il ricorso a forme assistenziali a più elevato costo sociale ed economico.

Parole chiave: Dialisi Peritoneale, Dialisi Peritoneale assistita, Pazienti anziani, Barriere all’autogestione, Videodialisi

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In questo lavoro abbiamo analizzato la dialisi peritoneale (DP) nei pazienti anziani relativamente ai seguenti aspetti: l’utilizzo e i risultati della metodica, le barriere alla DP, la DP assistita.

La dialisi peritoneale (DP) è poco utilizzata nella popolazione generale e lo è ancor meno nella popolazione anziana nonostante i risultati a distanza siano sovrapponibili a quelli della emodialisi (HD). 

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Peritoneal dialysis catheter infection with abscess of the abdominal wall in a ADPKD patient


Infections to the peritoneal catheter are common in Peritoneal Dialysis (PD). We report the clinical case of a 49-year-old male patient in PD, who showed an atypical manifestation of tunnel infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus. The infection was characterized by a little abscess, on the left pararectal abdominal line, 6 cm far from exit-site of the peritoneal catheter. The diagnosis was made using ultrasonography (US), which showed a fistulous communication from subcutaneous cuff to the skin. We treated the infection conservatively by performing cuff-shaving and drainage of the abscess, associated to antibiotic therapy (teicoplanin). Due to the persistence of the infection, we added oral and topical rifampicin, and advanced medication with freez-dried collagen plant impregnated with extended-release gentamicin. The complete resolution of the infection allowed us to avoid removing the catheter.


KEY WORDS: Peritoneal Dialysis, peritoneal catheter infection, cuff-shaving

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Le infezioni correlate al catetere in dialisi peritoneale (DP), dell’exit-site (ES) e del tunnel, sono complicanze che predispongono all’insorgenza di peritoniti recidivanti e ricorrenti, che rappresentano importanti cause di fallimento della DP [1]. I germi più frequentemente coinvolti nella patogenesi delle infezioni del catetere sono Staphylococcus aureus e Pseudomonas aeruginosa che, spesso, evolvono verso la peritonite e possono condurre alla rimozione del catetere [24].  

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Peritoneal Dialysis in Italy: the 6th GSDP-SIN census 2016


Objectives. We report here the results of the 6th National Census (Cs-16) of Peritoneal Dialysis in Italy, carried out in 2017-18 by the Italian Society of Nephrology’s Peritoneal Dialysis Study Group and relating to 2016.

Methods. The Census was conducted using an on-line questionnaire administered to the 237 non pediatric centers which did perform Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) in 2016. The results have been compared with the previous Censuses carried out since 2005.

Results. Incidence: In 2016, 1,595 patients (CAPD=56.1%) started on PD (1st treatment for ESRD) and 4,607 on hemodialysis (HD). PD was started incrementally by 32.5% in 144 Centers. 15.6% were late referrals, and 5.1% began within 48-72 hours of insertion. The catheter was positioned exclusively by a Nephrologist in 24.3% of cases. Prevalence: Patients on PD on 31/12/2016 were 4,607 (CAPD=46.6%), with 22.2% of prevalent patients on assisted PD (family member caregiver: 80.5%). Out: In 2016, PD dropout rate (ep/100 pt-yrs: 12.5 to HD; 11.8 death; 7.0 Tx) has not changed. The main cause of transfer to HD remains peritonitis (23.8%), although it is still decreasing (Cs-05: 37.9%). Peritonitis/EPS: The incidence of peritonitis in 2016 was 0.211 ep/pt-yr (939 episodes). The incidence of new cases of EPS in 2015-16 is diminishing too (16 cases=0.176 ep/100 pt-yrs). Other results: In 2016 the number of Centers using 3.86% for the peritoneal equilibration test (PET) (49.8%) increased, and the Centers carrying out home visits diminished (51.5%).

Conclusions. Cs-16 confirms that PD in Italy is having good results.

Keywords: Peritoneal Dialysis, technique failure, incremental Peritoneal Dialysis, peritonitis, home visits, peritoneal equilibration test (PET)

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L’utilizzo della dialisi peritoneale (DP) in Italia nel 2015 è ancora limitato ad una prevalenza del 9,5%, con un ulteriore calo nel 2016 [1], se si considerano tutti i Centri Dialisi, anche quelli che non utilizzano la metodica. Sempre presente anche la notevole variabilità da regione a regione e da Centro a Centro [26]. 

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Infected hepatic cyst in ADPKD patient in peritoneal dialysis


Renal and hepatic cysts infections are among the most important infectious complications of ADPKD and often require hospitalization. Liver cysts are even more complex than renal cysts and their diagnosis and treatment are quite controversial.

We report the case of a 58-year-old patient with ADPKD undergoing peritoneal dialysis treatment. He presented fever and severe asthenia and was diagnosed with a hepatic cyst infection. Given the presence of the peritoneal catheter, and in order to facilitate the targeted treatment of the infection, we administered antibiotics (ceftazidime and teicoplanin) in the bags used for peritoneal dialysis exchanges for 4 weeks, obtaining the complete disappearance of symptoms and laboratory and ultrasound alterations.

Intraperitoneal antibiotics administration in the treatment of infected hepatic cysts represents an effective and safe therapeutic alternative, never described in literature so far.


Keywords: ADPKD, ESRD, Infected hepatic cyst, peritoneal dialysis

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L’ADPKD è la più comune malattia ereditaria renale a trasmissione autosomico dominante, nonchè la quarta causa di End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), ed ha un’incidenza variabile tra 1:500 e 1:1000 individui. Nell’85% dei casi è caratterizzata dalla presenza di mutazioni del gene PKD1 e nel 15% dei casi del gene PKD2, codificanti rispettivamente per la Podocina 1 e Podocina 2, che portano alla formazione di cisti, principalmente a livello renale ed epatico. Molti pazienti sono asintomatici nelle fasi iniziali, e presentano poi sintomi quali macroematuria, proteinuria, coliche renali, insufficienza renale cronica, sintomi da ingombro addominale, manifestazioni cardiovascolari (ipertensione, ipertrofia del ventricolo sinistro, prolasso della valvola mitrale, aneurismi), infezioni del tratto genitourinario, carcinoma renale e diverticolosi [16]. Le principali complicanze sono le emorragie e le infezioni delle cisti [7]. 

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PD in Italy: the 5th GSDP-SIN Census 2014



To know PD modalities and results in Italy.


The Census was carried out by means of an on-line questionnaire in ALL the 225 non-pediatric public centers which PERFORMED PD in 2014. The results were compared with those of previous Censuses (2005:Cs-05; 2008:Cs-08; 2010:Cs-10; 2012:Cs-12).


Incidence. In 2014 PD was begun (first treatment for ESRD) by 1,652 pts (CAPD: 57.2%) and HD by 4,442 pts (%PD-incidence= Cs-14: 27,1%; Cs-12: 23.4%; Cs-10: 23.3%; Cs-08: 22.8%; Cs-05: 24.2%). For the first time Incremental PD does not increase (Cs-14: 27,5%; Cs-12: 28,8%; Cs-10: 22,8%; Cs-08: 18,3%; Cs-05: 11,9%).

Prevalence. At 31/12/2014 there were 4,480 patients on PD (CAPD: 46.9%) (%PD-prevalence= Cs-14: Cs-12: 17.1%; Cs-10: 16.6%; Cs-08: 16.7%; Cs-05:16.8%; p=NS), 24.3% of whom were on assisted PD (family members: 83.6%; paid caregivers: 11.5%; nurses: 1.1%; NH: 2.8%).

Out. In 2014 there was no change in the PD drop-out rate (32.0 ep/100yrs-pt) (death: 502; transplant: 329; switch to HD: 528 pts). The main reason for transferring to HD remained peritonitis (24.8%). Choice (9.3%) and impossibility to continue PD (15.2%) are increasing.

Peritonitis. The peritonitis rate (953 episodes) was 0.224 ep/yrs-pt. The incidence of new cases of EPS in 2013-14 (39 cases=0.444 ep/100yrs-pt) is decreasing (2011-12= 0.505; 2009-10= 0.529; 2004-08= 0.701 ep/100-yrs-pt).

Other results. Compared to 2012, in 2014 the number of Centers using 3.86% for PET increased (41.3%) (Cs-12: 30.8%; Cs-10: 15.6%; p<0.001), while the number carrying out home visits (59.6%) remained unchanged (56.3% in 2012, 59.4% in 2010). CONCLUSIONS

Cs-14 confirms the extensive use, stability and good results of PD in Italy. Incremental PD and assisted PD are unchanged, peritonitis are decreased and EPS remains a rare event. PET-3.86% is increasingly used.

Keywords: Peritoneal Dialysis, Technique failure, Incremental peritoneal dialysis, assisted PD, peritonitis, home visit, PET (peritoneal equilibration test)

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L’utilizzo della dialisi peritoneale (PD) in Italia nel 2013 è risultato sostanzialmente stabile e limitato ad una incidenza del 13,2% ed una prevalenza inferiore al 9,6% (1) se si considerano tutti i Centri Dialisi, anche quelli che non utilizzano la metodica. Invariata anche la notevole variabilità da regione a regione e da centro a centro (25). L’utilizzo della DP viene rilevato dal Gruppo di Studio della DP (GSDP) della Società Italiana di Nefrologia (SIN) mediante un Censimento, condotto ogni 2 anni, di tutti i Centri che utilizzano la DP.

In questo report sono presentati i risultati della 5° edizione condotta nel 2016 e relativa all’anno 2014 (Cens-14) confrontandoli con quelli degli anni precedenti: 2005 (Cens-05), 2008 (Cens-08) (3), 2010 (4), 2012 (Cens-12) (5).


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