Luglio Agosto 2019 - In depth review

Osteoporosis and chronic kidney disease: review and new therapeutic strategies


Osteoporosis affects a segment of the population in which Chronic Kidney Disease is also greatly represented. Nephropathic patients may present peculiar biochemical abnormalities related to Chronic Kidney Disease, defining the Mineral and Bone Disorder. This kind of anomalies, in the worst scenarios, configure the typical histomorphology patterns of Renal Osteodystrophy. Scientific Societies of Endocrinology have established therapy guidelines for patients with osteoporosis only based on the glomerular filtration rate and recommend avoiding the use of some drugs for the more advanced classes of nephropathy. However, there is no clear therapeutic approach for patients with advanced nephropathy and bone abnormalities. In this paper we propose a systematic review of the literature and present our proposal for managing patients with advanced nephropathy, based on eGFR and on presence of Mineral and Bone Disorder.


Keywords: bisphosphonates, CKD-MBD, chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder, uremic osteodystrophy, osteoporosis

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Quotidianamente il Nefrologo si confronta con le problematiche relative alla salute dell’osso, come dimostrato dall’elevato numero di contributi sull’argomento, rintracciabili nelle riviste specialistiche e sui principali motori di ricerca [1]. Questo confronto è legato, in prima battuta, alle caratteristiche epidemiologiche del “fenomeno” osteoporosi che, notoriamente, incide su una popolazione prevalentemente anziana con molteplici fattori di rischio per nefropatia cronica (quali, ad esempio, il fumo di sigaretta, il diabete mellito, lo scompenso cardiaco).  

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