Giornale Italiano di Nefrologia (ISSN: 1724-5990) is a bimonthly journal devoted to continuing medical education published by the Italian Society of Nephrology. In addition to CME, it aims at publishing guidelines and improving communication within the field of nephrology and among practitioners more generally. GIN offers up-to-date data and analysis in the form of clinical cases, in depth reviews, original articles and thematic sections.

The Journal accepts contributions in English and Italian. They need to be original, unpublished works and should follow our instructions for authors (available from the page To contribute). All authors are required to declare any conflicts of interest and to sign a declaration certifying that:

  1. their scientific work is original and has never been published before, in any language, nor has it been sent for publication to any other national or international newspaper.
  2. the data collected and presented are original and reliable.
  3. the content of the manuscript is in no way obscene or defamatory; it does not violate privacy rights or property protection rights (including copyrights, patents or registered trademarks) or violate any other human or personal rights.
  4. the authors have not violated any right of confidentiality to which they are bound, nor have they violated any contract.

Being a publication of the Italian Society of Nephrology, the Journal also adopts the Society’s Ethical Code of Conduct.

All articles are checked using the antiplagiarism software Compilatio and undergo a double-blind peer review. Once accepted, they are carefully proofread and then formatted according to the journal’s style.

Contributions are published exclusively in digital format and can be read online (access is restricted to members of the Italian Society of Nephrology) or downloaded by anybody in PDF format. The Archive section of this website hosts all issues published since 2013, as well as the links to access previous volumes of the Journal.

All articles are indexed on PubMed shortly after publication. Here, English-language articles are available in full-text through the Linkout service. Everything we publish is also sent to Portico for long-term digital preservation.


Thematic sections

We have currently six sections devoted to specific topics of discussion. We aim at adding more soon and are always open to suggestions from the nephrological community.


Comunicazione e marketing (Communication and marketing)

Curated by Dr. Fulvio Fiorini, this section deals with how best to communicate with patients and colleagues in a Hospital setting and within the health sector in general, trying to avoid or solve conflicts when they arise.


Dibattiti in nefrologia (Debates in nephrology)

Through the juxtaposition of several points of view, this is a place devoted to discussing some of the most debated topics in the field.


Privacy e “cura” dei dati in sanità (Privacy and personal data curation)

Dr. Filippo Lorè helps us look at the issues surrounding privacy and personal data in the health sector.


Recensione libri (Book reviews)


Le nostre storie: vite di nefrologi (Our stories: nephrologists’ lives)

Under the supervision of Gianbattista Fogazzi, we collect here contributions that look back at the history of Italian nephrology and how the discipline evolved from its inception to the present day.


Specialità e professioni a colloquio (Dialogue across fields and competences)

With a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration, this section is open to doctors, nurses and health professionals from the many fields crossing paths with nephrology in everyday practice.