The future of peritoneal dialysis

The 2022 Peritoneal Dialysis Project Group (GPDP) Census reported that PD prevalence in the 183 non-pediatric Italian Centers with complete (PD + HD) data is 14.9%, a percentage which is gradually decreasing despite the modality’s acknowledged advantages, calls on the part of regional and national healthcare policies for the domiciliation of care, and documented patient preference for home dialysis when they are actively involved in the choice of modality (>50% of patients prefer PD).

This brief editorial will analyze a number of ways in which action could be taken to increase the use of PD in Italy:

A. Increase the number of doctors dedicated to PD. With the new technologies that allow PD to be controlled remotely, we can modify and optimize the prescription almost at will: from number of cycles to single dwell times, from the tonicity of the solutions to full or tidal exchange volumes. With the availability of cyclers, we are able to “tailor” dialysis sessions to patient needs and characteristics. To do this in an optimal way, the experience that can only come from constant application of the technique is required, investing time and resources. Furthermore, doctors dedicated to PD deal not only with setting up dialysis sessions and checking adequacy tests, but also handling periodical outpatient visits, intervening in all the daily issues that are a part of the modality and preparing patients for transplant listing, as well as taking part in the department’s usual services (on-call duties, consulting, day hospitals, etc). If the doctor handling PD (and the rest) must also cover hemodialysis or inpatient shifts, opportunities for growth and improvement become increasingly complicated.

B. Allow specialty trainees in all Specialization Schools to take advantage of adequate training in peritoneal dialysis. Considering that it is not possible to practise PD in all Schools, referring also to ministerial regulation guidelines, external hubs could be proposed where specialty trainees could broaden their knowledge of the modality. These hubs could become focal points for specialty trainees and enable its use in their daily clinical practice.

C. Upgrade the number of dedicated nurses. Without them, a good PD service cannot be guaranteed. The role of nurses is even more valuable in PD than in other sections, as it can guarantee continuity of care for home patients. The facility where I work guarantees the presence of a dedicated PD nurse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For PD patients, this represents a guarantee of assistance that contributes to overcoming any insecurities they may have when choosing dialysis modality. As was highlighted by the 2007 Questionnaire, the Centers in which PD nurses also have other responsibilities have modest PD programs. Though on one hand this may be partly understandable, on the other it also constitutes a limitation to the expansion of the program itself.

D. Have dedicated dieticians and psychologists. Experts are already available in numerous facilities for the drawing up of nutrition therapies for kidney failure patients, but with patients on dialysis being those greatest at risk of malnutrition the complexity of the subject calls for the presence of a dedicated professional. Furthermore, the implications associated with chronic illness and acceptance of dialysis already make psychological support necessary for patients having to start out on the pre-dialysis process. However, the difficulties encountered in having dedicated dieticians and psychologists available are well-known, and this shortcoming further undermines the possibility of a shared choice of modality with patients.

E. Allow PD patient caregivers access to all facilities in the event of hospitalization. We are often faced with the need to transfer hospitalized PD patients to other facilities because the management does not allow caregivers to assist them in the performance of PD. Besides the inconvenience caused to the patients and their family members, this attitude further complicates the difficulties our departments already have in terms of capacity.

F. Telemedicine. The possibilities offered today by Telemedicine seem to have been specially designed for a home dialysis program. As well as avoiding transfers and guaranteeing a more accurate follow-up, remote monitoring and videodialysis offer the chance to improve the quality of the care provided, and to expand the population which could benefit from PD. Clearly an organizational upgrading of facilities is required which once more sees nurses playing a central role.

G. Have personnel trained in performing PD available in nursing homes and rehabilitation facilities. According to the data of the recent GPDP census, fewer than 5% of patients undergo PD in nursing homes. Cooperation with these facilities could be of help, especially for frailer patients who could avail themselves of PD in a protected environment. The experience of the Nephrologist in Trento who has a number of places reserved for PD patients in local nursing homes should be replicated in other contexts when necessary. The situation becomes even more difficult when tackling the problem of post-hospitalization rehab for patients on PD. With no rehab facilities being available for these patients in many provinces they find themselves forced to switch temporarily to hemodialysis, or ‒ if they are more fortunate ‒ rely on the availability of a caregiver to perform PD every day in their rehab facility. On the other hand, using nursing home personnel for performing PD is not so simple. Indeed, the high turnover rate that often characterizes these facilities means constant training and retraining, which is at times impossible- A possible remedy is today offered by telemedicine, which enables safe repeat training, avoiding stress and the need for travel.

H. Guarantee full information on all replacement therapies in all Nephrology Centers. Even if they may not be available in their local Center, for a shared choice of treatment it is essential for patients and family members to be informed of all the therapeutic solutions which are available today, from live-donor transplants to palliative therapies, with patients being referred if necessary to other Centers where a preferred treatment is available. For example: only a few hospitals in Italy have an Operating Unit dedicated to transplants, yet when it is clinically possible all nephrologists inform and prepare patients for a kidney transplant. The same thing should happen for PD: for logistical and organizational reasons, not all Nephrology Operating Units can offer the modality in house, but ‒ as with transplants ‒ patients must be made aware of the possibility of using it. The 2007 survey (attached to the Census data) highlighted this shortcoming, but the problem remains. Nephrologists must acknowledge that it is ethically wrong not to inform patients of the existence of a valid alternative therapy.

I. Personnel (social care practitioners, assistants) trained in the performance of assisted dialysis at home. This is probably the most important point for the future development of PD. As long ago as 2016, among the specific objectives of the Ministry of Health’s National Chronicity Plan was to “Customize dialysis therapy, keeping patients at home (residence; nursing home; retirement home; etc.). Furthermore, it said:

“The customization of dialysis therapy must take the characteristics of the patient into account, as below:

      • Self-sufficient patient: high possibility of performing home dialysis.
      • Elderly, self-sufficient patient living alone who needs to maintain and develop social relationships to avoid isolation: possibility of dialysis at centers for the elderly with auxiliary personnel trained by the local nephrology center.
      • Partially self-sufficient patient with family member or caregiver: high possibility of performing either peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis at home. Assisted teledialysis could help deliver home dialysis by providing tools that facilitate correct dialysis practices and minimize the risks of incorrect maneuvers.
      • Partially self-sufficient patient without caregiver: evaluation of degree of frailty and possibly of assisted home peritoneal dialysis”.

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic tragically confirmed the importance of home treatment: the difference in mortality between dialysis patients treated at home and in Centers was devastating. Subsequent parliamentary interventions also underlined the need to implement home therapies with the setting up of Community Centers (Case di Comunità, or CdC) and the appointment of district nurses who should intervene in home healthcare. For information, I refer to the definition of “Casa di Comunità”, already envisaged under the 2021 PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) and described in Ministerial Decree no. 77 of 23 May 2022, published in number 144 of the Official Journal:The CdC is an easily-identifiable physical neighborhood setting offering access for entering into contact with the healthcare system. It is a facility which is easy to recognize and reach by the local population for access, reception and orientation”. Furthermore: “Cdc hubs must guarantee:

a. On-site doctor 24 hours a day 7 days a week, also through integration of Continuity of Care.
b. On-site nursing 12 hours a day 7 days a week (24 hours a day 7 days a week strongly recommended).
c. Multidisciplinary team (General Medicine Doctor, Pediatrician, Continuity of Care, Outpatient Specialists, Nurses and other health and social care operatives)”.

This could constitute a formidable engine for driving growth in PD (but also home hemodialysis) in Italy, especially in the frail patients who would benefit most from this form of care.

A Joint Vision of Peritoneal Dialysis in Italy: Census and Italian Registry of Dialysis and Transplantation

Within the sphere of replacement therapy for chronic kidney disease, peritoneal dialysis (PD) is used the least.

Over the years the Italian Registry of Dialysis and Transplantation (RIDT) has observed the progress of PD at regional and country-wide level, with the limitations which result from an incomplete response. Aimed at individual centers, the national census offers a more granular view, highlighting aspects which cannot be evaluated more generally. Integration of the information provided by the two approaches certainly allows for a more insightful assessment of the state of health of peritoneal dialysis in Italy.

In general, the situation relating to peritoneal dialysis in Italy can be said to be fairly stable in terms of incidence, with approximately 15-16% of patients starting replacement therapy, including maximums of above 20% in the North-East and Le Marche and minimums approaching 5% in some areas of the South, in line with the results of the census. Prevalence is also stable, settling at around 80 patients per year per million between 2014 and 2021 [1]. RIDT results are better than those provided by the census because the sources of the data are different and, in the case of the RIDT, the regions with more peritoneal dialysis are those willing to supply more complete data. However, focusing the attention more on trends than on estimates, it certainly cannot be said that peritoneal dialysis is a replacement modality on the brink of extinction.

Registry data show that, excluding age, primary renal diseases and comorbidities, the offering of peritoneal dialysis varies between regions, and this difference partly explains the variability in incidence, with two extreme regional situations: Veneto (low incidence and high use of peritoneal dialysis) and Liguria (high incidence and low use of peritoneal dialysis) [2]. On the other hand, there was a major increase in incidence of peritoneal dialysis between 2011 and 2016 in nearly all regions, including Liguria and with the exceptions of Veneto and Calabria [3]. In some cases this is the result of a general heightening in awareness; in others, as is very apparent in smaller regions, the increase took place within a few years of experts in PD joining the management of facilities. Where there have been precise regional guidelines, the change has not been so evident, probably because the guidelines have contributed to maintaining rather than incentivizing its development. It therefore seems that training and the views of individual specialists are more capable of changing an organization than regional exhortations. As is happening in the United States with the “Advancing American Kidney Health executive order” [4], giving targets is not enough: wider-ranging support and pathways need to be provided (viz. Australian and Canadian experiences).

In the census, variability analysis shifts from a regional level to individual centers, and this provides further details:

  1. The offering of peritoneal dialysis is directly proportional to the size of a center.
  2. With essentially the same number of centers per population, in the North the centers have more patients on PD.
  3. The centers in the South of Italy and on the Islands that use peritoneal dialysis are on average smaller, but with a higher percentage of patients.

The census data substantially confirm registry findings, in other words that peritoneal dialysis is performed more in the North, but point 3 above is extremely interesting. Regional variability in Italy is also shown through different organizational models with the contrasting impact of public and private healthcare. In general, private healthcare is spreading throughout Italy, but as regards dialysis for the time being this phenomenon is significant above-all in some regions in the Center and the South. The finding that small public centers have a higher percentage of patients on peritoneal dialysis where dialysis is mostly private suggests that peritoneal dialysis is performed almost exclusively by the public sector. Without upsetting organizational models which are now well-established, incentivizing the strengthening and development of this process could grow PD in areas where it less well-represented as well, also because it has been seen that wherever dialysis is typically private ‒ as in the United States ‒ a more comprehensive reimbursement policy has led to only a modest improvement in the offering of PD [4].

The census certainly manages to provide information on the quality of treatment that the registry is not able to observe at all, above-all because the latter collects aggregate data. The only comparable data regards crude mortality rate, which is 12.1% in PD (16.9% in extracorporeal dialysis) in the 2021 registry report compared with 10.1 per 100 pts in the census, and these results are similar taking into account the different measurements (proportion in the registry, rate in the census). It should be underlined that rather than showing that PD is superior to hemodialysis in terms of survival, these data are an indication of the difference in the characteristics of the patients, as amply demonstrated in the literature and ‒ staying in Italy ‒ in the 1998-2015 Report of the Veneto Registry of Dialysis and Transplantation (6). While on the subject, it is interesting that the transplant rate among patients on PD is higher in small centers, which suggests that the choice is even more limited where peritoneal dialysis is performed less, making it the treatment of choice for those with fewer comorbidities.

A joint vision between PD census and RIDT makes it possible to compare different sources and validate their reliability, and to analyze different, yet integrated aspects of the epidemiology of kidney disease requiring replacement therapy in Italy while providing food for thought for the implementation of improvements in the interests of patients.



  1. (access on 02/15/2024).
  2. (access on 02/15/2024)
  3. (access on 02/15/2024)
  4. Register FederalAdvancing American Kidney Health.2019; 33879-33819
  5. United States Renal Data System. 2022 annual data report: epidemiology of kidney disease in the United States.
  6. 54-62 (access on 02/15/2024)

Role of the Opinions of the Nephrologist and Structural Factors in Dialysis Modality Selection. Results of a Peritoneal Dialysis Study Group Questionnaire


Background. The use of PD depends on economic, structural and organizational factors. The nephrologist’s opinion is that peritoneal dialysis is less used than it shold be. In Italy, PD is not carried out in private Centers, but neither is it in around one third of Public Centers. The aim of this study was to investigate the opinions of nephrologists on PD in Public Centers only, thereby nullifying the influence of the economic factors.
Materials and Methods. The investigation was carried out by means of an online questionnaire (Qs) via mail, and during meetings and Congresses in 2006-07. The Qs investigated the characteristics of the Centers, the nephrologists interviewed, and opinions on the various aspects of the choice of Renal Replacement Therapy Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT) (26 questions). Responses were received from 454 nephrologists in 270 public Centers. Among these, 205 centers (370 Qs) report PD (PD-YES), 36 (42 Qs) do not (PD-NO) and 29 (42 Qs) do not use it but send patients selected for PD to other Centers (PD-TRANSF).
Results. The PD-NO and PD-TRANSF Centers are significantly smaller, with greater availability of beds. In the PD-YES Centers the presence of a pre-dialysis pathway, early referral and nurses dedicated solely to PD are associated with a higher use of PD.
The nephrologists in the PD-NO Centers rate PD more negatively in terms of both clinical and non-clinical factors. The belief that more than 40% of patients can do either PD or HD differs among the nephrologists in the PD-YES (74.3%), PD-TRANSF (45.2%) and PD-NO (28.6%) Centers. Likewise, the belief that PD can be used as a first treatment in more than 30% of cases differs among the nephrologists in PD-YES (49.2%), PD-TRANSF (33.3%) and PD-NO (14.3%) Centers.
Conclusions. The use of PD in Public Centers is conditioned by both structural and organizational factors, and by the opinions of nephrologists on the use and effectiveness of the technique.



Graphical abstract


Keywords: Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, Modality selection, Physicians opinion, Chronic Kidney Disease


The use of peritoneal dialysis (PD) in the world is limited to a prevalence of approximately <10% [1]. It has long been known [2] how the use of PD in different countries depends on factors which are unrelated to the patient, such as the type of National Health System and the relationship between the public and private sectors in each single country, the reimbursements envisaged for hemodialysis (HD) and PD, the standard of material and social development, and the cost of labor compared with materials [25]. In the absence of financial and structural barriers, the use of PD can be influenced by other factors, such as the type of referral (early or late), the availability of structured educational programs for patients suffering from CKD, PD training during studies and the availability of assisted PD programs, but they presuppose a system which favors the method.

For Italy, a significant contribution to the understanding of the factors influencing the use of PD was made by the Census of the Italian Society of Nephrology (SIN) relating to the state of dialysis in Italy in 2004 [5], which showed that the factors negatively affecting the use of PD were the presence of private centers (which do not use PD), the number of stations available for HD compared to the number of patients on hemodialysis, and the small size of Centers (evaluated by the number of prevalent patients on dialysis). Even considering public Centers alone however, considerable variability was shown in the use of PD, with Centers of limited overall size but relatively extensive PD programs and large Centers without or with small PD programs. This variability suggested that there were other factors capable of influencing the use of PD, such as the so-called “opinion of the doctor”, the importance of which was highlighted by Hingwala [6].

The numerous papers [716] which have investigated the role of doctors in the choice of dialysis modality show a considerable discrepancy between their opinions – generally favorable – and the actual use of PD in their country, which is at times marginal. These papers often show selection bias, in that they are limited to Nephrologists who use PD in some way.

Objectives of the study

In order to investigate “the opinion of doctors on PD and modality selection” and any role this may have in the actual use of PD in a Center, in 2006-2007 what was then SIN’s Peritoneal Dialysis Study Group (GSDP) devised and carried out research – in the form of a questionnaire (Qs) – limited to Public Centers in order to reduce the influence as far as possible of economic factors on the results, but also involving the Centers which did not use PD.

The main aim of the study was to compare opinions relating to PD and modality selection by analyzing the perspective of Nephrologists who work in Centers which use and those which do not use PD.

As the situation relating to PD remains substantially the same 20 years since the first SIN Census, the current PD Project Group decided to attach the results of this survey – which was never published – to the analysis of the 2022 Census data, as besides remaining valid its depth of analysis and the number of Nephrologists involved make it quite unique.


Materials and methods

Recruitment of Centers

The study was carried out by means of an on-line questionnaire (Qs) submitted to all non-pediatric Public Dialysis Centers. Aimed at all the Nephrologists in the Center, the filling out of at least 1 per Center was strongly requested. The completion of the Qs took place between January and October 2007, and was incentivized during Congresses and Conferences held during the period. The results were presented partially at Congresses and Conferences at the time, but have never been published.

The list of dialysis Centers eligible for the research was taken from the SIN Census relating to 2004 [5] (2004-SIN-Cens). In short, the 2004-SIN-Cens had documented the presence in Italy of 658 Dialysis Centers. After excluding private and pediatric Centers, the questionnaire was sent to the remaining 346. However, 15 of these 346 Centers had “special statute” status (research Centers) and 6 had no patients on dialysis and were therefore not considered. So as for the 2004-SIN-Cens, the 325 public, non pediatric, ordinary status Centers with a dialysis – PD and HD – incidence of other than zero have been considered in this analysis. As regards the Nephrologists, only “structured” doctors have been considered in this analysis, excluding specialty trainee and attendant doctors.

Breakdown of Centers

The Centers which did not use PD and those which did had been divided in the 2004-SIN-Cens on the basis of a PD incidence of other than or equal to 0 respectively: it was not used in 116 Centers, and was used in 209. The Qs asked again whether or not the Center the interviewee belonged to had a PD program: of the 270 (83.1%) of the respondent Centers, 65 did not use PD. However, 6 of these 65 had been classified in 2004 as Centers using PD, while 13 of the 205 which stated they had a PD program had been classified in 2004 as Centers which did not use it. It is to be remembered that the 2004 classification had been based on PD incidence, a criterion which no longer seemed correct to us today. We therefore reclassified the 2004-SIN-Cens Centers taking account of the prevalence at 31/12/2004 as well, and comparing the data with those of the GSDP Census of 2005 [17], and subsequent years where necessary. Following this reclassification, the number of inconsistencies was reduced to 4 Centers which had terminated their PD programs, and 6 Centers which had started one after 2004.

In the discussion at the time furthermore, a situation had emerged which was more complex than a simple distinction between Centers which used and those which did not use PD. Indeed, some of the Centers not using PD sent patients with indication (clinical or by choice) for PD to other Centers. The Qs took this distinction – not considered in the 2004-SIN-Cens – into account by dividing the Centers into Centers which use PD (PD-YES Centers), Centers which do not use PD but send patients with indication for it to other Centers (PD-TRANSF Centers) and Centers which do not consider it at all (PD-NO Centers).

In conclusion, 270 of the 325 Centers considered took part in the research with at least 1 Qs. Of these, 205 were PD-YES Centers, 36 were PD-NO Centers and 29 were PD-TRANSF Centers. Of the 55 Centers which did not respond to the Qs, 11 had been classified in 2004 as PD-YES Centers and 44 as PD-NO Centers, although their status at the time of the survey is not actually known as they failed to respond to the Qs.

The study did not relate in any way to patients, only to doctors whose participation was voluntary.

The questionnaire and the fields of investigation

The Qs was composed of 26 questions divided into 2 parts. The first defined the characteristics of the Nephrologist interviewed and the Center in which they worked; the second investigated the opinions of the Nephrologist on the validity of PD and the factors which can influence modality selection.


Part 1

Characteristics of the Nephrologist

The characteristics of the Nephrologist considered were: 1) training received in PD – 2) actual experience with PD (none, occasional and discontinuous, continuous for less or more than 3 years) – 3) hierarchical role within the Center (head of department/department director, manager, resident doctor) – 4) time effectively dedicated to dialysis (none; <25%; 25-50%; 50-75%; >75% of working hours) and, on a scale of between 1 and 5 (where 1 is only HD, 3 HD and PD equally, 5 only PD), how much time is dedicated to HD and how much to PD – 5) involvement in the choice of dialysis modality (yes/no), and if yes with which tasks (information, clinical evaluation, psychosocial-aptitude evaluation) and the degree of any such involvement, also on a scale of from 1 (little) to 5 (a lot).

Characteristics of the Center

The characteristics of the Center considered were: 1) the existence of a structured dialysis modality selection program (educational and informative, as well as clinical) – 2) the activities performed by the PD nurses (pre-dialysis, day hospital, inpatients, HD) for the PD-YES Centers – 3) the percentage of early referral patients – 4) an opinion on the level of information received by early referral patients in their Center on the different dialysis modalities – 5) the professional roles involved in their Center in the choice of treatment (head of department, HD doctor, PD doctor, HD nurse, PD nurse, nurses with other functions, psychologist). For the last question, the interviewee also had to express an opinion on the weight the professionals involved in the choice of the method had on a scale of from 1 (negligible) to 5 (decisive). For the first three questions (existence of a structured dialysis modality selection program, activities performed by the PD nurses and percentage of early referrals), in the Centers in which more than one Nephrologist responded, the responses did not always match. In the event of disagreement, the value attributed to the Center was determined on a hierarchical scale (in order: response of the Director if available, of the department manager if available, of the doctor with greater involvement in dialysis activities and finally, if there was still no agreement, of the majority). As the percentage of early referrals is numerical, inconsistencies were excessive, so it was not considered in this analysis.

For the last two questions (information provided to patients and weight of the different professional roles in their Center), as the responses involve opinions more than objective values they were considered individually and not adjusted into one sole value per Center.


Part 2

This part was divided into three sub-groups of questions. The first investigated the opinion of the doctor on the general factors which can influence the choice of modality, including the validity of the method; the second the opinion on certain conditions – clinical and non-clinical – of the single patients; and the third PD drop-out and duration.

General NON patient-associated factors

The general factors the interviewee had to give a personal evaluation of were: 1) the weight, on a scale of from 1 (none) to 5 (decisive), the doctor, nurse, patient, family members and other patients on RRT have on the choice of treatment for patients without required indications/contraindications for HD or PD. This assessment was requested for both patients with and without barriers to self-care of the PD – 2) the percentage of PD considered optimal on a scale of from <10% to >50% – 3) if they feel conditioned in the choice of mdality by the risk of peritonitis – 4) a comparison of PD with HD in terms of both dialysis efficiency and survival – 5) how much the total cost of the treatment, a shortage of nurses, private centers in the vicinity, the limited size of the Center (number of prevalent patients on dialysis) and HD station occupancy rates can affect the choice on a scale of from 1 (greatly in favor of HD) to 5 (greatly in favor of PD) – 6) the weight that the following incentives can have on favoring the use of PD: financial reimbursement for the caregivers of patients with barriers who are not suitable for self-care of PD (assisted PD), the development of remote care technology (telemedicine), full-time (24H) nursing phone support for patients on PD, home nursing support for patients on PD, financial incentives for residential care homes to assist patients on PD. Opinions were expressed on a scale of from 1 (no weight) to 5 (considerable weight).

Patient-associated factors

This part investigated opinions on certain specific conditions of patients which can represent an indication or contraindication for PD. In detail: 1) the percentage of patients who are eligible for both modalities – 2) the role of clinical and non-clinical factors associated with the patient and listed in Table 1 (the interviewee had to express an opinion on each of the factors listed on a scale of from 1 to 5 according to the following criteria: 1 = high indication for HD; 2 = moderate indication for HD; 3 = indication for either HD or PD; 4 = moderate indication for PD; 5 = high indication for PD).

Congestive heart disease Motivation for self-care
Ischemic heart disease Between 65 and 75 years of age
Diabetes Age > 75 years
Obesity (BMI > 30) Not self-sufficient with caregiver available
Malnutrition (BMI < 20) Living alone
Diverticulosis spread beyond the sigma Body image in patients of < 50 years of age
Polycystic nephropathy Working activity
Flexibility in lifestyle and free time
Quality of life
Table 1. Clinical and non-clinical factors influencing the choice which participants were asked to give an opinion on.

Duration of PD / Drop Out

In this last section, the interviewee had to give an opinion on 1) the duration of the PD – 2) the annual percentage of drop out considered “physiological” – 3) if drop out to HD could be influenced by the number of patients being treated.


The responses were divided into the 3 types of Center, and compared using the chi-square method or non-parametric tests where indicated. The results were considered significant for p<0.05 up to 0.00001.



Participant Centers and nephrologists

Overall the Qs was completed by 454 Nephrologists in 270 Centers (83.1% of the 325 public Centers considered) with a mean participation of 1.68 Nephrologists per Center, which was higher in the PD-YES Centers (Table 2). The percentage of responses in the PD-YES Centers (205 Centers out of 216 = 94.9%) was significantly higher than in the other Centers (65 Centers out of 109 = 59.6%) (p<0.00001). Of the Centers which do not use PD, 29 send patients to other Centers. The number and percentages of Centers which responded and of completed Qs are given in Table 2 and in Figure 1.

Centers (2004-SIN-Cens)* 209 116 325
Qs-Centers ** 216 109 325
Qs-participant Centers *** 205 29 36 270
Nephrologists 370 42 42 454
Qs per Center 1,80 1,45 1,17 1,68
Table 2. At least one nephrologist responded to the Qs in 270 of the 325 Public Centers resulting from the 2004 SIN Census. The participation in the Census was significantly higher in the Centers using PD.
* Centers (2004-SIN-Cens) shows the breakdown of Centers as per the 2004 SIN Census (5). The distinction within the 116 public Centers not using PD of a sub-group of Centers which “rely” on other Centers for PD was not considered at the time. It is to be remembered that this classification was based on the use of PD for incident patients. The breakdown of Centers in the Qs is slightly different for the reasons given under Materials and Methods.
** “Qs Centers” are the Centers reclassified according to the criteria given under Materials and Methods
*** “Qs participant Centers” are the Centers which took part in the survey with at least 1 questionnaire completed
Participation in the survey of Centers with at least 1 Qs completed.
Figure 1. Participation in the survey of Centers with at least 1 Qs completed. In the middle, the division of the 325 non pediatric, ordinary status public Centers. On the right, Qs respondents in the 216 Centers using PD, and on the left in the 109 not using it.

Table 3 (represented in Figure 3) gives the characteristics of the 270 participant Centers taken from the 2004 SIN Census data. HD bed occupancy and Center size (HD + PD patients) were higher (p<0.0001) in the PD-YES Centers than in the others, while there are significant differences between the PD-NO and PD-TRANSF Centers (Qs-YES in Table 3). The comparison with the Centers which did not respond was significantly different (Qs-NO in Table 3 and in Figure 2).

ALL NO 109 11,9±9,4 50,0±35,3 2,9±0,9
YES 216 28,7±18,4 116,1±65,9 3,4±0,8
Qs YES NO 36 11,4±7,4 48,9±29,9 3,0±1,0
TRASF 29 11,7±9,9 54,4±36,5 2,9±0,7
YES 205 28,9±18,5 116,6±65,8 3,4±0,8
    p<0,0001 p<0,0001 p<0,0001
Qs NO NO 44 12,5±10,6 47,8±39 2,9±1,0
YES 11 25,6±16,1 106,9±69,4 3,4±0,8
Table 3. General characteristics (taken from the 2004-SIN-Cens) of the 270 Centers which responded to the Qs (Qs-YES) and the 55 Centers which did not respond (Qs-NO). The comparison was significant between PD-YES Centers and PD-NO and PD-TRANSF Centers, but not between PD-NO and PD-TRANSF Centers or between Qs-YES and Qs-NO.
verall dialysis (HD + PD) incidence and prevalence, and HD prevalent patients per HD bed or station.
Figure 2. Overall dialysis (HD + PD) incidence and prevalence, and HD prevalent patients per HD bed or station. The data are broken down into PD-YES Centers and Centers which do not use PD (NO), in this case whether they do not consider PD or they transfer candidates for PD to other Centers. The same variables have been considered for all the Centers (ALL) and comparing the Centers which took part in the survey (Qs YES) or did not (Qs NO). For those which did take part, the NO Centers have been divided between those which transfer (TRANSF) and those which do not consider PD at all (NO). This distinction was clearly not possible for the Centers which did not respond. As can be seen, among the Centers which took part there was no difference between the PD-NO and PD-TRANSF Centers. The data are as reported in the 2004-SIN-Cens, so they relate to the year 2004.

Dividing the Centers by size and percentage of use of PD (Table 4) at 31/12/2004, though having an extensive dialysis program 17.5% of the Centers do not use PD or use it in less than 10% of patients, while 13.8% of Centers use it in a significant percentage of patients even though they are small in size. As regards the 4 Italian macro areas they belong to, analysis of the 2004-SIN-Cens data had shown how the use of PD was lower in the regions with a higher number of private Centers. The smaller size of the public Centers in these regions was also attributable to the presence of private Centers. Although the relationship between size and use of PD remains, the Centers using PD in the SOUTH are smaller, but with a higher percentage of patients on PD, which is likely to be compensation for the effect of private Centers and the greater number of Centers not using PD. These observations are summarized in Table 5 and Figure 2. The geographical breakdown of the Centers which took part in the Qs is shown in Figure 4.

At the time of the survey, reclassification was not possible due to not having the 2007 prevalence data, so the only variable considered remains the type of Center as defined above.

0 <10% 10-<20% ≥20%
CENTERS 102 74 76 73
PATIENTS ON DIALYSIS ≤45 81 18.2 3.4 1.8 1.5
46-80 83 7.7 7.4 4.3 6.2
81-130 80 4.3 5.8 6.5 8.0
>130 81 1.2 6.2 10.8 6.8
Table 4. Breakdown of Centers by size (quartiles of the total number of patients on dialysis per Center) and percentage prevalence of PD at 31/12/2004.
CENTERS (number) 116 72 93 44 325
HD (prevalent pts) 13,951 5,509 4,911 1,959 26,330
PD (prevalent pts) 2,368 785 761 286 4,200
SIZE (PTS/CENTER) 140.7 87.4 61.0 51.0 93.9
% PD 14.5 12.5 13.4 12.7 13.8
PD-NO/PD-TRANSF CENTERS 17 26 38 21 102
% of ALL Centers 14.7 36.1 40.9 47.7 31.4
HD (prevalent pts) 1,432 1,479 1,214 813 4,938
PD (prevalent pts) 0 0 0 0 0
SIZE (PTS/CENTER) 84.2 56.9 31.9 38.7 48.4
% PD 0 0 0 0 0
PD-YES CENTERS 99 46 55 23 223
% of ALL Centers 85.3 63.9 59.1 52.3 68.6
HD (prevalent pts) 12,519 4,030 3,697 1,146 21,392
PD (prevalent pts) 2,368 785 761 286 4,200
SIZE (PTS/CENTER) 150.4 104.7 81.1 62.3 95.9
% PD 15.9 16.3 17.1 20.0 16.4
Table 5. Characteristics of Centers divided by geographical macro area and distinguishing between the Centers not using PD (PD-NO and PD-TRANSF were not separate in the 2004-SIN-Cens) and those using it (PD-YES). The data are taken from the 2004-SIN-Cens and therefore refer to 2004 and not to the time of the survey (2007).
Breakdown of the 325 Centers in Italy into 4 macro areas as defined by ISTAT
Figure 3. Breakdown of the 325 Centers in Italy into 4 macro areas as defined by ISTAT (NORTH = Valle d’Aosta, Piemonte, Lombardia, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Liguria – CENTER = Toscana, Marche, Umbria, Lazio – SOUTH = Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia, Campania, Basilicata, Calabria – ISLANDS = Sicily, Sardinia). On the left (A), the average size of the Centers and the percentage PD prevalence (substantially similar). In the middle (B) at the top, the percentage of Centers not using PD (in black) and at the bottom the average size of the Centers that use (grey) and do not use PD (black). As can be seen, the Centers not using PD are always smaller than those using it in the same macro area, but with a gradual reduction from the NORTH to the ISLANDS. So though the principle that the smaller the Center the less PD is used is valid, it can be seen on the right (C) that when only the Centers using PD are considered, those in the SOUTH and ISLANDS use it more even though they are smaller.

Figure 4. Breakdown of the 325 Centers in Italy into 4 macro areas. On the left (A), the 270 Centers which took part, and on the right (B) the 325 eligible Centers. Qs-YES and Qs-NO refer to the Centers which took part in the survey (with at least 1 respondent) and those which did not.



Characteristics of the Nephrologists

The general characteristics of the Nephrologists taking part are shown in Table 6. There are no significant differences between the 3 types of Center as regards gender (2/3 male) or age (superimposable), while the geographical area where the Center of the interviewee is based (p<0.0001) reflects the distribution of the Centers and the use of PD, which had already been analyzed in the 2004-SIN-Cens (Figures 2 and 3) [5].


(type, number)

(years ± DS)






PD-NO 36 42 38,1 50,8±6,4 14,3 26,2 31,0 28,6
PD-TRANSF 29 42 33,3 51,0±5,4 7,1 7,1 47,6 38,1
PD-YES 205 370 34,1 51,2±6,8 46,5 18,1 19,7 15,7
ALL 270 454 34,4 51,2±6,6 39,9 17,8 23,3 18,9
Table 6. General characteristics of the 454 Nephrologists who responded to the Qs.

Hierarchical role. As regards the hierarchical role of the interviewees, 20.9% hold a top position (Director, Head of Department, Operating Unit manager), 19.6% Department manager (likely to be, but not necessarily, in PD). Specialty trainee and non-resident attending doctors – at the time only present in University Centers – were not considered in this analysis. With regard to the Centers, taking part in 29.3% of cases was the Director/Head or Manager of the Nephrology and Dialysis Operating Unit, in 23.3% of cases the Sub-Department Manager, and in 5.9% both (Table 7). Overall therefore, the Director and/or a Sub-Department Manager took part in 58.5% of the Centers.

Table 7 also shows the age and gender according to different hierarchical roles.

HEAD OF DEPT. 95 20.9 38.1 28.6 18.1 53.3±5.7 11.6
SUB-DEPT. MAN. 89 19.6 7.1 14.3 21.6 53.5±4.2 30.3
RESIDENT 270 59.5 54.8 57.1 60.3 48.6±6.3 43.7
ALL 42 42 370 51.2±6.6 34.4
p<0.01 p<0.00001 p<0.00001
Table 7. Hierarchical role of the 454 participants in the survey.

Training and experience. The majority stated that they had received no or insufficient preparation for PD (score “1” or “2”) during their studies.

Interestingly, the percentage of Nephrologists with no or little preparation for PD (sum of the “None”, “1”, “2” percentages given in Table 8) increases significantly from the PD-NO Centers (38.0%) to the PD-TRANSF Centers (47.5%), and reaching 57.6% in the PD-YES Centers (Table 8 and Figure 5-A).

Vice versa, and in this case as expected, their experience with PD (Table 9) is unsurprisingly significantly greater and with continuity in the PD-YES Centers than the others. In particular, more than 3 years experience with PD had been acquired by 16.7% of the Nephrologists in the PD-NO Centers, by 26.2% in the PD-TRANSF Centers and by 65.1% in the PD-YES Centers (Table 9) (Figure 5-B).

Insufficient                                 Suitable for managing
None 1 2 3 4 5
PD-NO 19.0 7.1 11.9 28.6 11.9 21.4
PD-TRANSF 33.3 7.1 7.1 21.4 14.3 16.7
PD-YES 39.5 7.3 10.8 15.1 8.9 18.4
ALL 37.0 7.3 10.6 17.0 9.7 18.5
Table 8. Preparation received on PD while studying.
None Discontinuous <3 years >3 years
PD-NO 40.5 26.2 16.7 16.7
PD-TRANSF 35.7 19.0 19.0 26.2
PD-YES 6.5 20.3 8.1 65.1
ALL 12.3 20.7 9.9 57.0
Table 9. Experience of the 454 participants gained with PD (p<0.0001).
Characteristics of the Nephrologists who took part in the study.
Figure 5. Characteristics of the Nephrologists who took part in the study. A. Training in PD received during the course of their studies (interestingly, the percentage of those who received no training increases from the PD-NO Centers to the PD-YES Centers). B. Experience of more than 3 years with PD of the 454 Nephrologists interviewed by hierarchical role.

Working activity. As regards their area of work, practically all the interviewees (97.0%) handled dialysis. In detail, more than 50% of their working hours were spent on it by 71.4% of those in PD-NO Centers, 76.2% in PD-TRANSF Centers and 64.4% in PD-YES Centers.

While dialysis can be considered as focused only on HD in the Centers which do not use PD, in the PD-YES Centers the percentage of those working mainly or exclusively with PD is 28.6% (106 of 370 Nephrologists), with 18.6% (69 of 370 Nephrologists) dedicating more than 50% of their working time (Table 10).

0 < 25% 26 – 50% 51 – 75% > 75%
NO 0 0 28.6 26.2 45.2
TRANSF 0 11.9 11.9 21.4 54.8
SI 3.0 10.0 22.7 29.5 34.9
only HD 1.4 0.3 1.1 4.6
mainly HD 1.9 3.5 4.6 7.0
HD and PD 4.3 11.4 14.3 14.1
mainly PD 1.1 4.6 6.5 5.4
only PD 1.4 3.0 3.0 3.8
ALL 2.4 9.3 22.2 28.4 37.7
Table 10. Engagement with dialysis – the differences between the three types of Center are not significant. The modality the Nephrologist is involved with clearly only regards the PD-YES Centers.

Engagement in the choice of dialysis modality. Overall, 94.7% (430 interviewees) feel involved in the dialysis modality choice process, with no significant differences between the 3 types of Center (Table 11) either in the extent of their involvement (on a scale of from 1, “little”, to 5, “a lot”: PD-NO 3.7±1.1; PD-NO-TRANSF 4.2 ± 1.2; PD-YES 3.7 ± 1.4; p = NS).

With regard to the 3 aspects of the selection process (information, clinical assessment and aptitude assessment), most of the doctors in the Centers not using PD feel involved in the information (Table 11). Considering only the interviewees involved in the information process, checking the content of the information shows how 42.1% of those in PD-NO Centers say they provide information on both modalities. Although this is lower than the 75.0% in PD-TRANSF Centers and the 84.5% in PD-YES Centers, it was not expected as the percentage relates to Centers which do not use PD and do not send any possible candidates for PD to other Centers (Figure 6). The number of activities performed in the choice process is shown in Table 12.

Not involved Information Clinical Aptitude
PD-NO 2.4 90.5 28.6 28.6
PD-TRANSF 4.8 85.7 59.5 52.4
PD-YES 5.7 73.2 78.9 68.4
ALL 5.3 76.0 72.5 63.2
Table 11. Engagement in the dialysis modality selection process. The differences between the three types of Center are not significant for the percentage of those involved in some way, but neither are they with regard to the degree to which they feel involved in this aspect. Significant, on the other hand, are the differences as regards the method of involvement (information, clinical assessment and social-aptitude assessment). Meanwhile, the different level of engagement in the three activities is to be expected: it is only natural that there is a negligible level of clinical assessment for indications and contraindications for PD in the Centers not using PD, and even more so aptitude assessment.
CENTERS 0 1 2 3
PD-NO 2.4 69.0 7.1 21.4
PD-TRANSF 4.8 40.5 7.1 47.6
PD-YES 5.7 23.0 16.5 54.9
ALL 5.3 28.9 14.8 51.1
24 131 67 232
DEGREE 0 3.7±1.2 3.8±1.0 4.1±1.1
Table 12. Engagement in the choice of dialysis modality. The numbers show the activities performed in the modality selection process. These activities are information, clinical assessment and social-aptitude assessment. As can be seen, 51.1% (mainly in the PD-YES Centers) say they are involved in all 3 activities with a medium-high level of engagement.
Involvement in dialysis modality selection.
Figure 6. Involvement in dialysis modality selection. A. Percentages of the 430 interviewees involved in the THREE areas of evaluation (information on the methods available, clinical and social-aptitude evaluation) – B. For the 345 Nephrologists involved in information, the modality(ies) illustrated by the interviewee to the patient. As can be seen, more than 40% of the Nephrologists in the PD-NO Centers say they also provide information on PD.

Characteristics of their Centers

The responses to this part of the survey can in some cases be considered opinions, as will be specified in the individual aspects. For some questions, in some Centers in which more than one Nephrologist took part conflicting assessments emerge between the Nephrologists in the same Center. These cases were resolved as reported under Materials and Methods.

Dialysis modality selection pathway. The existence of a pre-dialysis pathway increases from 47.2% in PD-NO Centers and 55.2% in PD-TRANSF Centers to 73.2% in the 205 PD-YES Centers (p<0.00005) (Figure 7). Of the 97 Centers with more than one Qs, the response of all the participants in 61 Centers (62.9% – 3.1 Qs per Center) is in agreement, while in the remaining 36 Centers (37.1% – 2.6 Qs per Center) there is at least one response which is not in agreement with the other Nephrologists in the same Center. In 6 of these 36 Centers, the response of the head of department or department manager is not in agreement with that of the majority; in particular, in 1 case for the Head of Department/Director there is no pathway while the majority confirm there is, with the opposite in 5 cases.

 Presence of a structured pathway
Figure 7. Presence of a structured pathway (with dedicated personnel and a pre-defined assessment program) in the different types of Center.

Other activities performed by the PD nurse. Of the 205 Centers performing PD, the nurse is dedicated exclusively to PD in just 26 (12.7%), while for the activities considered (pre-dialysis, day hospital activities, inpatients and HD) the PD nurse is responsible for 1, 2, 3 and all 4 in 45.4% (93 centers), 28.8% (59 centers), 10.7% (22 centers) and 2.4% (5 centers) respectively of the remaining 244 Centers (Figure 8). The main activity the PD nurse is engaged in is Pre-dialysis (Figure 8). The size of the PD program is inversely proportional to the number of “other activities” (Figure 9).

Other activities carried out by the nurses who are involved with PD.
Figure 8. Other activities carried out by the nurses who are involved with PD. The data obviously refer to the 205 PD-YES Centers. A. Number of other activities performed (the nurses are exclusively dedicated to PD in only 13% of the Centers). B. Type of activity carried out as a proportion of “other activities”.
The number of “other activities” performed by PD nurses increases as the patients treated with PD reduces
Figure 9. The number of “other activities” performed by PD nurses increases as the patients treated with PD reduces. Obviously the chart can also be read in reverse: the higher the number of other activities performed, the lower the number of patients on PD.

Completeness of the information provided to patients (opinion). Incident HD patients are adequately informed on HD, but not on PD in all three types of Center, though as regards the latter the level improves from the PD-NO Centers to the PD-YES Centers (Table 13). For incident PD patients, the level of information on the two methods is equivalent (not considering, obviously, the PD-NO Centers). The result does not change when the responses given by doctors involved in dialysis activities for more than 50% of their working time are considered.

NO 4.4 2.8
NO-TRANS 4.4 3.3 3.0 3.2
YES 4.2 3.7 4.3 4.7
ALL 4.2 3.6 4.0 4.3
N.S. p<0.00005 p<0.00001 p<0.00001
Table 13. Information provided to early referral incident patients.

Influence of different healthcare practitioners in the choice of modality (opinion). The healthcare practitioners considered as having a decisive role in their Center in the choice remain the head of department and the HD doctor for all Centers, while the PD doctor and nurse only have influence in the PD-YES Centers (Figure 10). For the psychologist, the response (some weight only in the PD-YES Centers) depends clearly on the availability of this service, confirming the presence in the PD-YES Centers of a more well-structured pre-dialysis pathway. The Head of Department is recognized as having a decisive role, even though the weight attributed depends on the role of the interviewee (Figure 11).

Opinion on the weight (from left to right) of the Head of
Figure 10. Opinion on the weight (from left to right) of the Head of Department (Director or Operating Unit Manager), the HD Doctor, the PD Doctor, a Doctor not involved with Dialysis, the HD nurse, the PD nurse, a Nurse not directly involved with Dialysis and lastly the Psychologist. The differences relating to PD Doctor and Nurse are as expected, as is the superimposable opinion between PD-NO and PD-TRANSF Centers. The interviewees in all the three types of Center agree on the role of the Head of Department.
Opinion on the role of the Head of Department in the choice depending on the role of the interviewee
Figure 11. Opinion on the role of the Head of Department in the choice depending on the role of the interviewee (Head of Department, Sub-department Manager or resident doctor). The weight is expressed as the mean (± DS) of the weight score attributed by the three professionals to the Head of Department (scores from 0 – no weight – to 5, decisive).



General non patient-dependent factors

Weight of different parties, including patient and family members (opinion) in self-sufficient and NON self-sufficient patients. Overall (considering all 3 types of Center together), the “weight” attributed to the doctor and nurse is the same whether the patient is self-sufficient or not. As expected, the “weight” attributed to the patient is greater when the patient is self-sufficient, while for those who are not self-sufficient the family member’s opinion is even more important than that of the doctor (Figure 12). The role of other patients is less important, and minimal for non self-sufficient patients.

Differences in the type of Center they belong to are highlighted in the opinion expressed on the importance of the nurse, patient and family members in the choice of modality (Figure 13) (Figure 14). For self-sufficient patients all three of these are assigned a significantly greater role by the interviewees in the PD-YES Centers than in the other Centers. For NON self-sufficient patients, the difference between PD-YES Centers and the others only relates to the nurse and family member (Figure 14).

Overall opinion (all Centers) on the role that the main professionals
Figure 12. Overall opinion (all Centers) on the role that the main professionals involved have in dialysis modality selection in patients who are self-sufficient or need a caregiver for PD. The value is the mean score (in this case the scale is from 1 – absent or irrelevant – to 5, decisive).
Opinion by type of Center on the weight the main professionals involved have in dialysis modality selection
Figure 13. Opinion by type of Center on the weight the main professionals involved have in dialysis modality selection in self-sufficient patients. The value is the mean score (in this case the scale is from 1 – absent or irrelevant – to 5, decisive).
Figure 14. Opinion by type of Center on the weight the main professionals involved have in dialysis modality
Figure 14. Opinion by type of Center on the weight the main professionals involved have in dialysis modality selection in NON self-sufficient patients (need for a caregiver for PD). The value is the mean score (in this case the scale is from 1 – absent or irrelevant – to 5, decisive).

Optimal percentage of PD. The responses relating to the percentage considered optimal confirm the importance of the type of Center in which the Nephrologist works (Table 14). Those working in Centers which do not use PD express significantly lower percentages as optimal for the use of PD compared to the others. The percentage does not change when only the 350 Nephrologists spending more than 50% of their time on dialysis and heads of department are considered (Figure 15).

=< 10 21.4 2.4 0.3
between 11 and 20 28.6 31.0 19.5
21 – 30 35.7 33.3 31.1
31 – 40 7.1 11.9 28.6
41 – 50 7.1 21.4 13.8
> 50 0.0 0.0 6.8
Table 14. Evaluation of the percentage of patients on dialysis with PD considered optimal (p<0.00001).
Optimal percentage use of PD according to Nephrologists in the different types of Center.
Figure 15. Optimal percentage use of PD according to Nephrologists in the different types of Center. In B, only the 350 Nephrologists with high involvement in dialysis (more than 50% of work time dedicated to dialysis) are considered. There are no significant differences between A and B.

 Fear of peritonitis. Of the 454 interviewees, 24 were not considered because they are not involved in any way in the modality selection process. Being conditioned by a fear of peritonitis is referred to by 48.8%, 19.5% and 15.5% respectively of the Nephrologists in PD-NO, PD-TRANSF and PD-YES Centers (Table 15). Considering only those with more than 3 years of experience with PD, the difference is not more significant, but the limited number of interviewees with >3 years experience in the PD-NO and PD-TRANSF Centers (a total of 16 out of 82), intriguing though it may be, does not allow for the drawing of certain conclusions in this regard, while in the PD-YES Centers there is no significant difference between those who have more or less than 3 years of experience in PD (Figure 16).

NO 21 32 295
YES 20 8 54
Table 15. The fear of peritonitis diminishes from the PD-NO Centers (48.8%) to the PD-TRANSF (20.0%) and PD-YES Centers (15.5%).
 Influence of the fear of peritonitis in the choice process,
Figure 16. Influence of the fear of peritonitis in the choice process, considering only the 430 Nephrologists involved in the choice. A. All participants – B. Breakdown by having less or more than 3 years experience.

Validity of the method: adequacy. Table 16 gives the percentages of the different opinions expressed by the interviewees on the validity of clearance adequacy in PD compared to HD. The majority of PD-NO Centers consider it to be lower, while in the PD-TRANSF and PD-YES Centers the majority considered it to be the same or superior (Figure 17). The result does not change if only the interviewees with a high level of involvement in the modality selection pathway are considered.

NO 57.1 40.5 2.4 45.2 47.6 7.1
TRANSF 35.7 45.2 19.0 21.4 54.8 23.8
YES 25.7 61.4 13.0 14.1 64.9 21.1
ALL 29.5 57.9 12.6 17.6 62.3 20.0
Table 16. Evaluation of the validity of PD compared to HD. Both are evaluated in a significantly different way in the three types of Center (dialysis adequacy p<0.0005 – survival p<0.00002).
Figure 17. Evaluation of dialysis adequacy in PD compared to HD.
Figure 17. Evaluation of dialysis adequacy in PD compared to HD.

Validity of the method: survival. The results for survival are similar to those for adequacy, though less marked (Table 16) (Figure 17). The majority of participants believe it to be the same in all three types of Center, but only a few fewer in the PD-NO Centers believe it to be worse (47.6% the same – 45.2% worse). The opposite is true in the PD-YES Centers (64.9% the same – 14.1% worse) and in between in the NO-TRANSF Centers (54.8% the same – 28.1% worse). The result does not change when only the 300 interviewees with high involvement in dialysis are considered (lower survival rate – NO = 43.3% – TRANSF = 21.9% – YES = 13.0% – same survival rate – NO = 53.3% – TRANSF = 50.0% – YES = 64.3%)

Structural factors conditioning the use of PD. Of the 5 factors considered (cost, shortage of nurses, closeness to private Centers, limited overall size of Center, excess HD beds) the majority in all three types of Center agree that private Centers in the vicinity, limited size of Center and excess HD beds are factors favoring HD (Table 17) (Figures 18, 19). The majority belonging to PD-NO Centers do not consider cost to be an important factor, while in the PD-TRANSF and PD-YES Centers they consider it an indication for PD. This difference in opinion on costs is no longer significant when only the highly-involved Nephrologists are considered. The opinion expressed on the shortage of nurses as a conditioning factor is similar: the majority (38.1%) in the PD-NO Centers consider it a deciding factor, while in the TRANSF and YES Centers (61.9% and 66.8% respectively) it is considered an indication for PD, both overall and by just Nephrologists with high involvement in dialysis. In the PD-NO Centers however, more than a quarter of the interviewees (26.1%) consider it an indication for HD.

  1 2 3 4 5
COST (p<0.05)
NO 4.8 4.8 59.5 23.8 7.1
TRANSF 7.1 4.8 28.6 33.3 26.2
YES 3.0 3.8 36.2 26.8 30.3
ALL 3.5 4.0 37.7 27.1 27.8
NO 11.9 14.3 38.1 26.2 9.5
TRANSF 14.3 7.1 16.7 42.9 19.0
YES 3.0 5.7 24.6 33.8 33.0
ALL 4.8 6.6 25.1 33.9 29.5
NO 47.6 14.3 38.1 0.0 0.0
TRANSF 28.6 19.0 42.9 7.1 2.4
YES 33.5 12.2 43.5 5.4 5.4
ALL 34.4 13.0 43.0 5.1 4.6
NO 28.6 23.8 31.0 14.3 2.4
TRANSF 33.3 9.5 35.7 14.3 7.1
YES 18.1 22.4 35.7 14.1 9.7
ALL 20.5 21.4 35.2 14.1 8.8
NO 54.8 16.7 23.8 2.4 2.4
TRANSF 38.1 19.0 28.6 7.1 7.1
YES 36.2 17.6 33.5 6.2 6.5
ALL 38.1 17.6 32.2 5.9 6.2
Table 17. Evaluation, as indication for PD or HD, of the structural factors given in the Table. If only the interviewees (300) with high involvement in the choice process (data not shown) are considered, the difference regarding the opinion between the three types of Center on cost is no longer significant.
Overall evaluation (454 Nephrologists) of indication for PD or HD
Figure 18. Overall evaluation (454 Nephrologists) of indication for PD or HD for each of the structural factors reported above on a scale of from 1 to 5.
Evaluation of indication for PD or HD
Figure 19. Evaluation of indication for PD or HD for each of the structural factors reported above on a scale of from 1 to 5. Participants have been divided by the type of Center they belong to.

Possible incentives for PD. The majority of interviewees (Figure 20) (Table 18) judge all 5 incentives considered positively. Analysis by type of Center shows significant differences regarding financial support for assisted PD, telemedicine and the application of financial incentives for residential care homes willing to manage PD: financial support for assisted PD and residential care homes is warmly supported by those belonging to PD-TRANSF and PD-YES Centers, and telemedicine by the PD-NO Centers (Figure 21).

from no importance (1) to considerable weight (5)
  1 2 3 4 5
NO 33.3 16.7 16.7 21.4 11.9
TRANSF 14.3 4.8 28.6 26.2 26.2
YES 4.9 6.8 15.4 28.4 44.6
ALL 8.4 7.5 16.7 27.5 39.9
NO 7.1 7.1 14.3 54.8 16.7
TRANSF 2.4 7.1 31.0 31.0 28.6
YES 11.1 17.0 26.2 25.9 19.7
ALL 9.9 15.2 25.6 29.1 20.3
NO 2.4 4.8 14.3 57.1 21.4
TRANSF 0.0 7.1 16.7 38.1 38.1
YES 3.2 9.2 17.0 34.1 36.5
ALL 2.9 8.6 16.7 36.6 35.2
NO 4.8 4.8 16.7 40.5 33.3
TRANSF 0.0 2.4 14.3 38.1 45.2
YES 2.4 3.8 9.7 29.5 54.6
ALL 2.4 3.7 10.8 31.3 51.8
NO 7.1 4.8 28.6 42.9 16.7
TRANSF 2.4 7.1 19.0 33.3 38.1
YES 3.5 4.9 10.8 26.5 54.3
ALL 3.7 5.1 13.2 28.6 49.3
Table 18. Evaluation of the weight that the incentives for PD given in the Table have on the choice for PD according to Nephrologists by type of Center.
Figure 20. Opinion of the effectiveness
Figure 20. Opinion of the effectiveness of various initiatives generally considered to be incentives for PD: financial support for Caregivers in assisted PD; telemedicine; 24H nurse phone support; home nurse support; financial support for residential care facilities willing to accept and manage patients on PD. All interviewees (454 Nephrologists).
Opinion of Nephrologists of the effectiveness of various initiatives generally considered to be incentives for PD
Figure 21. Opinion of Nephrologists of the effectiveness of various initiatives generally considered to be incentives for PD divided by the type of Center they belong to.

General patient-dependent factors

Together these represent the most common clinical and social-aptitude indications and contraindications to PD which are normally evaluated during the pre-dialysis process.

Percentage of patients with no conditioning. The percentage of early referral patients who are free to choose between HD and PD is evaluated in a significantly different way depending on the type of Center a nephrologist belongs to (Table 19). In particular, while it is believed to be less than 50% of incident patients for 92.8% of interviewees in the PD-NO Centers, 47.6% in the PD-YES Centers believe it to be more than 50% (Figure 22), with the result not changing taking into account only the 300 interviewees with high involvement in dialysis (96.7% and 48.3% respectively).

≤40% 40-50% 50-60% 60-70% ≥70%
NO 71.4 21.4 4.8 0.0 2.4
NO-TRANSF 54.8 23.8 9.5 4.8 7.1
YES 25.7 26.8 21.1 14.1 12.4
ALL 32.6 26.0 18.5 11.9 11.0
Table 19. Percentage of patients free to choose dialysis modality (p<0.00001).
Opinion of the percentage of total incident patients in dialysis with no clinical or social conditioning
Figure 22. Opinion of the percentage of total incident patients in dialysis with no clinical or social conditioning and therefore able to choose either PD or HD.

Particular clinical conditions. Figure 23 compares the assessments given by those belonging to NO and TRANSF Centers considered together (82 interviewees) with those belonging to YES Centers (370 interviewees), considering together high or moderate indication for HD (responses 1 and 2) and PD (responses 4 and 5). On ischemic heart disease, malnutrition and diverticulosis, the responses – indication for PD for CAD and contraindication for PD for BMI<20 and diverticulosis spread beyond the sigma – do not differ significantly between the different types of Center. Opposite evaluations, on the other hand, were given by the majority of the interviewees for heart failure (indication for the PD-YES Centers and contraindication or indifferent for the PD-NO/TRANSF Centers) and polycystic nephropathy (contraindication for the PD-NO/TRANSF Centers and indifferent for the PD-YES Centers) (Figure 24). With regard to Type 2 DM, the proportion among those in the PD-NO/TRANSF Centers who expressed indifference or consider it an indication for PD (indifferent 41.7% – indication 35.7%) is higher than among those belonging to the PD-YES Centers (indifferent 52.4% – indication 21.9%). For obesity too, which is considered by over 75% in both groups to be a contraindication for PD, indifference is higher in the NO/TRANSF Centers (17.9% vs 8.4%). The difference between NO and TRANSF Centers was only significant with regard to Polycystic nephropathy (Figure 24); for all the other conditions the differences in evaluation between NO and TRANSF Centers were not significant.

The results for all three types of Center with the responses on a scale of from 1 to 5 are given in detail in Table 20.

1 2 3 4 5
NO 28.6 14.3 16.7 33.3 7.1
TRANSF 23.8 14.3 19.0 31.0 11.9
YES 11.1 10.8 17.6 29.2 31.4
ALL 13.9 11.5 17.6 29.7 27.3
NO 14.3 7.1 26.2 45.2 7.1
TRANSF 2.4 4.8 21.4 52.4 19.0
YES 1.6 5.4 30.0 38.9 24.1
ALL 2.9 5.5 28.9 40.7 22.0
DIABETES (p<0.01)
NO 14.3 11.9 47.6 23.8 2.4
TRANSF 7.1 11.9 35.7 31.0 14.3
YES 5.1 20.5 52.4 15.9 5.9
ALL 6.2 18.9 50.4 18.1 6.4
OBESITY – BMI>30 kg/m² (N.S.)
NO 57.1 16.7 21.4 4.8 0.0
TRANSF 50.0 33.3 14.3 0.0 2.4
YES 52.4 35.1 8.4 3.2 0.8
ALL 52.6 33.3 10.1 3.1 0.9
MALNUTRITION – BMI<20 kg/m² (p<0.05)
NO 38.1 14.3 9.5 35.7 2.4
TRANSF 31.0 23.8 19.0 14.3 11.9
YES 24.1 23.2 25.7 19.7 7.3
ALL 26.0 22.5 23.6 20.7 7.3
NO 57.1 16.7 21.4 0.0 4.8
TRANSF 66.7 19.0 7.1 2.4 4.8
YES 41.9 35.9 17.3 3.5 1.4
ALL 45.6 32.6 16.7 3.1 2.0
APKD (p<0.00001)
NO 35.7 23.8 35.7 0.0 4.8
TRANSF 50.0 33.3 11.9 0.0 4.8
YES 15.4 25.7 50.3 5.9 2.7
ALL 20.5 26.2 45.4 4.8 3.1
Table 20. Detailed evaluation of the single clinical factors (in percentages) on which the opinion of the Nephrologists was requested.
Evaluation of the main clinical factors which can condition the choice of modality.
Figure 23. Evaluation of the main clinical factors which can condition the choice of modality. 1. «CHF» Congestive heart failure; 2. «CAD» Ischemic heart disease; 3. «DM» type 2 Diabetes Mellitus; 4. «BMI>30» Obesity; 5. «BMI<20» Malnutrition; 6. «Diverticulosis», understood as diverticulosis spread beyond the sigma; 7. «ADPKD» Polycystic nephropathy. NOTE – The interviewees in the NO and TRANSF Centers (82) were considered together and compared with those of the PD-YES Centers (370).
Polycystic nephropathy and congestive heart failure in the opinion of the interviewees divided by type of Center.
Figure 24. Polycystic nephropathy and congestive heart failure in the opinion of the interviewees divided by type of Center.

Particular social conditions (NON-clinical factors associated with the patient). Figure 25 and Figure 26 compare the assessments given by those belonging to NO and TRANSF Centers considered together (82 interviewees) with those belonging to YES Centers (370 interviewees), considering together high or moderate indication for HD (responses 1 and 2) and PD (responses 4 and 5). The interviewees agree (p= N.S.) that motivation for self-care, working activity, a need for flexibility in times for dialysis and – in the case of NON self-sufficient patients – the availability of a caregiver all represent indications for PD, just as not sticking with the therapy (NON compliance) is a valid indication for HD. Opinions are significantly different between the three groups, on the other hand, with regard to the importance of body image, age, quality of life and living alone. Body image in particular is considered an indication for HD by 52.4% in PD-NO/TRANSF Centers, while 62.7% in the PD-YES Centers consider it to be an indication for PD or are indifferent (p<0.05); while Quality of Life is considered an indication for PD by 51.2% in the PD-NO/TRANSF Centers, with the percentage rising to 67.3% in the PD-YES Centers (p<0.01); an age of between 65 and 75 is considered an indication for HD or indifferent by 15.5% and 50.0% respectively in the PD-NO/TRANSF Centers, while in the PD-YES Centers these percentages are 4.1% and 57.3% respectively (p<0.0005); the difference is more marked for > 75 years of age, considered an indication for HD by 48.8% of the interviewees in PD-NO/TRANSF Centers compared with 24.3% in the PD-YES Centers (p<0.00005); finally, living alone is an indication for HD for 78.6% in PD-NO/TRANSF Centers compared with 51.6% in PD-YES Centers (p<0.00005).

NON clinical conditions evaluated according to level of indication for HD or PD.
Figure 25. NON clinical conditions evaluated according to level of indication for HD or PD. «MOTIVAT. SELF-CARE»: patient motivated for self-care dialysis; «FLEXIBILITY» in treatment times; «Q of L»: Quality of Life; «NON COMPLIANCE»: limited compliance with prescriptions. NOTE – The interviewees in the NO and TRANSF Centers (84) were considered together and compared with those of the PD-YES Centers (370).
 NON clinical conditions evaluated according to level of indication for HD or PD.
Figure 26. NON clinical conditions evaluated according to level of indication for HD or PD. «ASSIST-PD»: NON self-sufficient patient needing a CareGiver (CG) who is available. NOTE – The interviewees in the NO and TRANSF Centers (82) were considered together and compared with those of the PD-YES Centers (370).

For all the NON clinical conditions considered, the differences in evaluation between PD-NO and PD-TRANSF Centers was not significantly different. The results for all three types of Center are given in detail in Table 21, with the responses on a scale of from 1 to 5. The results of the analysis limited to the 300 Nephrologists with high involvement in dialysis activities proved to be superimposable with those given in Table 21.

1 2 3 4 5
NO 2.4 0.0 0.0 64.3 33.3
TRANSF 0.0 0.0 4.8 31.0 64.3
YES 0.8 0.5 2.4 13.0 83.2
ALL 0.9 0.4 2.4 19.4 76.9
AGED BETWEEN 65 AND 75 (p<0.0005)
NO 7.1 9.5 57.1 21.4 4.8
TRANSF 4.8 9.5 42.9 35.7 7.1
YES 0.3 3.8 57.3 25.9 12.7
ALL 1.3 4.8 55.9 26.4 11.5
AGE > 75 (p<0.00001)
NO 40.5 11.9 19.0 21.4 7.1
TRANSF 21.4 23.8 23.8 14.3 16.7
YES 5.1 19.2 40.0 24.6 11.1
ALL 9.9 18.9 36.6 23.3 11.2
NO 11.9 7.1 11.9 61.9 7.1
TRANSF 19.0 4.8 19.0 40.5 16.7
YES 8.6 6.2 10.3 40.5 34.3
ALL 9.9 6.2 11.2 42.5 30.2
LIVING ALONE (p<0.005)
NO 50.0 26.2 21.4 0.0 2.4
TRANSF 42.9 38.1 11.9 4.8 2.4
YES 25.1 26.5 40.3 5.4 2.7
ALL 29.1 27.5 35.9 4.8 2.6
BODY IMAGE (p<0.05)
NO 26.2 31.0 35.7 7.1 0.0
TRANSF 23.8 23.8 40.5 9.5 2.4
YES 8.6 28.6 50.3 9.2 3.2
ALL 11.7 28.4 48.0 9.0 2.9
WORK (p<0.05)
NO 2.4 4.8 19.0 59.5 14.3
TRANSF 2.4 4.8 19.0 38.1 35.7
YES 1.6 1.9 17.3 33.5 45.7
ALL 1.8 2.4 17.6 36.3 41.9
NO 7.1 0.0 14.3 61.9 16.7
TRANSF 0.0 2.4 14.3 47.6 35.7
YES 1.4 0.5 10.8 34.3 53.0
ALL 1.8 0.7 11.5 38.1 48.0
QUALITY OF LIFE (p<0.00001)
NO 2.4 2.4 47.6 45.2 2.4
TRANSF 0.0 11.9 33.3 40.5 14.3
YES 1.4 1.9 29.5 28.6 38.6
ALL 1.3 2.9 31.5 31.3 33.0
NO 71.4 11.9 14.3 2.4 0.0
TRANSF 66.7 14.3 11.9 4.8 2.4
YES 67.6 17.0 12.2 1.6 1.6
ALL 67.8 16.3 12.3 2.0 1.5
Table 21. Detailed evaluation of the single NON clinical factors (in percentages) on which the opinion of the Nephrologists was requested.

Duration of PD and drop-out to HD

Duration of PD. When asked if drop-out from PD was to be considered a probable event after 2, 4 or 5 years, or whether PD has no definable time limit a priori, the responses were significantly different, as reported in Table 22. Rather than being a division between those who believe it has a predetermined duration and those who do not (p=N.S.) however, the difference relates to the estimate of the duration given by the former (Figure 27). Limited to the 300 interviewees with high involvement in dialysis, the result of the same analysis was not significant.

2 years 3 years 5 years UNDEFINED
NO 14.3 19.0 19.0 47.6
TRANSF 2.4 21.4 19.0 57.1
YES 2.7 11.6 30.5 55.1
ALL 3.7 13.2 28.4 54.6
 Table 22. Duration of PD.
The duration of PD in the opinion of the interviewees divided by type of Center.
Figure 27. The duration of PD in the opinion of the interviewees divided by type of Center.

Duration of PD and size of PD program. The majority of the interviewees (63.7%) believe that the size of a Center’s PD program (total number of patients treated and/or in treatment) has no influence on the percentage of drop-out to HD (Figure 28-A), with no significant differences among the three types of Center (or when considering only the 300 with high involvement in dialysis).

Figure 28. The response on annual drop-out rate is similar to that on the duration of PD (A). In B, the opinion of the Nephrologists, divided by type of Center, on the influence the size of PD program can have on drop-out.
Figure 28. The response on annual drop-out rate is similar to that on the duration of PD (A). In B, the opinion of the Nephrologists, divided by type of Center, on the influence the size of PD program can have on drop-out.

Percentage of annual drop-out. The interviewees in the three types of Center also gave a similar response to this question (Figure 28-B). Overall, 48.9% believe there is no PHYSIOLOGICAL drop-out percentage, while among the remainder 17.6% and 19.6% respectively consider it to be lower than 6% or between 6 and 10%.

Interest for the subject. When asked “In future, would you like to be informed of the results of this questionnaire and any new initiatives which may follow?”, a total of 91.6% expressed interest, though there was a strongly significant difference between the types of Center. Indeed, while almost all those belonging to YES Centers (98.6%) expressed interest, in the NO Centers the percentage of those interested drops to 47.6% (Figure 29).

Figure 29. The response to this question, asked more out of courtesy than as part of the survey, can be an indicator of interviewee interest in PD.
Figure 29. The response to this question, asked more out of courtesy than as part of the survey, can be an indicator of interviewee interest in PD.



The 2004-SIN-Cens had shown the importance of structural factors (number of private Centers, size of Center and HD station occupancy rate) in the use of PD: Centers not using PD are smaller, have a lower HD bed occupancy rate and are located in regions where there are numerous private Dialysis Centers. If structural factors alone counted, opinions on PD would be no different between those using PD and those not using it; however, they were shown to be significantly different depending on the type of Center respondents belonged to: negative when it does not use PD and positive in those that do.

As choosing a place to work generally precedes work experience, opinions on PD seem to be defined according to experience gained with the method, confirming the importance of structural factors on use of the modality. However, the importance alongside structural factors of positive opinions of the modality is shown by the fact that there are Centers (PD-TRANSF) which have the same structural characteristics as Centers which do not consider PD at all due to size (small) and HD bed occupancy (low), yet send candidates for PD to other Centers.

In short, the use of PD in public Centers in Italy seems to be the result of balancing structural factors and opinions, with the latter however being conditioned – though only partially – by the former as opinions are enhanced with the gaining of experience in PD.

The main results of the study are summarized in Table 23.

Characteristics of the Nephrologists and their Centers

As regards the Nephrologists in the three types of Center, the only significant difference relates – naturally – to experience with PD, while their personal characteristics, training and engagement with dialysis, and degree of involvement in the choice of modality are substantially similar. The Centers which took part in the survey are not significantly different to those which did not. The main difference between the 3 types of Center regards the presence to a lesser extent of a structured modality selection pathway in the PD-NO Centers than in the PD-YES Centers, and in between the two in the PD-TRANSF Centers. Matching this is the percentage of those involved in all the 3 components of the choice (information, clinical evaluation and social-aptitude evaluation). If this concurs with the nature of the Center (choice is not an issue where PD is not performed), the level of participation of those who define themselves as being involved in the choice is medium-high in all three types of Center. This contradiction could represent a different cultural approach essentially limiting the choice in the PD-NO Centers to information. Strangely however, even in the PD-NO Centers HD incident patients are informed on PD, although insufficiently. Despite this, the difference between PD-NO and PD-YES Centers in regard to the information provided to patients is of note (2.8 vs 3.7 respectively on a scale of from 1 to 5). As the question on information provided related to early referral patients, but did not specify an absence of contraindications for PD, this information may be influenced by these contraindications, which are logically more numerous in HD incident patients in PD-YES Centers (in everyday practice, the existence of contraindications for PD is considered grounds for making informing the patient on this method “unnecessary”).

Opinions: roles played in making the choice

In accordance with the above, there is a clear difference in the way the percentage of patients who could do either PD or HD (with no contraindications) is assessed by Nephrologists in the three types of Center. If the choice is influenced by the healthcare practitioners, everyone recognizes as regards their own Center the decisive role played by the Director, while the weight attributed to other professionals, such as the PD doctor or nurse and psychologist, depends obviously on the type of Center and availability of the Service. Of interest is the role of the psychologist, which is important only in the PD-YES Centers, indicating a more well-structured selection pathway in these Centers. As regards the roles in general of the doctor, nurse, patient, family members and other patients, everyone agrees that the doctor is key, the patient or family members (depending on whether the patient is self-sufficient or not) are important, and other patients are irrelevant. The main difference between the three types of Center lies in the assessment of the role of the nurse, which is seen as NON marginal only by 14.3% of the Nephrologists in the PD-NO Centers compared to 60.5% in the PD-YES Centers.

Opinions: validity of the method, optimal percentage and drop-out

Opinions on adequacy and survival in PD compared to HD also differ considerably in the three types of Center: worse for the PD-NO Centers, the same or better than HD in the PD-YES Centers. Around half believe that PD has no predefined duration, with no differences between the Centers; however, the percentage of the other half who give it a maximum duration of 2 or 3 years compared to 5 years is significantly higher in the PD-NO Centers. It is therefore only natural that just 14.3% in the PD-NO Centers consider a proportion of patients treated with PD of more than 30% optimal, while the proportion is below 10% in 21.4% in these Centers, unlike the others. This means, however, that for 64.3% in the PD-NO Centers the optimal proportion of patients treated with PD is between 10 and 30% (the actual percentage of PD in the PD-YES Centers)[18].

For this aspect, as for several others, the evaluation given by the Nephrologists in PD-TRANSF Centers is similar to that of those in PD-YES Centers.

Opinions: general factors conditioning modality selection

Fear of peritonitis is most felt in the PD-NO Centers, least in the PD-YES Centers and in between the two in the PD-TRANSF Centers. Of interest is the finding that the difference is no more significant when considering only the interviewees with > 3 years of experience with PD. Size of Center, less pressure on HD beds and closeness to private Centers are recognized as factors that favor or are indications for the use of HD with no significant differences between the Centers, while cost and shortage of nurses are indications for PD in the PD-YES and PD-TRANSF Centers, but not in the PD-NO Centers, where to the contrary for the majority they represent an indication for HD or have no importance. This may be justified by the different perspective Nephrologists have in different types of Center. In fact, though the nurses/patients ratio clearly favors PD, and therefore a shortage of nurses should represent an incentive for this method, the perspective taken in PD-NO Centers is of having to start a PD program with an initial investment which is known to always involve a greater use of resources rather than a saving, as becomes evident only after the program has started.

Opinions: patient-specific factors conditioning modality selection

While practically everyone agrees that diverticulosis and obesity are an indication for HD, that coronary artery disease is an indication for PD and that it makes no difference in the case of malnutrition and diabetes, there is no agreement on congestive heart failure (clear indication for PD in the PD-YES Centers) or polycystic nephropathy (clear indication for HD in the PD-YES and DP-TRANSF Centers). For the non-clinical factors, everyone agrees that motivation for self-care, having a work activity and the need for flexible treatment times are all indications for PD, while poor compliance is an indication for HD. The differences regard body image, which is considered an indication for HD in the PD-NO and TRANSF Centers while 50% in the PD-YES Centers are indifferent, and Quality of Life, which is considered better in PD by everyone, but even more positively in the PD-YES Centers. An age of between 65 and 75 is considered as making no difference or an indication for PD by the majority, while an age of over 75 and living alone are judged differently by those in the 3 types of Center. For the majority in the PD-NO Centers, being >75 years of age is an indication for HD, but not in the PD-YES Centers, while living alone represents an indication for HD for everyone, but much more so in the PD-NO Centers. However, if the patient is not self-sufficient and has a caregiver available PD is recognized by everyone as the recommended modality. Clearly, the availability of a caregiver is considered very rare in the PD-NO Centers. As regards possible incentives for PD, financial support for the caregiver or residential care facility is considered most important in the PD-YES Centers, while interestingly the most important for the interviewees in the PD-NO Centers are telemedicine and technological innovation.

existence of a structured choice pathway (YES, %) 47.2 55.2 73.2
involvement in all three pre-dialysis activities (%) 21.4 47.6 54.9
experience in PD of >3 years (%) 16.7 26.2 65.1
information on PD provided to pts on HD (score from 1 to 5) 2.8 3.3 3.7
>40% of incident pts who could do PD (%) 28.6 45.2 74.3
NON marginal role of nurse in the choice (%) 14.3 31.0 60.5
lower dialysis adequacy than HD (%) 57.1 35.7 25.7
lower survival rate than HD (%) 45.2 21.4 14.1
drop-out expected after 2 or 3 years (%) 33.3 23.9 14.3
optimal percentage of pts treated with PD of >30% 14.3 33.3 49.2
optimal percentage of pts treated with PD of <10% 21.4 2.4 0.3
cost (%) 41.0 59.5 57.0
shortage of nurses (%) 35.7 61.9 66.8
congestive heart failure (%) 40.4 42.9 60.6
Quality of Life (%) 47.6 54.8 67.2
pt not self-sufficient with caregiver available (%) 69.0 57.2 84.8
age > 75 years (%) 52.4 45.2 24.3
living alone (%) 76.2 81.0 51.6
ADPKD 59.5 83.3 41.1
body Image indication for HD 57.2 47.6 37.2
fear of peritonitis 48.8 20.0 15.5
Table 23. Summary of the main differences (considering only significant ones) of opinion between Nephrologists in the three types of Center.


Limitations of the study

The study has several limitations. The data were re-analyzed a number of years following their collection, so some findings linked to the time at which the survey was carried out may not have been highlighted or discussed. The prevalence and incidence data refer to 2004, and not to the year of the study. Finally, the participants were selected on a voluntary basis. However, the large size of the sample cohort, the inclusion of a substantial number of Nephrologists who do not prescribe PD and the different aspects considered undoubtedly represent a strength.



The study confirms the importance of the opinions or “preconceptions” of Nephrologists associated with the type of Center they work in. Compared with Centers in which PD is performed, in Centers in which it is not the opinion of PD is more negative, if there is a pre-dialysis choice pathway it is simplified to just providing information and the percentage of patients considered optimal for treatment with PD is lower. However, opinions vary in these Centers too (not everyone has the same view), conditioned as they are by the experience the Nephrologist has with PD, and can even be positive on various specific aspects. Together with the existence of Centers which send patients who may have an indication for PD to other Centers though they do not perform it themselves, as is highlighted for the first time by this study, all this suggests that the use of PD depends on a combination of structural factors (size, neighboring private facilities and HD beds) and opinions, in which the latter however are only partially conditioned by the former.



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Peritoneal Dialysis in Italy: the 8th GPDP-SIN Census 2022 – 2nd Part: the Centers


Objectives. The results are presented of the 8th National Census (Cs-22) of the Peritoneal Dialysis Project Group of the Italian Society of Nephrology relating to the characteristics of the Centers in Italy which used PD in 2022.
Materials and methods. The 227 non-pediatric centers which used Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) in 2022 took part. The data requested were sent in aggregate form. For the first time, the resources available and training were investigated as well as home visits. The Centers have been divided into Quartiles according to the number of prevalent PD patients at 31/12/2022.
Results. Centers with a smaller PD program (<9 pts) are characterized by 1. smaller overall size – 2. fewer personnel (doctors/nurses) dedicated to PD – 3. greater recourse to external personnel for training – 4. Less incremental prescription and evaluation of peritoneal permeability – 5. higher drop-out to HD in particular for choice/impossibility to continue and for adequacy/catheter-related issues. A lower peritonitis rate was recorded in Centers with a more extensive PD program (≥25 pts). Home visits are carried out regularly by a small minority of Centers. Conclusions. The analysis shows an association between size of Center PD program and available resources, PD modality and outcome.



Graphical abstract


Keywords: Peritoneal Dialysis, Center effect, technique failure


Besides results pertaining to peritoneal dialysis (PD), the Peritoneal Dialysis Project Group Census also investigates a number of organizational aspects, which were broadened in the last edition relating to 2022 to the resources available for PD (premises and dedicated personnel) and training. The PD results were published recently in this Journal [1]. In this second part, the characteristics are reported of the 227 Centers which used PD in 2022 and which have remained virtually the same over almost 20 years, in other words a minority of the Dialysis Centers in Italy.

The first Italian Society of Nephrology Census relating to 2004 had shown that PD was used in 64.3% of the non-pediatric public Centers (209 out of 325 Centers) and practically unused in all the 286 private Centers surveyed at the time. The use of PD was conditioned by whether the Center was public or private (absent in the latter), size of Center and HD bed occupancy (the greater the size and pressure on HD places, the greater the use of PD). In turn, the presence of private Centers ‒ significant in some areas ‒ reduces the size of the public Centers, reinforcing the negative effect on the use of PD.

However, there were large public Centers with a high HD bed occupancy rate which were not using PD, while it was used – even extensively – by others with opposite characteristics. Clearly, alongside the structural factors given there was also a fourth element conditioning the use of PD: the Center’s “policy”. This aspect was investigated by means of a 2007 questionnaire, also carried out by the PD Study Group, the results of which have never been published though. The methodology and breadth of the survey make it quite unique, still today. In an attempt to understand the state of affairs in Italy, it seemed to us only right to retrieve its results, attaching them to this paper.


Materials and methods

The methodology of the Census was described at great length in the recent paper published in this Journal, which can be referred to [1].

The characteristics of the Centers surveyed were the existence of premises for PD, the presence of medical and nursing personnel dedicated to PD (whose sole or exclusively attributed activity is PD), training methods in terms of both who performs it and where it is carried out, the performance of PET and lastly home visits.

As with other similar analyses, to facilitate the interpretation of the results the Centers have been divided into quartiles (Table 1) based on the number of prevalent patients on PD at 31/12/2022.

MIN (from) MAX (to)
Q1 1 8 55 24,2
Q2 9 14 58 25,6
Q3 15 24 58 25,6
Q4 25 112 56 24,7
Table 1. Division into quartiles of the 227 PD Centers surveyed based on number of prevalent patients on PD at December 31st 2022.

The groups were then compared for “structural” characteristics (size and percentage use of PD, geographical distribution, presence of dedicated personnel and spaces, training methods, home visits and performance of PET), for “use” of PD (manual or automated modality, incremental PD, assisted PD) and for “results” obtained (drop-out and turnover, peritonitis).

The Census represents a snapshot of the situation relating to PD in Italy. The statistical analysis (chi-square) was therefore limited to any differences between the groups.




Size of Center and percentage use of PD

Table 2 shows the structural characteristics of the Centers divided into the 4 quartiles of PD prevalence.

The size of Centers was assessed by considering the total number of dialysis patients (HD + PD) at 31/12/2022, and as a result limited to the 183 Centers which provided HD prevalence data. As can be seen (Table 2), as the overall size of the Center increases, not only the number but also the percent proportion of PD patients with respect to total dialysis patients rise from 6.5% in Centers with a minimal PD program (Q1, 1-8 PD patients per Center) to 20.9% in “large” Centers (Q4, ≥25 patients).

Although it is not certain, the estimate can be considered valid as the number of PD patients per Center (“PD PTS per CENTER”) is practically superimposable on those recorded in all 227 Centers (Table 2).







Q1 55 265 4.8 45 213 3063 4.7 68.1 72.8 6.5
Q2 58 662 11.4 46 535 4466 11.6 97.1 108.7 10.7
Q3 58 1124 19.4 47 903 5134 19.2 109.2 128.4 15.0
Q4 56 2101 37.5 45 1661 6279 36.9 139.5 176.4 20.9
ITALY 227 4152 18.3 183 3312 18942 18.1 103.5 121.6 14.9
Table 2. Percentage use of PD and size of Center. The analysis was only possible for the 183 Centers which provided HD prevalence data. The missing Centers were equally distributed among the 4 groups, and the size of PD program was found to be practically superimposable (“PD PTS per CENTER”). The overall size of the Center is given in the “TOT PTS per CENTER” column: the sum of HD and PD prevalent patients.

The distribution of the Centers in Figure 1 shows how there are some significantly-sized Centers where the use of PD is limited, and other smaller Centers using it in a high percentage of patients, confirming the finding of the first SIN Census.

Distribution of the 183 Centers which also provided HD data. PD prevalence by size of Center
Figure 1. Distribution of the 183 Centers which also provided HD data. PD prevalence by size of Center (HD and PD). The lines define the quartiles of the 2 variables.

Geographical distribution

The geographical breakdown of the Centers by size, which was already partly analyzed in the previous paper, shows how PD programs are more widespread in Centers in the North.

While the number of the Centers using PD per million inhabitants (pmp) is practically superimposable (Table 3), varying only a little from the national average of 3.9 PD Centers pmp, those located in the NORTH follow a greater number of patients (21.9 ±16.5 patients per Center) than the others. It follows that PD prevalence pmp in the NORTH (81.7 PD patients pmp) is also higher than in the Centers in Central Italy (72.9 PD patients pmp) and in the SOUTH and ISLANDS where it is practically identical (55.22 and 55-20 PD patients pmp respectively) (Table 3). However, an examination of the Centers which also sent data for HD confirm (Table 4) the finding of some 20 years ago. The Centers in the SOUTH and ISLANDS which use PD are on average smaller, in terms of both overall size and PD program, but with a higher percentage of PD patients (Table 4).

(no of pts)
(no. of pts)
(no. of pts)
NORTH 102 27,349,747 2235 81.7 3.7 21.9±16.5 19
CENTER 54 11,693,240 853 72.9 4.6 15.8±12.0 12
SOUTH 47 12,894,027 712 55.2 3.6 15.1±13.1 13
ISLANDS 24 6,377,044 352 55.2 3.8 14.7±13.9 10
ITALY 227 58,314,058 4152 71.2 3.9 3.3    ±14.8 15
Table 3. Geographical distribution of the Centers in the 4 macro regions of Italy and their size of PD program. The regional breakdown and population are 2022 ISTAT (Italian National Institute of Statistics) data, the prevalence is at 31/12/2022.  pmp = per million population; THE REGIONS OF ITALY AS DEFINED BY ISTAT – NORTH = Valle d’Aosta, Piemonte, Lombardia, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Liguria – CENTER = Toscana, Marche, Umbria, Lazio – SOUTH = Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia, Campania, Basilicata, Calabria – ISLANDS = Sicily, Sardinia.
NORTH 83 81.4 11588 1751 160.7 21.1 13.1
CENTER 51 94.4 4210 821 98.6 16.1 16.3
SOUTH 29 61.7 2057 443 86.2 15.3 17.7
ISLANDS 20 83.3 1087 297 69.2 14.9 21.5
ITALY 183 80.6 18942 3312 121.6 18.1 14.9
Table 4. Characteristics of the Centers in the 4 macro areas of Italy which also sent data relating to HD. “SIZE” = total number of patients (HD+PD) on dialysis at 31/12/2022 – “PD/CENTER” = prevalent PD patients per Center – “%PD” = mean percentage PD prevalence in the Centers.

Resources dedicated to PD

Most of the Centers (95.1%) have facilities dedicated to PD whatever the size of their PD program, while there are significant differences with regard to the personnel – both medical and nursing – dedicated to PD (Table 5).

In particular, nearly half the small Centers (48.1%) have no one member of staff – either medical or nursing – as a point of reference (“everyone can handle PD as well”). This percentage drops to 12.5% in the Centers with an extensive PD program (Table 5).

Q1 54* 49 20 23 15 26 51.9
Q2 58 54 19 30 17 26 55.2
Q3 57* 56 32 44 31 12 78.9
Q4 56 55 36 45 41 7 87.5
ITALY 225 214 107 142 104 71 68.4
NS p<0.005 p<0.00005     p<0.00005
Table 5. Resources for PD in the 227 Centers which use it. For the personnel, dedicated professionals are considered to be doctors and nurses who are engaged exclusively with PD, but also those who, in particular in the “small” Centers, are assigned the exclusive task of handling it. “Both” refers to the Centers where there are both medical and nursing personnel dedicated to PD (the difference between “Doctors” plus “Nurses” and “Both” provides the number of Centers which have only the Doctor or Nurse as dedicated PD professional). “None” refers to the Centers which have no dedicated PD professionals. * Two Centers (Q1 and Q3) did not provide information on Training.


The activities considered by the Census are training, home visits and the performance of PET.

Training. Training is carried out by in-Center personnel in 57.3% of the Centers, by external personnel in 11.6% and by both in 31.1%. The contribution of external personnel is lower in the large and medium-small Centers (Q4 and Q2, 26.8% and 41.4% of Centers respectively) and greater in the Centers with a small or medium-large PD program (Q1 and Q3, 51.9% and 50.9% of Centers respectively) (Table 6). The place where the training takes place more frequently is the Center (52.4% of cases), partly at home and partly in the Center in 37.8% of cases and only at home in 9.8% of the Centers (Table 6). The location of the training depends on the provider. In fact, when the training is performed by in-house personnel (57.3% of the Centers) it takes place mostly in the Hospital (80.6% of cases), while in the Centers in which only or partly external personnel are involved (42.7% of the Centers) the training is performed exclusively or partly at home (85.4% of the Centers, p<0.000001) (Figure 2).

Q1 54* 26 7 21 48.1 27 5 22 50.0
Q2 58 34 11 13 58.6 36 5 17 37.9
Q3 57* 28 5 24 49.1 20 6 31 64.9
Q4 56 41 3 12 73.2 35 6 15 37.5
ITALY 225 129 26 70 57.3 118 22 85 47.6
p<0.03 p<0.001
Table 6. The Provider and Place where the Training takes place. The Provider can be “Center” personnel only, “External” personnel only, or “Both” if it is performed in the Center by both in-house and external personnel. The absolute values and percentages refer to the Centers and NOT to the number of Trainings.* Two Centers did not provide information on Training. “% CENTER” is the percentage of Centers in which the Training is performed by in-house personnel. “% HOME” is the percentage of Centers which perform the Training exclusively or partly at home.
Figure 2. Training divided by provider.
Figure 2. Training divided by provider. The place (home, hospital or both) where it is carried out is given for each provider.

Home visits. The home visits (HV) program once the PD has started is in keeping with training practice. They are not envisaged by the majority of the Centers (55.2%), with no significant differences between the 4 groups (Table 7), while only a minority of the remainder carry them out regularly following a pre-defined program (8.5%). In the other Centers they are basically performed when necessary. With respect to previous years, the percentage of the Centers with no HV program once PD has started has increased (48.5% in 2016), while the percentage of the number of the Centers with a regular HV program remains unchanged, as an absolute value as well (Figure 3).

Q1 53 25 25 3 47.2
Q2 57 32 21 4 56.1
Q3 57 30 22 5 52.6
Q4 56 36 13 7 64.3
ITALY 223 123 81 19 55.2
Table 7. Frequency of home visits after PD has started. The question was answered by 223 of the 227 Centers considered. The difference between the groups was NOT significant. Variable frequency is to be understood as meaning “only during the initial period”, which was not further specified, “at the start when needed” and lastly “only if necessary”. “Not envisaged” means they are not considered by the Center for PD follow-up.
Figure 3. Home visits over time.
Figure 3. Home visits over time. The data relating to 2019 are incomplete. The home visits considered are those carried out once PD has started, i.e. excluding those during training.

PET. Evaluation of the peritoneal membrane by PET is not performed by 11.9% of the Centers, mostly the smaller ones (NO PET – Q1 = 18.2%; Q2 = 13.8%; Q3 = 12.1%; Q4 = 3.6% – p = N.S.), although the difference is not statistically significant.


CAPD/APD and incremental PD in incident patients

Overall, the most used PD modality in incident patients is CAPD (52.1%), but with a significant difference between the groups according to size of PD program: the smaller Centers mostly use APD, while CAPD is the most widely-used modality in the larger Centers (p<0.005). This is partly associated with incremental prescription, for which CAPD is preferred, with its use rising as size of Center increases (Table 8). Lastly, admissions from HD and Tx increase (percentage-wise with respect to total admissions) as PD program size grows, although not significantly.

Q1 55 38 54 92 41,3 25 27,2 12 104 11,5
Q2 58 104 120 224 46,4 65 29,0 33 257 12,8
Q3 58 240 164 404 59,4 170 42,1 55 459 12,0
Q4 56 321 309 630 51,0 217 34,4 126 756 16,7
ITALIA 227 703 647 1350 52,1 477 35,3 226 1576 14,3
P<0,005 P<0,005 N.S.
Table 8. PD modality (CAPD and APD) and incremental prescription (“INCR”) at the start of treatment by size of PD program. On the right, admissions from HD and transplant (Tx), and their percentage weight on the total of admissions to PD recorded in 2022.

The percentage of late referrals to PD was shown NOT to differ significantly among the groups (Q1 = 5.4% – Q2 = 8.0% – Q3 = 11.4% – Q4 = 7.9% – p = N.S.)

CAPD/APD and assisted PD in prevalent patients

APD is confirmed as the most used PD modality for prevalent patients, but ‒ as with incident patients ‒ significantly more so in the smaller Centers (Table 9). Recourse to assisted PD, on the other hand, is greater in the smaller Centers, in particular in the second quartile compared to the fourth. Overall it is used in 26% of prevalent patients in the Centers with fewer than 15 prevalent PD patients, and in 19.8% of patients in the Centers with a higher prevalence.

No significant difference emerged between the Quartiles with regard to type of caregiver, with a family member being confirmed as the most commonly-involved caregiver in Italy (86.3%) (Table 9).

Q1 55 98 167 265 37.0 3 47 2 5 57 21.5
Q2 58 261 401 662 39.4 2 165 14 3 184 27.8
Q3 58 513 611 1124 45.6 20 212 18 2 252 22.4
Q4 56 931 1170 2101 44.3 15 334 31 5 385 18.3
ITALY 227 1803 2349 4152 43.4 40 758 65 15 878 21.1
p<0.01 N.S. p<0.0001
Table 9. PD modality (CAPD and APD) and assisted PD in prevalent PD patients at 31/12/2022. “RSA” = nursing home, facility for the elderly – “FAM.” = family-member caregiver– “CARER” = live-in carer, paid assistant – “IP” = nurse (or other healthcare worker) who performs the dialysis at the patient’s home – “% ASS. PD” represents the percentage of prevalent patients on assisted PD.



Although the incidence of peritonitis was lower in the larger Centers, it was substantially superimposable. The percentage of negative cultures was not significantly different either (Table 10).

Q1 54 50 0.186 7 14.0
Q2 58 115 0.185 23 20.0
Q3 58 221 0.209 35 15.8
Q4 56 310 0.156 69 22.3
ITALY 226 696 0.176 134 19.3
Table 10. Episodes of peritonitis (total and culture-negative peritonitis) and size of Centers. The peritonitis rate is expressed as episodes per patient year. “% NEGATIVE” is the percentage of culture-negative peritonitis out of total episodes (N.S.). Only one Center did not provide data on peritonitis.

Drop-out from PD

The average duration of PD, taken from the Replacement Index (ratio between Prevalent patients at 31/12/2022 and all admissions recorded in 2022, expressed in years) was higher in the larger Centers (RI – Q1 = 2.5 equivalent to 30.6 months; Q2 = 2.6 equivalent to 30.9 months; Q3 = 2.4 equivalent to 29.4 months; Q4 = 2.8 equivalent to 33.3 months).

Causes of drop-out from PD. In 2022 a total of 464 patients were transferred to HD, 400 died and 296 received a transplant for a total of 29.3 drop-outs from PD per 100 patient-years. Mortality was significantly different, while a higher number of transplants and in particular Drop-Outs to HD were recorded in small Centers (Table 11).

Q1 55 265 64 30 35 22.9 10.8 12.5
Q2 58 662 80 49 49 12.9 7.9 7.9
Q3 58 1124 140 120 61 13.2 11.3 5.8
Q4 56 2101 180 201 151 9.0 10.1 7.6
ITALY 227 4152 464 400 296 11.7 10.1 7.5
p<0.00001 N.S. p<0.001
Table 11. Drop-out from PD due to transfer to HD (TRANSF), death and transplant (Tx) during 2022 divided by size of Centers.

As regards the specific causes of transfer to HD, in the small Centers (subject to a higher drop-out to HD) the main cause is choice or impossibility to continue, followed by catheter and dialysis adequacy issues. Confirming the validity of this is peritonitis as cause of drop-out which, like incidence of peritonitis, is also essentially superimposable in the different quartiles (Table 12).

EVENTS ep/100 pt-years
Q1 55 64 9 27 28 3.2 9.7 10.0
Q2 58 80 22 37 21 3.5 6.0 3.4
Q3 58 140 25 60 55 2.4 5.7 5.2
Q4 56 180 53 76 51 2.7 3.8 2.6
ITALY 227 464 109 200 155 2.8 5.1 3.9
Table 12. Drop-out from PD for transfer to HD (TRANSF), death and transplant (Tx) during 2022 divided by size of Centers. “PERITON:” = peritonitis; “CAT./ADEQ.” = malfunctioning or infected catheter/adequacy both clearance and UF;“CH./IMP.” = choice or impossibility to continue.



The limitations of the Census were already extensively discussed in part one [1].

The results of the 2022 Census confirm the findings of the first SIN Census in 2004. The use of PD is proportional in percentage terms to the size of Center and, as emerges from the geographical distribution of the Centers, lower wherever there are more private Centers, although the few Centers which do use it in these regions do so to a greater than average extent (see Annex – Questionnaire).

From an organizational point of view, smaller Centers are characterized first and foremost by fewer personnel dedicated to PD, either exclusively or – in the smaller Centers – as PD point of reference even though they certainly (Annex – Questionnaire) perform other activities. In the Centers in which there are no dedicated personnel, the “everyone does everything” principle most probably applies and in the end recourse to external personnel is necessary for training, the most important part of a PD program. Indeed, the Centers with a limited PD program rely more for training on external personnel, whose role – if any – in PD patient follow up was not however investigated. Though a positive aspect of training performed by external personnel or in combination is that it is carried out at home, this ends up “separating” PD patients even more from their Center. Lastly, another characteristic of the Centers with a limited PD program is less incremental prescription, and therefore greater use of APD.

Finally it is confirmed how home visits after starting on PD are carried out regularly only by a tiny minority of Centers.

Mortality is substantially superimposable in the different groups, while drop-out to HD is significantly higher in the Centers with a modest PD program, in which the main cause of drop-out to HD is patient choice and/or impossibility to continue. The latter term however, as discussed in the first part, is ambiguous as it can refer not only to loss of self-sufficiency but also clinical causes, to which inaccurate patient selection or insufficient follow up can contribute. Drop-out for adequacy due to catheter-related causes is also higher in smaller Centers. Peritonitis rates seem to be lower in the Centers with an extensive PD program, but drop-out for this cause is substantially similar.



In the public Centers in Italy which use PD the resources deployed, the modality of use and drop-out are associated (negatively) with size of PD program. In turn, the size of PD program is influenced by well-known factors which, as illustrated in “The Questionnaire” annex also condition – though only partly – the opinions Nephrologists in Centers not using PD have of this modality. There are therefore many reasons for the limited use of PD which are not justified by the results obtained and its potential, or by the prospect of having to treat increasingly fragile patients with ever more limited resources.



We thank the contacts in the Centers which took part in the Census and whose commitment made the collection of the data and this paper possible:

Abdulsattar Giamila (Oristano); Alberghini Elena (Cinisello Balsamo); Albrizio Paolo (Voghera); Alessandrello Maria Grazia Ivana (Modica); Alfano Gaetano (Modena); Amar Karen (Cernusco sul Naviglio); Ambrogio Antonina (Rovigo); Ancarani Paolo (Sestri Levante); Angelini Maria Laura (forlì); Ansali Ferruccio (Civitavecchia); Apponi Francesca (Frosinone); Argentino Gennaro (Napoli); Avella Alessandro (Varese); Barattini Marina (Massa); Barbera Vincenzo (Colleferro); Basso Anna (Padova); Bellotti Giovanni (Sapri); Benozzi Luisa (Borgomanero); Bermond Francesca (Torino); Bianco Beatrice (Verona); Bigatti Giada (Sesto San Giovanni); Bilucaglia Donatella (Torino); Boccadoro Roberto (Rimini); Boito Rosalia (Crotone); Bonesso Cristina (San Donà di Piave); Bonincontro Maria Luisa (Bolzano); Bonvegna Francesca (Verbania); Borettaz Ilaria (Melegnano – Vizzolo Predabissi); Borrelli Silvio (Napoli); Bosco Manuela (Gorizia); Braccagni Beatrice (Poggibonsi); Budetta Fernando (Eboli); Cabibbe Mara (Milano); Cabiddu Gianfranca (Cagliari); Cadoni Maria Chiara (San Gavino Monreale); Campolo Maria Angela (Lamezia Terme); Cannarile Daniela Cecilia (Bologna); Cannavo’ Rossella (Firenze); Canonici Marta (Fabriano); Cantarelli Chiara (Parma); Caponetto Carmelo (Siracusa); Cappadona Francesca (Genova); Cappelletti Francesca (Siena); Caprioli Raffaele (Pisa); Capurro De Mauri Federica Andreana (Novara); Caria Simonetta (Quartu Sant’ Elena); Carta Annalisa (Nuoro); Caselli Gian Marco (Firenze); Casuscelli di Tocco Teresa (Messina); Cataldo Emanuela (Altamura); Cernaro Valeria (Messina); Cerroni Franca (Rieti); Ciabattoni Marzia (Savona); Cianfrone Paola (catanzaro); Cimolino Michele (Pordenone); Comegna Carmela (Tivoli); Consaga Marina (Livorno); Contaldo Gina (Monza); Conti Paolo (Arezzo); Cornacchia Flavia (Cremona); Cosa Francesco (Legnano); Cosentini Vincenzo (San Bonifacio); Costantini Luigia (Vercelli); Costantino Ester Grazia Maria (Manerbio); Costanza Giuseppa (Gela); D’Alonzo Silvia (Roma); D’Altri Christian (Martina Franca); D’Amico Maria (Erice); De Blasio Antonietta (Caserta); Del Corso Claudia (Pescia); Della Gatta Carmine (Nola); D’Ercole Martina (La Spezia); Di Franco Antonella (Barletta); Di Liberato Lorenzo (Chieti); Di Loreto Ermanno (Atri); Di Renzo Brigida (Brindisi); Di Somma Agnese (San Marco Argentano); Di Stante Silvio (Pesaro – Fano); Dinnella Angela Maria (Anzio); Distratis Cosimo (Manduria); Dodoi Diana Teodora (Chieri); Domenici Alessandro (Roma); Esposito Samantha (Grosseto); Esposito Vittoria (Pavia); Farina Marco (Lodi); Ferrando Carlo (Cuneo); Ferrannini Michele (Roma); Ferrara Gaetano (San Giovanni Rotondo); Figliano Ivania Maria (Vibo Valentia); Figliola Carmela (Gallarate); Filippini Armando (Roma); Finato Viviana (San Miniato); Fiorenza Saverio (Imola); Frattarelli Daniele (Roma Ostia); Gabrielli Danila (Aosta); Gai Massimo (Torino); Garofalo Donato (Fermo); Gazo Antonietta (Vigevano); Gennarini Alessia (Bergamo); Gherzi Maurizio (Ceva); Giancaspro Vincenzo (Molfetta); Gianni Glauco (Prato); Giovannetti Elisabetta (Camaiore); Giovannetti Elisabetta (Lido di Camaiore); Giozzet Morena (Feltre); Giuliani Anna (Vicenza); Giunta Federica (Macerata); Graziani Romina (Ravenna); Guizzo Marta (Castelfranco Veneto); Heidempergher Marco (Milano); Iacono Rossella (Civita Castellana); Iadarola Gian Maria (Torino); Iannuzzella Francesco (Reggio Emilia); Incalcaterra Francesca (Palermo); La Milia Vincenzo (Lecco); Laudadio Giorgio (Bassano del Grappa); Laudon Alessandro (Trento); Lenci Federica (Ancona); Leonardi Sabina (Trieste); Lepori Gianmario (Olbia); Leveque Alessandro (Citta’ di Castello); Licciardello Daniela (Acireale); Lidestri Vincenzo (Chioggia); Lisi Lucia (Vimercate); Lo Cicero Antonina (San Daniele del Friuli ); Luciani Remo (Roma); Maffei Stefano (Asti); Magnoni Giacomo (Bologna); Malandra Rossella (Teramo); Manca Rizza Giovanni (Pontedera); Mancuso Verdiana (Agrigento); Manfrini Vania (Seriate); Manini Alessandra (Crema); Marcantoni Carmelita (Catania); Marchetti Valentina (Lucca); Marini Alvaro (Popoli); Martella Vilma (Lecce); Masa Maria Alessandra (Sondrio); Mastrippolito Silvia (Lanciano); Mastrosimone Stefania (Treviso); Matalone Massimo (Catania); Mauro Teresa (Corigliano Rossano); Mazzola Giuseppe (Mantova); Melfa Gianvincenzo (Como); Messina Antonina (Catania); Miglio Roberta (Busto Arsizio); Miniello Vincenzo (Pistoia); Mollica Agata (Cosenza); Montalto Gaetano (Taormina); Montanari Marco (Ariccia); Montemurro Vincenzo (Firenze); Musone Dario (Formia); Nardelli Luca (Milano); Neri Loris (Alba); Orani Maria Antonietta (Milano); Palmiero Giuseppe (Napoli); Palumbo Roberto (Roma); Panuccio Vincenzo Antonio (Reggio Calabria); Panzino Antonio Rosario (Catanzaro); Parodi Denise (Arenzano); Pastorino Nadia Rosa (Novi Ligure); Pellegrino Cinzia (Cetraro); Perilli Luciana (Vasto); Perna Concetta (Cerignola); Perosa Paolo (Pinerolo); Pieracci Laura (Imperia); Pietanza Stefania (Putignano); Pignone Eugenia (Torino); Pinerolo Maria Cristina (Milano); Piraina Valentina (ivrea); Pirrottina Maria Anna (San Benedetto del Tronto); Pisani Antonio (Napoli); Pogliani Daniela Rosa Maria (Garbagnate Milanese); Porreca Silvia (Bari); Pozzi Marco (Desio); Prerez Giuseppina (Dolo); Previti Antonino (Santorso); Puliti Maria Laura (Palestrina); Randone Salvatore (Avola); Ricciardi Daniela (Castiglione del Lago); Ricciatti Annamaria (Ancona); Rocca Anna Rachele (Roma); Rubini Camilla (Venezia Mestre); Russo Francesco Giovanni (Scorrano); Russo Roberto (Bari); Sabatino Stefania  (Udine); Sacco Colombano (Biella); Sammartino Fulvio Antonio (Pescara); Santarelli Stefano (Jesi); Santese Domenico (Taranto); Santinello Irene (Piove di Sacco); Santirosi Paola Vittori (Foligno-Spoleto); Santoferrara Angelo (Civitanova Marche); Saraniti Antonello (Milazzo); Savi Umberto (Belluno); Scalso Berta Ida (Cirie’); Scarfia Rosalia Viviana (Caltagirone); Serriello Ilaria (Roma); Signorotti Sara (Cesena); Silvana Baranello (Campobasso); Somma Giovanni (Castellamare di Stabia); Sorice Mario (Senigallia); Spissu Valentina (Sassari); Stacchiotti Lorella (Giulianova); Stucchi Andrea (Milano); Taietti Carlo (Treviglio); Tata Salvatore (Venezia); Teri Antonino (Foggia); Tettamanzi Fabio (Tradate); Timio Francesca (Perugia); Todaro Ignazio (Piazza Armerina); Toriello Gianpiero (Polla); Torraca Serena (Salerno); Trepiccione Francesco (Napoli); Trubian Alessandra (Legnago); Turchetta Luigi (Cassino); Vaccaro Valentino (Alessandria); Valsania Teresa (Piacenza); Vecchi Luigi (Terni); Veronesi Marco (Ferrara); Visciano Bianca (Magenta); Viscione Michelangelo (Avellino); Vizzardi Valerio (Brescia); Zanchettin Gianantonio (Conegliano); Zeiler Matthias (Ascoli Piceno).



  1. Neri L, Viglino G, Vizzardi V, Porreca S, Mastropaolo C, Marinangeli G, Cabiddu G. Peritoneal Dialysis in Italy: the 8th GPDP-SIN census 2022. G Ital Nefrol. 2023 Jun 29;40(3):2023-vol3. PMID: 37427898.
  2. Viglino G, Neri L, Alloatti S, Cabiddu G, Cocchi R, Limido A, Marinangeli G, Russo R, Teatini U, Schena FP. Analysis of the factors conditioning the diffusion of peritoneal dialysis in Italy. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2007 Dec;22(12):3601-5.

The peritoneal equilibration test (PET) – Comment on the 8th GPDP-SIN 2022 Census data

The data relating to 2022 confirm the trend which began in 2010 of a gradual, continuous increase in the use of 3.86% glucose solution for the performance of PET, and a parallel, mirrored reduction in the use of 2.27% glucose solution: in 2010, 70.5% of Dialysis Centers were using the 2.27% solution, and only 15.6% the 3.86% solution, whereas in 2022 only 20% of the Dialysis Centers used the 2.27% solution for the performance of PET, while 57.8% used the 3.86% solution.

Let’s examine the reasons for this change.

As long ago as 2000 [1], the International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD) was suggesting the use of 3.86%-PET instead of 2.27%-PET, as the former provided the same information on small solute transport and the classification of patients into groups of transporters on the basis of creatinine D/P, and more information on the ultrafiltration (UF) capacity of the peritoneal membrane. In addition, it highlighted so-called sodium sieving, an indicator of peritoneal free water transport (FWT) through aquaporin-1 (AQP-1) channels, an aspect which would subsequently take on considerable importance. So, a 3.86%-PET with assessment of the concentration of sodium in the dialysate 60 minutes after the start of PET provides greater information on the functionality of the peritoneal membrane.

Studies into sodium sieving then led to the quantification of FWT [2], the predictive value of sodium sieving in relation to encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) [3], and the identification of AQP-1 genotypes and their correlation with peritoneal dialysis outcomes [4]. The reference values of characteristics of peritoneal transport relating to creatinine D/P, UF capacity and sodium sieving have been defined thanks in part to a SIN Peritoneal Dialysis GdP study on a large population of PD incident patients [5], underlining the interindividual variability of these peritoneal transport characteristics already at the start of peritoneal dialysis treatment; part of this variability was recently explained with the identification of at least 4 genetic loci associated with peritoneal transport which are responsible for approximately 20% of the interindividual variability in peritoneal transport at the start of PD [6].

Unfortunately, although they highlight the undoubted advantages of 3.86%-PET compared to 2.27%-PET, recent ISPD guidelines [7] do not clearly recommend greater use of 3.86%-PET. The main reason for this is that the guidelines are global recommendations, and though the indication for the use of 3.86%-PET for the functional assessment of the peritoneal membrane remains strong in most countries in the world, there are some – in particular low-income – countries where the 3.86% glucose solution is not available.

The 2022 Census provides us with further interesting information:

  1. More than 10% (11.6%) of Centers do not perform any kind of peritoneal membrane functionality assessment test; they are the Centers with a lower incidence and prevalence of patients on PD. Along with other data, this certainly reflects the difficulty for small Centres to provide high quality PD. It is therefore necessary to give these Centers tools to improve their clinical practice by providing specific training courses and/or the support of larger Centers in performing and interpreting 3.86%-PET through a HUB-Spoke organization.
  2. Although the number is constantly coming down, 20% of Centers are continuing to use 2.27%-PET; these are also Centers with a low incidence and prevalence of patients on PD. It would help to understand the reasons for this (conviction? routine? difficulty in introducing change and innovation?). In this case too, the support of more expert Centers with a greater number of patients on PD could be useful.
  3. The Centers using 3.86%-PET are those with a higher incidence and prevalence of patients on PD. This certainly reflects their greater expertise, which probably extends to all aspects of managing patients on PD. These Centers could be involved in both providing support to smaller Centers and in an ongoing updating and improvement process which – as regards the assessment of peritoneal membrane transport, for example – could lead to the use of ionic conductivity [8] as a screening test for functional assessment of the peritoneal membrane.
  4. The Centers using 3.86%-PET are those with a lower percentage of drop-out from the method due to insufficient dialysis adequacy and/or a loss of peritoneal membrane UF capacity. While this certainly reflects their greater expertise, as mentioned above, it could also indicate that the use of 3.86%-PET helps these Centers implement corrective measures (for example, the use of APD in patients who are rapid transporters, the use of icodextrin in patients with a reduction/loss of sodium sieving, etc) which prevent or delay drop-out to haemodialysis.
  5. Finally, over 10% (10.7%) of the Centers use other tests (Mini-PET, Double Mini-PET or unspecified tests); it would be interesting to understand whether these Centers use these highly specialized tests in addition to and integration of the 3.86%-PET or on their own (losing, in this case, some important information provided by the 3.86%-PET).

In conclusion, the 2022 Census data confirm that there is a gradual, constant increase in the use of the 3.86%-PET, which is a more complete functional assessment test than 2.27%-PET, especially when associated with assessment of sodium sieving at 60 minutes. The use of 3.86%-PET should be further encouraged, as the PET is costly and time-consuming (nurses and doctors), so with the same resources it would therefore be preferable to use the test which provides us with more information. In any case, smaller Centers need to be given support by the Peritoneal Dialysis GdP in the best use of PD, including the use of 3.86%-PET.



  1. Kawaguchi Y, Kawanishi H, Mujais S, Topley N, Oreopoulos DG. Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis: definition, etiology, diagnosis, and treatment. International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis Ad Hoc Committee on Ultrafiltration Management in Peritoneal Dialysis. Perit Dial Int. 2000;20 Suppl 4:S43-55.
  2. La Milia V, Di Filippo S, Crepaldi M, Del Vecchio L, Dell’Oro C, Andrulli S, Locatelli F. Mini-peritoneal equilibration test: A simple and fast method to assess free water and small solute transport across the peritoneal membrane. Kidney Int. 2005 Aug;68(2):840-6.
  3. Morelle J, Sow A, Hautem N, Bouzin C, Crott R, Devuyst O, Goffin E. Interstitial Fibrosis Restricts Osmotic Water Transport in Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2015 Oct;26(10):2521-33.
  4. Morelle J, Marechal C, Yu Z, Debaix H, Corre T, et al. AQP1Promoter Variant, Water Transport, and Outcomes in Peritoneal Dialysis. N Engl J Med. 2021 Oct 21;385(17):1570-1580.
  5. La Milia V, Cabiddu G, Virga G, Vizzardi V, Giuliani A, Finato V, Feriani M, Filippini A, Neri L, Lisi L; Ultrafiltration Failure Assessment (UFFA) Study* of the Italian Society of Nephrology Peritoneal Dialysis Study Group. Peritoneal Equilibration Test Reference Values Using a 3.86% Glucose Solution During the First Year of Peritoneal Dialysis: Results of a Multicenter Study of a Large Patient Population. Perit Dial Int. 2017 Nov-Dec;37(6):633-638.
  6. Mehrotra R, Stanaway IB, Jarvik GP, Lambie M, Morelle J, Perl J, Himmelfarb J, Heimburger O, Johnson DW, Imam TH, Robinson B, Stenvinkel P, Devuyst O, Davies SJ; Bio-PD Consortium. A genome-wide association study suggests correlations of common genetic variants with peritoneal solute transfer rates in patients with kidney failure receiving peritoneal dialysis. Kidney Int. 2021 Nov;100(5):1101-1111.
  7. Morelle J, Stachowska-Pietka J, Öberg C, Gadola L, La Milia V, Yu Z, Lambie M, Mehrotra R, de Arteaga J, Davies S. ISPD recommendations for the evaluation of peritoneal membrane dysfunction in adults: Classification, measurement, interpretation and rationale for intervention. Perit Dial Int. 2021 Jul;41(4):352-372.
  8. La Milia V, Pontoriero G, Virga G, Locatelli F. Ionic conductivity of peritoneal dialysate: a new, easy and fast method of assessing peritoneal membrane function in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2015 Oct;30(10):1741-6.

Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis – Comment on the 8th GPDP-SIN 2022 Census data

For many years Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis (EPS) represented the greatest concern for peritoneal nephrologists, to the point of calling into question the very rationale behind peritoneal dialysis (PD). A Peter Blake editorial 14 years ago entitled “The Specter of EPS” [1] clearly described the deep unease this rare, but often fatal complication was spreading within the nephrology community, and at the same time outlined a strategy for addressing it. The first decade of the 2000s also saw an unprecedented collaboration between peritoneal nephrologists and transplanters in the Dutch experience, which documented how the EPS case incidence was higher post-transplant (Tx) than during PD [25]. Finally, a limited percentage of patients developing EPS following a shift from PD to hemodialysis (HD) has been documented constantly over the years [6].

In the last 10 years, several papers have reported a general reduction in the incidence of EPS diagnosed in patients on DP [79], whereas there is no evidence of a reduction in EPS diagnosed post-Tx or on HD.

The GPDP Censuses from 2008 to 2022 show a comforting reduction in total EPS case incidence from 0.701 episodes/100 years/patient to 0.176 episodes/100 years/patient. The same Censuses also recorded (surprisingly when compared to the international literature mentioned above) the reporting of zero cases of post-TX EPS after 2014. This comment sets out to suggest some keys to the interpretation of this trend.

As regards the reduction in the incidence of EPS in PD, the Census data are moving in the same direction as in the international literature, reinforcing the evidence: it is real. Let’s see what the reasons for this trend could be.

A recent meta-analysis [10] identified the following significantly modifiable risk factors associated with EPS in PD, in order of importance: 1) high peritoneal transport; 2) duration of the PD; 3) peritonitis.

The role of high transport clearly emerges, confirming the need to monitor the ultrafiltration and transport characteristics of every single patient regularly so as to customize the approach in the event of gradual deterioration of the parameters [11]. The GPDP Census data from 2010 to 2022 confirm that peritoneal transport is monitored by a large majority of Italian Centers; a second positive piece of data is the increasingly widespread use of 3.86%-PET vs 2.27%-PET. The close attention paid in Italian PD to this issue certainly contributes to keeping the incidence of EPS in PD low overall. We must however recognize how the minority percentage of Centers which do not monitor transport has unfortunately increased over the course of the years: a negligible number in 2010 rose to exceed 10% in 2022. So, in the case of Italy the gradual reduction in the incidence of EPS in PD is not connected to increasingly widespread patient monitoring. It is really to be hoped that greater awareness of the importance of ultrafiltration and transport in the customization of the PD prescription and the prevention of EPS will have all Centers back assessing them regularly in the future.

The average duration of PD has remained unchanged over time (32.9 months in 2008 vs 31.6 months in 2022), so the reduction in the incidence of EPS in Italy is not correlated either with a shorter duration of PD. This is reassuring: indeed, there is general agreement on the fact that there is no PD “expiry date”, and that the cost/benefits ratio clearly indicates the inadvisability of interrupting PD a priori as a preventive measure against EPS [12].

The incidence of peritonitis, on the other hand, represents the truly significant risk factor whose trend over the years genuinely correlates with the reduction in the incidence of EPS in PD: between 2005 and 2022, there was a constant reduction in the incidence of peritonitis, which substantially halved to 0.176 episodes/year/patient. It is therefore extremely likely that the brilliant results achieved in the prevention of peritonitis are the main factor that has led to the fall observed in the incidence of EPS in PD in Italy. Then again, a reduction in the incidence of peritonitis in PD has been shown throughout the world in the last decade [13] and therefore represents the main reason for the general reduction in EPS in PD.

A second factor that may have contributed to the reduction of EPS in PD is less exposure to glucose in the dialysis solutions: the Census data show an ever-increasing use over the years of incremental dialysis, from 11.9% in 2005 to 35.3% in 2022; it is clear that in periods of incremental dialysis the exposure to glucose is considerably lower than during standard PD.

Furthermore, it is widely thought (although the Census has not taken this aspect into consideration) that the use of more biocompatible dialysis solutions (icodextrin, low-GDP, amino acids) has also grown over the years. There is histological evidence of their action in preserving the structural characteristics of the peritoneum [14, 15], associated in some cases (icodextrin, amino acids) with the absence of glucose, and in others (low-GDP) with the absence of products of glucose degradation even though contained in the solution. Opinions on their greater biocompatibility vs traditional solutions are widely shared, and their use in the prevention of EPS is widely recommended [16].

With regard to post-Tx EPS, the Census data are, on the contrary, surprising. The absence of cases reported after 2014 is clearly in contrast with the international literature mentioned earlier, which in relative terms describes an ever-increasing percentage of cases of post-Tx EPS (stable over time) compared to cases of EPS in PD (falling over time).

Furthermore, while there are congruous physio-pathological explanations for the reduction in the incidence of EPS in PD (fall in peritonitis, reduction in glucose load, greater use of more biocompatible PD solutions), in the case of post-Tx EPS known physio-pathogenetic mechanisms lead to an expectation of substantial stability over time, if not an increase. It is in fact well-known that the fundamental pathogenetic mechanism in post-TX EPS is the powerful pro-fibrotic action of standard immunosuppression based on calcineurin inhibitors (CNI: tacrolimus, ciclosporin) in the absence of mTOR inhibitors (mTOR-I: sirolimus, everolimus) [17]. Over the last 10 years, on the basis of considerations that disregard EPS (effectiveness in rejection prevention, side effects on lipid metabolism) kidney transplant immunosuppressive therapy has not evolved at all towards containment of the use of CNIs in favor of mTOR-Is: the use of mTOR-Is remains marginal; as a matter of fact, tacrolimus (the most powerful CNI of all) is increasingly preferred to ciclosporin [18].

In this context, it seems that the failure to document post-Tx EPS cases can simply be interpreted as inadequacy on the part of the Census in recording them, secondary in turn to the type of organization of the transplant system. The majority of the 40 Kidney Transplant Centers in Italy are surgically-run, and in the individual Transplant Centers (even those which are nephrology-run) there is usually no interface between the Nephrologists dealing with transplants and those responsible for PD; in some Italian Transplant Centers, the Nephrology departments do not even offer a PD service and do not concern themselves with it in the least. In the end, EPS remains a nosological entity which is fundamentally unknown to the transplant team, and is often not diagnosed at all. The likelihood of the issue being taken on by local area PD personnel (the very people the Census is necessarily aimed at!) is close to zero. In this sense, rather than an actual fall in incidence the fact that cases of post-Tx EPS were reported until 2014 and not subsequently would seem to reflect gradually more difficult working conditions, resulting in less and less contact between professionals. The distance separating the worlds of transplantation and PD can also be seen in the details: as the unit of measurement of incidence in EPS the Census has to use the number of episodes/100 years/patient, but this method – perfect for EPS in PD – is practically unusable in post-Tx EPS, where the percentage of development of post-Tx EPS should be considered in former peritoneal dialysis patients (data that can only be provided however by Transplant Centers and not by PD teams).

The organization described above is common to many countries: this is precisely why the documentation of cases of post-Tx EPS is particularly fragmentary. It is no coincidence that the only reliable statistics on post-Tx EPS are those referred to above from Holland, where there are only 2 Kidney Transplant Centers (Rotterdam and Utrecht), both of which have very well-structured Nephrology departments and PD activities: the ideal situation for establishing a fruitful, direct relationship between the worlds of PD and transplantation.

Finally, some comments on cases of EPS following a shift from PD to HD. The number of these situations has always been low, and this complicates any interpretation. However, the Census has difficulty collecting this data too, given that in many Centers the dialog between PD and HD personnel is not optimal. In this edition, as many as 50 Italian PD Centers out of 227 (22%) were unable to even transmit HD incidence and prevalence data due to their being unable to obtain the data from colleagues in their own Center. This sad reality suggests the reasonable possibility of underestimation of cases of EPS in HD, although not as generalized as in the case of post-Tx EPS.

In the pathogenesis of EPS in HD the second hit responsible for the shift from simple sclerosis to EPS is represented precisely by the very interruption of PD, with suspension of the peritoneal removal of fibrin [19]. This stimulus is inevitably produced in any case at the time of the shift, so – as for post-Tx EPS – we do not even have a rationale for expecting a substantial reduction in these cases. In confirmation of this, a recent study [20] shows how a combined PD+HD therapy is associated with a reduction in the incidence of peritonitis, but not of EPS.

In conclusion, the reduction in the incidence of EPS in PD in Italy is a real phenomenon, and in keeping with data reported internationally. The main determinant is shown to be the corresponding fall in peritonitis, with the reduced glucose load and the use of more biocompatible dialysis solutions also very likely to be playing a role. The monitoring by all Centers of ultrafiltration and patient peritoneal transport characteristics is strongly to be recommended, while the incongruity of an a priori limitation of the duration of PD is confirmed.

The failure to document cases of post-Tx EPS, whose incidence is constant in international reports, seems on the other hand to be secondary to the inadequacy on the part of the Census to intercept them, which is in turn due to both a lack of Transplant Center awareness of EPS issues and the organizational separation between Transplant Centers and PD teams.

A deficit in reporting is also likely with regard to EPS in HD, the rarest of all, linked to a lack of collaboration between PD and HD personnel.

The take-home message is: we are achieving good results with EPS in PD, but the battle is not over yet and we have to continue to prevent, diagnose and treat it.



  1. Blake P. The Specter of EPS. Perit Dial Int 2009; 29:487-8.
  2. Fieren MW, Betjes MG, Korte MR, Boer WH. Posttransplant encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis: a worrying new trend? Perit Dial Int. 2007 Nov-Dec;27(6):619-24.
  3. Korte MR, Yo M, Betjes MG, Fieren MW, van Saase JC, Boer WH, Weimar W, Zietse R. Increasing incidence of severe encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis after kidney transplantation. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2007 Aug;22(8):2412-4.
  4. Korte MR, Sampimon DE, Lingsma HF, Fieren MW, Looman CW, Zietse R, Weimar W, Betjes MG; Dutch Multicenter EPS Study. Risk factors associated with encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis in Dutch EPS study. Perit Dial Int. 2011 May-Jun;31(3):269-78.
  5. Korte MR, Habib SM, Lingsma H, Weimar W, Betjes MG. Posttransplantation encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis contributes significantly to mortality after kidney transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2011 Mar;11(3):599-605.
  6. van Dellen D, Augustine T. Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis. Br J Surg. 2012 May;99(5):601-2.
  7. Betjes MG, Habib SM, Boeschoten EW, Hemke AC, Struijk DG, Westerhuis R, Abrahams AC, Korte MR. Significant Decreasing Incidence of Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis in the Dutch Population of Peritoneal Dialysis Patients. Perit Dial Int. 2017 Mar-Apr;37(2):230-234.
  8. Hsu HJ, Yang SY, Wu IW, Hsu KH, Sun CY, Chen CY, Lee CC. Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis in Long-Termed Peritoneal Dialysis Patients. Biomed Res Int. 2018 Nov 13;2018:8250589.
  9. Tseng CC, Chen JB, Wang IK, Liao SC, Cheng BC, Wu AB, Chang YT, Hung SY, Huang CC. Incidence and outcomes of encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) and factors associated with severe EPS. PLoS One. 2018 Jan 2;13(1):e0190079.
  10. Li D, Li Y, Zeng H, Wu Y. Risk factors for Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis: A meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2022 Mar 21;17(3):e0265584.
  11. Morelle J, Stachowska-Pietka J, Öberg C, Gadola L, La Milia V, Yu Z, Lambie M, Mehrotra R, de Arteaga J, Davies S. ISPD recommendations for the evaluation of peritoneal membrane dysfunction in adults: Classification, measurement, interpretation and rationale for intervention. Perit Dial Int. 2021 Jul;41(4):352-372.
  12. Brown EA, Bargman J, van Biesen W, Chang MY, Finkelstein FO, Hurst H, Johnson DW, Kawanishi H, Lambie M, de Moraes TP, Morelle J, Woodrow G. Length of Time on Peritoneal Dialysis and Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis – Position Paper for ISPD: 2017 Update. Perit Dial Int. 2017 Jul-Aug;37(4):362-374.
  13. Marshall MR. A systematic review of peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis rates over time from national or regional population-based registries and databases. Perit Dial Int. 2022 Jan;42(1):39-47.
  14. del Peso G, Jiménez-Heffernan JA, Selgas R, Remón C, Ossorio M, Fernández-Perpén A, Sánchez-Tomero JA, Cirugeda A, de Sousa E, Sandoval P, Díaz R, López-Cabrera M, Bajo MA. Biocompatible Dialysis Solutions Preserve Peritoneal Mesothelial Cell and Vessel Wall Integrity. A Case-Control Study on Human Biopsies. Perit Dial Int. 2016 Mar-Apr;36(2):129-34.
  15. Hamada C, Tomino Y. Recent Understanding of Peritoneal Pathology in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients in Japan. Blood Purif. 2021;50(6):719-728.
  16. Parikova A, Michalickova K, van Diepen AT, Voska L, Viklicky O, Krediet RT. Do low GDP neutral pH solutions prevent or retard peritoneal membrane alterations in long-term peritoneal dialysis? Perit Dial Int. 2022 May;42(3):236-245.
  17. Garosi G. Best Practice – Peritonite Sclerosante Incapsulante
  18. Krisl A, Stampf S, Hauri D, Binet I, Mueller T, Sidler D, Hadaya K, Golshayan D, Pascual M, Koller M, Dickenmann M, The Swiss Transplant Cohort Study Stcs. Immunosuppression management in renal transplant recipients with normal-immunological risk: 10-year results from the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study. Swiss Med Wkly. 2020 Dec 5;150:w20354.
  19. Pepereke S, Shah AD, Brown EA. Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis: Your questions answered. Perit Dial Int. 2023 Mar;43(2):119-127.
  20. Murashima M, Hamano T, Abe M, Masakane I. Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis and Mortality Related to Infection in Patients on Combination Once-Weekly Hemodialysis with Peritoneal Dialysis. Am J Nephrol. 2021;52(4):336-341.

Incremental Peritoneal Dialysis – Comment on the 8th GPDP-SIN 2022 Census data

Of the dialysis methods currently available, peritoneal dialysis (PD) is the one that lends itself most readily to “customization” of treatment as regards both the composition of the dialysis solution and the duration and volumes used.

Besides the classic “full dose” method defined as 3-4 manual exchanges/day or more than 4 night sessions/week, for about two decades PD has also been prescribed with an incremental dialysis (IPD) protocol providing for treatment with a lower than standard dialysis dose which is subsequently increased as the residual renal function (RRF) deteriorates [13].

As the IPD prescription is based on a lower dialysis dose than the norm, the combination between RRF and peritoneal clearance must be taken into account in order to achieve clearance targets. So a correct IPD prescription must offset the gradual reduction in RRF, or any appearance of uremic symptoms, by increasing the number of exchanges and/or dialysis volumes as well as treatment times [47].

In the event of adequate RRF, dialysis adequacy targets can be achieved using the incremental method without running the risk of underdialysis. Furthermore, IPD can benefit patients and society due to a series of elements that can have a positive effect on everyday life conditions:

  1. Fewer dialysis procedures allow patients on IPD to feel less anxious about the method and to enjoy a better quality of life. Moreover, the lower intraperitoneal volumes reduce abdominal discomfort, improving appetite [5].
  2. A feature of IPD is its use of lower amounts of solutions and material compared to full dose dialysis, meaning reduced costs [8].
  3. Fewer dialysis bags means potential environmental benefits with the reduction in the use of water and plastic [9].
  4. Reduced use of dialysis solutions means less systemic resorption of carbohydrates, and as a result a better metabolic profile [4,9].
  5. The risk of peritonitis can potentially be reduced in IPD due to the reduced number of connections [4,7,10].
  6. The reduced exposure of the peritoneum to dialysis solutions – and as a result to high concentrations of glucose and its degradation products – can lead to improved preservation of the peritoneal membrane, and therefore longer method survival [11, 12].

In Italy, these observations have been confirmed by a significant increase in the use of IPD, as documented by the most recent data from the Italian Society of Nephrology Peritoneal Dialysis Project Group Census. Indeed, a further increase in IPD in dialysis centers compared to previous years was documented in 2022: since 2005 the percentage of patients on PD who have used the incremental method has risen from 11.9% to 35.3% (Table I).

Probably the most convincing data however, which strongly suggests the taking of a positive stance by the Italian nephrology community towards IPD, is provided by the gradual increase shown in the percentage of dialysis Centers which have undertaken this method: up from 29% in 2005 to 63% in 2022 (Figure 1)! Even in the absence of highly significant studies therefore, everyday experience and the clinical results observed in the Italian dialysis population are confirming the effectiveness of IPD in providing adequate clearance along with a good quality of life.

Other significant results emerging from the Census which can also be correlated with the use of IPD are:

  • the duration of PD (from 32.6 months in 2005 to 31.6 months in 2022) and overall drop-out have not changed
  • the incidence of peritonitis and drop-out due to peritonitis have dropped significantly
2005 11,9
2008 18,3
2010 22,8
2012 28,8
2014 27,5
2016 32,5
2019 31,4
2022 35,3
Table I: Percentage of patients who start on Incremental Peritoneal Dialysis in Italy.



IPD has been used all over the world for around two decades, and although large-scale randomized studies are still few and far between current scientific evidence suggests that it is as safe as full-dose PD and can be maintained for at least one year. Furthermore, some of the studies have suggested that as well as the potential benefits described above IPD is also better at preserving the residual renal function. Nephrologists must be aware, however, of the need for close supervision of patients and their clinical, metabolic, and dialysis parameters in order to avoid potential complications associated with any delay in the correct adjustment of the dialysis dose [13].

Figure 1: Percentage of Italian dialysis Centers using Incremental Peritoneal Dialysis.
Figure 1: Percentage of Italian dialysis Centers using Incremental Peritoneal Dialysis.



  1. De Vecchi AF, Scalamogna A, Finazzi S, Colucci P, Ponticelli C. Preliminary evaluation of incremental peritoneal dialysis in 25 patients. Perit Dial Int 2000; 20: 412-7.
  2. Neri L, Viglino G, Cappelletti A, Gandolfo C, Barbieri S. Incremental dialysis with automated peritoneal dialysis. Adv Perit Dial 2003; 19: 93-6.
  3. KDOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines and Clinical Practice Recommendations for 2006 Updates: Hemodialysis Adequacy, Peritoneal Dialysis Adequacy and Vascular Access. Am J Kidney Dis 2006; 48 (Suppl. 1): S1-322.
  4. Blake PG, Dong J, Davies SJ. Incremental peritoneal dialysis. Peritoneal Dial Int J Int Soc Peritoneal Dial. 2020;40(3):320-326.
  5. Auguste BL, Bargman JM. Incremental peritoneal dialysis: new ideas about an old approach. Semin Dial. 2018;31(5):445-448.
  6. Neri L, Viglino G, Marinangeli G, et al.; On behalf of Peritoneal Dialysis Study Group of Italian Society of Nephrology. Incremental start to PD as experienced in Italy: results of censuses carried out from 2005 to 2014. J Nephrol. 2017;30(4):593-599.
  7. Reddy YNV, Mendu ML. The role of incremental peritoneal dialysis in the era of the advancing American Kidney Health Initiative. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2020;15(12):1835-1837.
  8. Guest S, Leypoldt JK, Cassin M, Schreiber M. Kinetic modeling of incremental ambulatory peritoneal dialysis exchanges. Perit Dial Int. 2017;37(2):205-211.
  9. Nardelli L, Scalamogna A, Cicero E, Castellano G. Incremental peritoneal dialysis allows to reduce the time spent for dialysis, glucose exposure, economic cost, plastic waste and water consumption. J Nephrol. 2023 Mar;36(2):263-273.
  10. Sandrini M, Vizzardi V, Valerio F, et al. Incremental peritoneal dialysis: a 10-year single-centre experience. J Nephrol. 2016; 29(6):871-879.
  11. Bajo MA, del Peso G, Teitelbaum I. Peritoneal membrane preservation. Semin Nephrol. 2017;37(1):77-92.
  12. Betjes MGH, Habib SM, Boeschoten EW, et al. Significant decreasing incidence of encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis in the Dutch population of peritoneal dialysis patients. Perit Dial Int. 2017;37(2):230-234.
  13. Fernandes A, Matias P, Branco P. Incremental Peritoneal Dialysis-Definition, Prescription, and Clinical Outcomes. Kidney360. 2023 Feb 1;4(2):272-277.

Peritoneal Dialysis in Italy: the 8th GPDP-SIN census 2022


Objectives. The results are reported here of the 8th National Census (Cs-22) of Peritoneal Dialysis in Italy, carried out in 2022-23 by the Italian Society of Nephrology’s Peritoneal Dialysis Project Group and relating to 2022.
Methods. The Census was conducted in the 227 non pediatric centers which performed Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) in 2022. The results have been compared with the previous Censuses carried out since 2005.
Results. Incidence: in 2022, 1350 patients (CAPD=52.1%) started on PD (1st treatment for ESRD). PD was started incrementally by 35.3% in 136 Centers. The catheter was placed exclusively by a Nephrologist in 17.0% of known cases. Prevalence: there were 4152 (CAPD=43.4%) patients on PD on 31/12/2022, with 21.1% of prevalent patients on assisted PD (family member caregiver: 86.3%). Out: in 2022 the PD drop-out rate (ep/100 pt-yrs) was: 11.7 to HD; 10.1 death, down; 7.5 Tx. The main cause of transfer to HD remains peritonitis (23.5%), although its reduction over the years is confirmed (Cs-05: 37.9%). Peritonitis/EPS: the incidence of peritonitis in 2022 was 0.176 ep/pt-yr (696 episodes). The incidence of new cases of EPS fell in 2021-22 (7 cases). Other results: the number of Centers using 3.86% for the peritoneal equilibration test (PET) (57.7%) increased. PD for heart failure continues to be used in 44 Centers (66 pts).
Conclusions. Cs-22 confirms PD’s good results in Italy.

Keywords: Peritoneal Dialysis, technique failure, incremental Peritoneal Dialysis, peritonitis, peritoneal equilibration test (PET)


The Peritoneal Dialysis Project Group (GPDP) of the Italian Society of Nephrology (SIN) investigates the state of Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) in Italy periodically by means of a Census carried out in the Centers which use it [16]. In the last edition, relating to 2019 [6], the situation was shown to be substantially stable, although the survey was conducted at the height of the CoViD pandemic and for the first time was incomplete.

All the Centers using PD took part again in the current edition, which was the Eighth and relates to 2022. It should be remembered, however, that these Centers represent around two-thirds of public Centers (PD is not available as a service in the remainder). When it is considered also that PD is not used in private Centers, the method is actually provided in a minority of Italian Dialysis Centers, and used by less than 10% of patients on Dialysis. The reasons for such a disheartening picture were investigated in the very first Census carried out by SIN in 2004 [7] and are likely to still be the same, all the more so if the constant improvement in the results achieved by PD over the years is considered.

The current edition features various grounds for interest and new aspects. First of all, it is the first “post-CoViD” edition. The number of Centers taking part using the new data collection system [6] increased significantly, allowing for greater precision in the data collected. For the first time the Census thoroughly investigated not only the incidence, but also the etiology of peritonitis, and certain structural aspects of PD Centers, such as the dedicated personnel and the training which will be examined in future.

This report presents the results of the 8th edition, conducted in 2022-2023 and relating to 2022, compared with those of the previous years.

Completing the report is the examination by leading experts on the subjects of certain aspects of PD, including the incremental prescription, peritoneal sclerosis and an assessment of peritoneal permeability.


Materials and methods

The GPDP Census collects aggregate data relating to PD, and is targeted at all the non-pediatric Centers which have used PD in the year in question.

Data collection. As for 2019 [6], in the current edition the aggregate data were collected in two different ways. The first was analytical, using specially designed software: a sort of medical record in which individual patients are entered systematically and the data are exported for the Census in aggregate form. For the protection of privacy, the program was developed without a cloud component, so all the data collected are stored locally and the possibility of backup to server is delegated to the operator. The number of Centers using this system increased from 110 in 2019 to 175 in 2022. The method used by the remaining 52 Centers was the traditional collection of data by filling in the online questionnaire used for previous editions.

In total, the Census reports data from 227 Centers, which is 100% of Italian PD Centers. Of the 8 editions so far, only the Census relating to 2019 was incomplete (198 Centers).

Participating Centers. The initial list of public Centers using PD established in the first SIN Census conducted for 2004 [7] has been updated over the years through attendances at Congresses, Conferences and subsequent SIN Censuses.

The number of Centers taking part for 2022 was 229, 2 of which were excluded as they did not treat any patients during 2022 (having ceased PD activity). While all the Centers responded to the questions on the incidence and prevalence of PD, 50 Centers provided no data on the incidence and prevalence of HD (Figure 1).

Information. The structure of the Census provides for a series of repeated pieces of information – unchanged since the first edition in 2005 [1] – relating to incidence, prevalence, method change or interruption, assisted PD, peritonitis, and non-renal PD. Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) has been added since 2008, and home visits and the peritoneal equilibration test (PET) since 2010 [2]. The questions on catheters resumed in the 2016 edition [5]. Furthermore, with the analytical data collection method information has become available for the first time on the causes of Renal Insufficiency, causes of death, certain organizational aspects such as training methods and available resources, and the etiology of peritonitis.

Data verification and comparison. The data collected initially were subjected to an initial congruence analysis. Any inconsistent data were corrected wherever possible by follow-up phone call, or were considered missing or incomplete, as appropriate. Any corrections and the number of Centers involved are reported in detail in the presentation of the single results.

Definitions and calculations. All the patients who started as first treatment on PD and HD from 01/01/2022 to 31/12/2022 were considered incident. Of these, the patients on ≤2 exchanges/day or ≤4 sessions/week with CAPD (Incr-CAPD) and APD (Incr-APD) respectively were considered as on incremental PD (Incr-PD). Prevalence referred to patients on dialysis at December 31st. For these, a need for assistance referred to the involvement of a caregiver in the performance of the dialysis procedures. Patients on PD due to non-renal causes (GFR ≥15 ml/min/1.73m2) were considered separately: the Census data always refer to patients who started PD due to ESRD.

The calculation of the follow-up to which events are related represents the critical aspect of the Census. With it being impossible to calculate the actual data (the sum of the periods all patients spent on PD in 2022) the follow-up has always been estimated by taking the mean of prevalent patients at the beginning and the end of the year, a method which has also recently been validated [8]. The prevalent patients at the beginning of the year were calculated by taking the prevalent patients at the end of the year, adding drop-outs for all causes, and subtracting new patients to PD (information available). This year it was possible to calculate the follow-up precisely for the 175 Centers which used the “2.2” program. In these Centers the comparison between the two methods showed that “traditional” follow-up underestimates the “actual” follow-up by 5.4%, so it overestimates by an equivalent amount the incidence of the events considered. As the data collection system was still mixed for 2022, the traditional method was used to calculate follow-up for all 227 Centers in order to be able to compare current results with previous years.

The drop-outs from PD recorded in the year were related to 100 patient-years of follow-up, while for peritonitis the incidence was calculated as episodes/patient-years (ep/pt-year). Episodes of EPS refer to the entire 2021-22 two-year period in the case of traditional collection, and the 2020-22 three-year period for the analytical method.

Statistical analysis was limited to looking for any differences with the Chi-square test.

Figure 1: Centers which used PD in 2022 for at least 1 patient.
Figure 1: centers which used PD in 2022 for at least 1 patient. They all sent the data relating to PD; 50 of these did not send the incidence and prevalence data relating to HD. The system used for sending the data is shown in the graphic: 52 by means of the traditional system, which provides for the entry of aggregate data; 175 using the dedicated program in which each patient is entered separately, and the program calculates and sends the aggregate data.



Incidence and initial method

In 2022 PD was started on as first treatment by 1350 patients, 703 of whom using CAPD and 647 APD. The Centers with no incidence in PD in 2022 numbered 11.

As regards HD, 177 Centers provided incidence and prevalence data. In these 177 Centers, 1066 patients started on PD as first treatment, and 4329 on HD, giving a percentage incidence of PD of 19.8% (Table I) (Figure 2). So in relation to the 177 Centers which also sent data on HD, a fall in both the number of patients treated overall with PD in Italy (-15.4% compared to 2016) and the percentage incidence of PD was recorded for 2022. The most widely-used initial PD method remains CAPD (52.1%).

Table I: incident patients and initial PD method in the non-pediatric Centers which used PD in 2022 compared with previous years. The number of Centers not sending HD incidence data has constantly increased since 2016.
Table I: incident patients and initial PD method in the non-pediatric Centers which used PD in 2022 compared with previous years. The number of Centers not sending HD incidence data has constantly increased since 2016.
Figure 2: Number of new patients on 1st treatment (incident) in the years surveyed.
Figure 2: number of new patients on 1st treatment (incident) in the years surveyed. The percentage incidence is calculated on the total number of incident patients (PD + HD). Since 2016 a number of Centers have not sent HD incidence data, so the PD percentage is only calculated for the Centers which have sent the data (light yellow, value in italics). The total number of incident patients is given at the top of each column. It is to be remembered that the 2019 data are incomplete.

For the first time, basic nephropathy data are available, though only for the Centers which sent data using the 2.2 system. The conditions in which PD is most used are Nephroangiosclerosis (24.4%) and chronic Glomerulonephritis (22.3%). Diabetic nephropathy is the cause of ESRD in 15.4% of cases, while in 15.3% it is not known (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Type of nephropathy in incident patients on PD.
Figure 3: type of nephropathy in incident patients on PD. This was not requested by the traditional system for sending the data, so the breakdown shown in the Figure refers to 1004 patients in 174 Centers (1 Center was excluded for data incongruence).

Placement of the peritoneal catheter

All insertions were considered for the placement of the catheter. Excluding 96 patients due to incongruent data (which will be verified in a subsequent analysis), in the 1480 patients who started on PD in 2022, there was a further increase in placements by a surgeon alone, the number of placements by a surgeon and a nephrologist together was stable, and placements by a nephrologist alone diminished (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Operators involved in the placement of the peritoneal catheter.
Figure 4: operators involved in the placement of the peritoneal catheter. The percentage has also been calculated excluding the catheters for which the response was “other” or not specified. The 2016 data are given in the box (excluding “other” and not specified).

Initial dialysis dose – incremental peritoneal dialysis

PD was started with the incremental method (Incr-PD) by 477 patients in 2022, equaling 35.3% of total incident patients (Figure 5); it was used for at least 1 patient by 136 Centers, equaling 59.9% of the 227 Centers (63.0% when excluding the 11 Centers with no incidence).

For the patients who started PD with an incremental dose, the most widely-used method, as in previous years, was CAPD (82.8%), as opposed to the patients who started with a full-dose prescription, for whom APD is significantly more widely-used (64.7% – p<0.0001) (Figure 5). CAPD is a PD method that is increasingly associated with the incremental prescription and the Centers that perform it.

Over the years the number and percentage of incident patients on Incr-PD have been constantly rising, from the 11.9% of 2005 to the current 35.3% (Figure 6). The number of Centers prescribing it, which increased until 2016, remained the same in 2022 in terms of percentage (62.9% in 2016; 63.0% in 2022 of the Centers which started new patients on PD) (Figure 7). The increase recorded in 2022 can therefore be attributed to an increased use in the Centers which already used it, where it was prescribed for 47.8% of patients.

The Centers using Incr-PD are “larger” than the Centers which do not prescribe it, in terms of both incident (7.3 pt/year vs 4.4 pt/year) and prevalent patients (21.3 patients vs 15.0 patients) (Figure 8).

Excluding the Centers with zero incidence and those which did not send HD data, the use of incremental PD is associated, as in previous years, with greater use of PD in general (22.4% in 114 Centers vs 14.4% in 56 Centers – p<0.005) (Figure 9).

Figure 5: Incremental dialysis in 2022. The method of PD used (CAPD and APD) is given in the lateral columns for “incremental” (on the left) and “full dose” patients (right).
Figure 5: incremental dialysis in 2022. The method of PD used (CAPD and APD) is given in the lateral columns for “incremental” (on the left) and “full dose” patients (right).
Figure 6: Percentage of total incident patients who started PD with an incremental prescription (2 or fewer exchanges on CAPD and 4 or fewer sessions on APD).
Figure 6: percentage of total incident patients who started PD with an incremental prescription (2 or fewer exchanges on CAPD and 4 or fewer sessions on APD).
Figure 7: Percentage of Centers which used the incremental prescription for at least one patient.
Figure 7: percentage of Centers which used the incremental prescription for at least one patient. The percentage was calculated excluding the Centers which did not start any incident patients. If it is related to the total number of Centers the value is slightly lower, but the trend over time does not change.
Figure 8: A) Percentage of Centers over time divided into those which recorded no new patients (INCID = 0)
Figure 8: A) percentage of Centers over time divided into those which recorded no new patients (INCID = 0), those which recorded new patients but did not prescribe the incremental mode (INCR = 0), and those which used it for at least 1 patient (INCR>0). B) Size of the 3 types of Centers, in terms of both incident (above) and prevalent patients (below) in relation to 2022.
Figure 9: A) The percentage use of PD for incident patients in the Centers which do or do not use the incremental prescription.
Figure 9: A) the percentage use of PD for incident patients in the Centers which do or do not use the incremental prescription. The data relates to the 177 Centers which also provided HD data. Of these, 7 were excluded for Incidence = 0. Of the remaining 170, Incr-PD was prescribed in 114 Centers (INCREM.SI). B) The PD admission Odds Ratio in INCREM.SI with respect to INCREM.NO Centers over the years.

Patients from other treatments

In 2022, 178 patients transferred from HD to PD (Figure 10) (Table II).

2005 1443 89 25 1557 5,7 1,6
2008 1379 82 32 1493 5,5 2,1
2010 1429 126 36 1591 7,9 2,3
2012 1433 113 50 1596 7,1 3,1
2014 1652 161 46 1859 8,7 2,5
2016 1595 119 50 1764 6,7 2,8
2019 1363 125 44 1532 8,2 2,9
2022 1350 178 48 1576 11,3 3,0
Table II: patients (absolute value and percentage of all new patients to PD) from HD and return post-Transplant.
Figure 10: New patients to PD, sum of incident patients, transfers from HD and returns post-Tx.
Figure 10: new patients to PD, sum of incident patients, transfers from HD and returns post-Tx.

As expected, this data is decidedly lower than the number of patients switching from PD to HD (464 drop-outs in 2022), but higher in both absolute and percentage terms: indeed, in 2022 it represents 11.3% of all new patients to PD compared to 5.7% in 2005 (Figure 11). If for every 100 patients who transferred from PD to HD in 2005 17 took the reverse path, in 2022 the latter figure was 37. As regards a return to PD post-Transplant, the numbers and percentages have remained substantially unchanged over time (Figure 12).

Figure 11: Trend over time in the percentage of patients who started on PD from HD and Tx out of the total number of new patients on PD.
Figure 11: trend over time in the percentage of patients who started on PD from HD and Tx out of the total number of new patients on PD.
Figure 12: Percentages of patients returning post-Transplant on HD (red) and on PD. Only Centers with complete data for HD as well are considered.
Figure 12: percentages of patients returning post-Transplant on HD (red) and on PD. Only Centers with complete data for HD as well are considered.

Change of PD method

Information on the change of method were available for 224 Centers. In these Centers, 165 patients transferred from CAPD to APD in 2022, while 43 transferred from APD to CAPD (Figure 13). As in previous years, the reason for the change in around half of cases was patient and/or caregiver choice. Other grounds were insufficient clearance / UF for the switch from CAPD to APD, and catheter malfunction for the switch from APD to CAPD.

Figure 13: Change of PD method in 2022. Three Centers did not provide the data.
Figure 13: change of PD method in 2022. Three Centers did not provide the data.

Prevalence and PD method

At December 31st 2022 there were 4152 patients on PD, with 1803 on CAPD and 2349 on APD. Therefore, compared with 2016, a reduction of 9.9% was recorded in the prevalent population (Figure 14) (Table III). In the 177 Centers with complete incidence and prevalence data for HD as well, there were 3191 patients on PD and 18,259 on HD, with a 14.9% PD prevalence.

The most widely-used PD method among prevalent patients is APD (56.6%) (Figure 15), with a further increase compared to previous years (Table III).

The turnover calculated as the ratio of prevalent patients to the total of new patients on PD in 2022 was 31.6 months, substantially unchanged compared to previous years (it was 32.9 months in 2008). The trend in turnover over the years is given in detail in Figure 16.

Table III: Prevalent patients at 31/12/2022 and PD method in the non-pediatric Centers
Table III: prevalent patients at 31/12/2022 and PD method in the non-pediatric Centers which used PD in 2022 compared with previous years. The number of Centers not sending HD incidence data has increased constantly since 2016. * the values of the First SIN Census carried out in 2004 are given since data relating to HD were not requested in the first GPDP Census in 2005.
Figure 14: Number of patients treated with PD at December 31st of each year (prevalent) in the years surveyed.
Figure 14: number of patients treated with PD at December 31st of each year (prevalent) in the years surveyed. The percentage prevalence was calculated on total prevalent patients (PD + HD). Since 2016 a number of Centers have not sent HD prevalence data, so the PD percentage is only calculated for the Centers which have sent the data (light blue, value in italics). The total number of prevalent patients is given at the top of each column. It is to be remembered that the 2019 data are incomplete. In 2005 the HD prevalence data were not requested, so those of the 2004 SIN Census are considered.
Figure 15: Breakdown of incident and prevalent patients between CAPD and APD.
Figure 15: breakdown of incident and prevalent patients between CAPD and APD.
Figure 16: Duration of PD calculated by multiplying the NEW/PREVALENCE ratio by 12.
Figure 16: duration of PD calculated by multiplying the NEW/PREVALENCE ratio by 12. This is obviously valid in steady state conditions, while for 2022 this may not be the case, although the lower incidence was partly offset by the rise in patients from HD.

Assisted PD

In Cs-22 the number of prevalent patients requiring a caregiver (assisted PD) was 878 (21.15% of all prevalent patients on PD) (Figure 17). Compared to 2019 (976 patients on Assisted PD in an incomplete Census), this is a significant reduction (p<0.005).

The caregiver is a family member in 86.3% of cases, a live-in carer in 7.4%, a home nurse in 1.7%; finally, 4.6% (40 patients) perform PD in facilities for the elderly. A reduction was recorded for 2022 in the number of live-in carers, with an increased involvement of family members. The number of patients treated with PD in residential care homes was unchanged (Figure 18).

Figure 17: Assisted PD in the prevalent patients on 31/12/2022 and type of caregiver involved.
Figure 17: assisted PD in the prevalent patients on 31/12/2022 and type of caregiver involved. Given inside the graphic for the latter are the percentages referred to the total of prevalent patients, and near every single component the percentages in relation to the total number of patients on assisted PD.
Figure 18: Trend over time in caregivers involved in assisted PD.
Figure 18: trend over time in caregivers involved in assisted PD.

Change of method and drop-out

Figure 19 shows overall drop-out and drop-out due to transfer to HD, death, and transplant, expressed as both number of patients and events/100 pt-years.

The number of deaths recorded in 2022 was 400 (10.1 ep/100 pt-years), 464 patients transferred to HD (11.7 ep/100 pt-years) and 296 to transplants (7.5 ep/100 pt-years). A reduction in mortality was confirmed for 2022 compared to 2016.

Other causes of drop-out from PD in 2022 were voluntary refusal to continue dialysis (burn out) for 21 patients, Recovery of Residual Renal Function (RFRR) in 14 patients and on “other” grounds for 6 patients. Burn out was proposed for the first time in 2022, and may have been attributed in the past to death or “other” grounds.

With regard to drop-out to HD (Figure 20), the single main cause remains peritonitis (23.5%), but its reduction over the course of the years was confirmed (2005: 37.9%; 2008: 36.7%; 2010: 30.4%; 2012: 28.2%; 2014: 24.8%; 2016: 23.8%). The second cause – significantly on the increase – is the impossibility to continue on PD (22.4%). Traditionally this refers to events that render the patient no longer suitable for the performance of the dialysis procedures due to the onset of barriers to independence (physical, psychological, cognitive) in the event of absence or loss – if already on Assisted PD – of the caregiver. Other clinical events may also be attributed to this cause however. Finally, catheter is increasing as cause of drop-out (14.0%).

The main cause of death is heart disease (42.3%), while peritonitis represents 1.9% of deaths (Figure 21).

Figure 19: Causes of drop-out from PD over the years. In 2019 the Census was incomplete.
Figure 19: causes of drop-out from PD over the years. In 2019 the Census was incomplete.
Figure 20: Causes of transfer to HD over the years. In 2019 the Census was incomplete.
Figure 20: causes of transfer to HD over the years. In 2019 the Census was incomplete.
Figure 21: Causes of death in the Centers that used the dedicated 2.2. program to send the data.
Figure 21: causes of death in the Centers that used the dedicated 2.2. program to send the data.


The number of episodes of peritonitis recorded in 2022 was 696 in 226 Centers, which for a total follow-up of 3943.5 years (47.322 months) is equivalent to 0.176 episodes per patient-year, or in other terms 1 episode every 68.0 patient-months, a lower incidence than recorded in previous years. As far as the percentage of negative cultures is concerned (134 episodes, equaling 19.3% of the total), the data is not significantly different to previous years (Table IV).

The peritonitis trend is given in both Table IV and Figure 22.

The etiology was analyzed for 627 cases of peritonitis reported in 211 Centers. One Center did not report the data, and 15 reported a higher number defined by the etiological agents than the cases of peritonitis reported overall (+18). However, as 8 Centers reported a lower number of etiological agents for peritonitis than the total declared (-17), the net difference was only 1 episode, confirming the validity of the overall data.

Half (50.1%) were caused by Gram positives, 27.9% by Gram negatives and 2.7% by unspecified germs (Figure 23). Cases of culture-negative peritonitis in these Centers were lower (17.9%) than those declared overall by all the Centers (134 episodes, 19.3%). Figure 24 details the different isolated microorganisms.

Of the episodes of peritonitis recorded in 2022, 323 (46.4%) occurred during CAPD and 373 (53.6%) APD, reflecting the breakdown of the 2 methods in prevalent patients.

Table IV: The episodes of peritonitis recorded by 73% of surveyed Centers are given for 2005, while not all recorded them in 2019 (and 4 did not report the data).
Table IV: the episodes of peritonitis recorded by 73% of surveyed Centers are given for 2005, while not all recorded them in 2019 (and 4 did not report the data). For 2022 the data refer to all the Centers, except 1 which was unable to retrieve the data. The calculation is taken from the overall number. Any discrepancy with the number of etiological agents has not been taken into account for standardization with the previous years (in which the etiology was not investigated).
Figure 22: Incidence of peritonitis in 2022. The peritonitis reported for 2005 was recorded by 73% of the Centers surveyed, while not all were surveyed in 2019
Figure 22: incidence of peritonitis in 2022. The peritonitis reported for 2005 was recorded by 73% of the Centers surveyed, while not all were surveyed in 2019 (and 4 did not report the data). For 2022 the data refer to all the Centers, except 1 due to impossibility to retrieve the data. The count is taken from the total number. Any discrepancy with the number of etiological agents was not taken into account for standardization with the previous years (in which the etiology was not investigated).
Figure 23: Etiology of peritonitis – breakdown based on the main categories.
Figure 23: etiology of peritonitis – breakdown based on the main categories.
Figure 24: Etiology of peritonitis in detail.
Figure 24: etiology of peritonitis in detail.

Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS)

Of the 7 new episodes of EPS reported during the period 2020-22, 5 were diagnosed in the course of PD and 2 following transfer to HD. No cases were reported following a transplant (Figure 25).

A separate paper in this number is dedicated to discussing this finding, which is similar to 2019, but in constant decline.

Figure 25: Sclerosing peritonitis over time. For 2022 only the number of extracted cases is reported.
Figure 25: sclerosing peritonitis over time. For 2022 only the number of extracted cases is reported.


Peritoneal permeability is assessed by most of the Centers (88.1%). although the number of Centers which do not consider it has grown further (2.2% in 2010 vs 11.9% in 2022).

For some time now the most widely-used method is 3.86%-PET rather than Twardowski’s 2.27%-PET (Figure 26). The number of Centers measuring peritoneal permeability using more sophisticated techniques or in another way increased.

The Centers using 3.86%-PET are larger, with a lower drop-out due to UFF/insufficient clearance (Figure 27).

Figure 26: Assessment of peritoneal permeability with the various methods.
Figure 26: assessment of peritoneal permeability with the various methods.
Figure 27: Characteristics of the Centers divided on the basis of assessment of peritoneal permeability adopted and incidence of drop-out due to UFF or poor clearance.
Figure 27: characteristics of the Centers divided on the basis of assessment of peritoneal permeability adopted and incidence of drop-out due to UFF or poor clearance.

PD for heart failure

The Census considers separately new patients to PD on NON renal grounds (GFR > 15 ml/min/1.73m2). The main non-renal reason remains treatment for heart failure (PUF), which regarded 66 patients in 44 Centers in 2022. The data is unchanged with respect to 2010 (Figure 28). In these Centers, with a larger PD program and greater use of Assisted PD, PUF represents 15% of new patients to PD (Figure 29).

Figure 28: Use of PUF (PD in refractory heart failure (HF) at GFR > 15 ml/min/1.73m2) compared with 2010.
Figure 28: use of PUF (PD in refractory heart failure (HF) at GFR > 15 ml/min/1.73m²) compared with 2010.
Figure 29: Characteristics of the Centers which use PD for refractory heart failure (HF).
Figure 29: characteristics of the Centers which use PD for refractory heart failure (HF).

Analysis of the Centers

Mean incidence was 5.9 patients per Center and mean prevalence 18.3 patients per Center, with considerable variability between one Center and another (Figure 30). Most of the Centers involved and of the prevalent patients are concentrated in the North (102 Centers, 45%). Figure 31 shows the geographical distribution.

The 2022 Census considered various aspects which characterize PD Centers. The data is being analyzed and will be published soon.

Figure 30: Distribution of centers and patients by Macro area.
Figure 30: distribution of centers and patients by Macro area.
Figure 31: Breakdown by incidence and prevalence of the PD Centers which took part in the 2022 Census.
Figure 31: breakdown by incidence and prevalence of the PD Centers which took part in the 2022 Census.



Limitations and new features

The PD Census – at its 8th edition counting 2022 – represents the result of a constant organizational effort by GPDP-SIN and all the PD points of contact in the Centers in Italy using PD. Following the difficulties of the last edition caused by the pandemic, PD Center participation in 2022 was once again 100%.

As has been reiterated several times, its main limitation lies in the fact that it is a photograph of the Centers which perform PD alone, though this is also its raison d’être.

A second limitation results from the growing difficulty the PD points of contact have in sending even the most basic information relating to patients on HD in their Centers. Found for the first time in 2016, the number of Centers not sending HD data reached 22% in 2022.

A third limitation is the calculation of follow-up. With the data available, prevalence at the end of the year, new patients to PD and drop-outs the follow-up has always been calculated by subtracting from and adding to end-of-year prevalence half of the new patients to PD and half of the drop-outs recorded in the year respectively. This system has been preferred to considering the mean between current prevalence and prevalence recorded at the time of the previous Census (a system only used in calculating the incidence of EPS) due both to the interval in between, at times 3 or more years, and – at least initially – the lack of historical data. As usual, however, we report the absolute patient and event values so that anyone who wishes to perform recalculations can do so. It should be remembered only that the system adopted is the most “anti-economic” in that it leads to an underestimation of the follow-up, and therefore an overestimation of the incidence of events. Despite this, it has been shown that the results of PD in Italy are more than valid.

The most important new feature is represented by the new system for collecting the data by means of a dedicated program that can be used to send it in aggregate form. This system has greatly reduced data incongruence and has increased the information available, enabling increasingly detailed processing. As it is not yet used by all the Centers, however, traditional calculation and processing methods have been applied in this edition to all the Centers.

Use of PD

The number of incident and prevalent patients on PD is decreasing: compared to 2016, in 2022 there was a fall in the total number of incident patients of 15.4%, and in the number of prevalent patients of 9.9%. Percentage incidence and prevalence – calculated only for the Centers which sent HD data – are also dropping: compared to 2016, incidence fell from 24.0% to 19.8% and prevalence from 17.4% to 14.9%. It should be remembered furthermore that these percentage values refer only to the Centers using PD. If the number of prevalent patients on PD in 2022 is related to dialysis (HD + PD) prevalence data in Italy (estimated by the Italian Dialysis and Transplant Register to be 811 patients per million inhabitants (pmp) for 2019 [9]), then PD prevalence in Italy is 8.7% (Figure 32), which is disheartening in comparison with other Western countries (Figure 33) (Figure 36 – A) [1013], where the percentage prevalence is higher, not diminishing, and at times continuously increasing, as in the USA.

The reduction in prevalence has involved different regions and macro-areas to a variable degree (Figure 34) (Figure 35).

Figure 32: PD pmp prevalence in relation to the total (HD + PD) reported by the Italian Dialysis and Transplant Register.
Figure 32: PD pmp prevalence in relation to the total (HD + PD) reported by the Italian Dialysis and Transplant Register. The percentages show the relationship between the two prevalences. It is to be remembered that, unlike RIDT, the Census does NOT include pediatric patients.
Figure 33: Trend in percentage PD prevalence reported by the main international registers.
Figure 33: trend in percentage PD prevalence reported by the main international registers.
Figure 34: Comparison between 2022 and 2016 of prevalence referred to the resident populations in the various Italian Macro areas.
Figure 34: comparison between 2022 and 2016 of prevalence referred to the resident populations in the various Italian Macro areas.
Figure 35: Comparison between 2022 and 2016 of absolute value prevalence and referred to the resident populations in the various Italian Regions.
Figure 35: comparison between 2022 and 2016 of absolute value prevalence and referred to the resident populations in the various Italian Regions.
Figure 36: International comparisons.
Figure 36: international comparisons. In A absolute value and percentage prevalence reported by several registers. Canada includes Québec since 2020. Scandinavia includes Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Finland. In B the outcome data reported by the Registers in France and ANZ.

Incremental Dialysis

Incremental Dialysis has been investigated ever since the first edition, documenting its characteristics and evolution over time in a manner which is detailed, and still unique – in terms of national Registers – in literature [14]. In 2022 this method grew further due to its greater use in the Centers that already prescribed it, and it seems to increasingly affect the choice of PD method: CAPD for the incremental prescription and APD for full-dose PD. Its use associated with a higher percentage use of PD is confirmed, while an important – but not yet resolved – aspect remains its role in the constant decrease observed in the incidence of peritonitis. Dr. Valerio Vizzardi of the Brescia Center, who has extensive experience in the use of this prescription, examines its importance and limitations in a dedicated annex to this report.

Assisted PD

This aspect will also be considered separately, though a significant reduction in recourse to Assisted PD is seen for 2022.

As is the case with other aspects, assisted PD is used more in larger Centers. The most common caregiver by far is a family member. In this, the situation in Italy is consistent with that in other countries, except – as is well-known and has already been extensively discussed previously – for France.

Drop-out from PD

The improvement seen in mortality is confirmed in 2022, while transfer to HD and transplant remain substantially unchanged. Excluding 2019, the year in which the Census was conducted at the height of the pandemic and was as a result incomplete in terms of both number of Centers taking part and information received, it is the first time drop-outs from PD have fallen below 30 episodes per 100 patient years.

Very little register data is available. Compared with ANZ and France, the Italian rate of turnover is the lowest, and mortality is comparable if not better, although burn-out (voluntary withdrawal from dialysis) is significantly lower than in other countries (Figure 36 – B).

Highlighted in terms of causes of drop-out to HD is an increase in catheter malfunction and the impossibility to continue PD. The fact that the data for the latter differ from France and ANZ is likely to be due to their more limited definition of the category.

A possible association with the lesser role of the Nephrologist in placement and the less frequent recourse to Assisted PD recorded in 2022, however appealing, remains to be established.

The reduction over the years in drop-out due to peritonitis is confirmed, consistent with the decrease observed in the incidence of peritonitis.

Finally, if drop-outs due to insufficient clearance and UFF are considered together, they are superimposable with the situation in other countries (Figure 36 – B).


The incidence of peritonitis fell in 2022 to 0.176 episodes/patient year. Essentially, it has dropped from 5 episodes per patient-year in the 80s to less than 1 episode every 5 years. In particular, the incidence of peritonitis has almost halved from the first Census in 2005 (1 episode every 36 months) to today (1 episode every 68 months). This value is among the lowest recorded in the West, and is markedly lower than the maximum target recommended by the 2022 ISPD guidelines [15] and consistent with world trends for this complication (Figure 37) [16].

As regards the etiology too, which was investigated in a complete manner for the first time, the Census data are consistent with what has been observed in other Registers and multi-center studies [1719].

Andamento delle peritoniti nel tempo. Dati di Registro ricavato da Marshall et al [16].
Figure 37: trend in peritonitis over time. Register data sourced from Marshall et al [16]. The maximum ISPD – 2022 guideline targets are reported, along with the comparison with the GPDP Census data.

The 2022 data seem to confirm the major reduction in this PD complication, limited as it was to just a few cases in PD and in HD. This data is controversial – and in certain respects dangerous – because it could lead to less attention being given to the complication in PD to be feared most, so it was worthy of the in-depth analysis carried out by Prof. Guido Garosi and Dr. Nicoletta Mancianti attached to the Report.

Assessment of peritoneal permeability

The monitoring of peritoneal permeability, and the way in which it is done, is an important PD program quality indicator. The Census data show a constant increase over the years in the use of 3.86%-PET, from 15.6% of the Centers in 2010 to 57.7% in 2022. Contributing to this success has certainly been the research carried out by Dr. Vincenzo La Milia, who has examined the reasons in an annex to the Report.

PD due to refractory heart failure

When terminal-stage heart failure is reached, treatment of congestion by means of PD represents a possible solution which was already proposed many years ago. The experience reported in literature [2021] shows clear positive effects on symptomatology, quality of life and admissions to hospital. Indications on when to start the therapy still remain uncertain, and a real comparison with HD is practically impossible, although the data do not show significant differences. The Census highlights an important aspect associated with this therapy. Over a period of more than 10 years, its use in Italy remains relegated to the same number of Centers and for the same number of patients. The Centers that use it are larger and make greater use of assisted PD. 

Center Effect

The number of Centers which use PD has remained substantially the same over the years. In various aspects of PD examined (Incr-PD, drop-out to HD, assisted PD, non-renal PD, PET), it seems that the so-called “Center effect” – in short, size of PD program (prevalent patients) – is important: the larger the program, the better the use and results of PD seem to be. The 2022 Census investigated in greater detail the characteristics of Centers, such as the presence of dedicated doctors and nurses, the availability of dedicated premises and of a home visit program, training methods. A detailed analysis of this important aspect is underway for forthcoming publication.



The PD Census relating to 2022 confirms the quality of PD in Italy in terms of prescription elasticity, reduction in mortality, reduction in peritonitis and EPS, the still extensive recourse to Assisted PD, although this is on the decrease, and monitoring of the peritoneal membrane. However, the use of PD seems to be diminishing. Limited as it is to PD Centers, the Census does not make it possible to identify the reasons for this fall. It just highlights its contrast with the results obtained. Thanks to the active participation of the PD contacts in the individual Centers, the Census confirms itself as a valid, constantly-developing tool for knowing the actual situation.



Special thanks to the contacts in the Centers taking part in the Census, whose commitment has made the collection of the data and this report possible.

Abdulsattar Giamila (Oristano)
Alberghini Elena (Cinisello Balsamo)
Albrizio Paolo (Voghera)
Alessandrello Maria Grazia Ivana (Modica)
Alfano Gaetano (Modena)
Amar Karen (Cernusco sul Naviglio)
Ambrogio Antonina (Rovigo)
Ancarani Paolo (Sestri Levante)
Angelini Maria Laura (forlì)
Ansali Ferruccio (Civitavecchia)
Apponi Francesca (Frosinone)
Argentino Gennaro (Napoli)
Avella Alessandro (Varese)
Barattini Marina (Massa)
Barbera Vincenzo (Colleferro)
Basso Anna (Padova)
Bellotti Giovanni (Sapri)
Benozzi Luisa (Borgomanero)
Bermond Francesca (Torino)
Bianco Beatrice (Verona)
Bigatti Giada (Sesto San Giovanni)
Bilucaglia Donatella (Torino)
Boccadoro Roberto (Rimini)
Boito Rosalia (Crotone)
Bonesso Cristina (San Donà di Piave)
Bonincontro Maria Luisa (Bolzano)
Bonvegna Francesca (Verbania)
Borettaz Ilaria (Melegnano – Vizzolo Predabissi)
Borrelli Silvio (Napoli)
Bosco Manuela (Gorizia)
Braccagni Beatrice (Poggibonsi)
Budetta Fernando (Eboli)
Cabibbe Mara (Milano)
Cabiddu Gianfranca (Cagliari)
Cadoni Maria Chiara (San Gavino Monreale)
Campolo Maria Angela (Lamezia Terme)
Cannarile Daniela Cecilia (Bologna)
Cannavo’ Rossella (Firenze)
Canonici Marta (Fabriano)
Cantarelli Chiara (Parma)
Caponetto Carmelo (Siracusa)
Cappadona Francesca (Genova)
Cappelletti Francesca (Siena)
Caprioli Raffaele (Pisa)
Capurro De Mauri Federica Andreana (Novara)
Caria Simonetta (Quartu Sant’ Elena)
Carta Annalisa (Nuoro)
Caselli Gian Marco (Firenze)
Casuscelli di Tocco Teresa (Messina)
Cataldo Emanuela (Altamura)
Cernaro Valeria (Messina)
Cerroni Franca (Rieti)
Ciabattoni Marzia (Savona)
Cianfrone Paola (catanzaro)
Cimolino Michele (Pordenone)
Comegna Carmela (Tivoli)
Consaga Marina (Livorno)
Contaldo Gina (Monza)
Conti Paolo (Arezzo)
Cornacchia Flavia (Cremona)
Cosa Francesco (Legnano)
Cosentini Vincenzo (San Bonifacio)
Costantini Luigia (Vercelli)
Costantino Ester Grazia Maria (Manerbio)
Costanza Giuseppa (Gela)
D’Alonzo Silvia (Roma)
D’Altri Christian (Martina Franca)
D’Amico Maria (Erice)
De Blasio Antonietta (Caserta)
Del Corso Claudia (Pescia)
Della Gatta Carmine (Nola)
D’Ercole Martina (La Spezia)
Di Franco Antonella (Barletta)
Di Liberato Lorenzo (Chieti)
Di Loreto Ermanno (Atri)
Di Renzo Brigida (Brindisi)
Di Somma Agnese (San Marco Argentano)
Di Stante Silvio (Pesaro – Fano)
Dinnella Angela Maria (Anzio)
Distratis Cosimo (Manduria)
Dodoi Diana Teodora (Chieri)
Domenici Alessandro (Roma)
Esposito Samantha (Grosseto)
Esposito Vittoria (Pavia)
Farina Marco (Lodi)
Ferrando Carlo (Cuneo)
Ferrannini Michele (Roma)
Ferrara Gaetano (San Giovanni Rotondo)
Figliano Ivania Maria (Vibo Valentia)
Figliola Carmela (Gallarate)
Filippini Armando (Roma)
Finato Viviana (San Miniato)
Fiorenza Saverio (Imola)
Frattarelli Daniele (Roma Ostia)
Gabrielli Danila (Aosta)
Gai Massimo (Torino)
Garofalo Donato (Fermo)
Gazo Antonietta (Vigevano)
Gennarini Alessia (Bergamo)
Gherzi Maurizio (Ceva)
Giancaspro Vincenzo (Molfetta)
Gianni Glauco (Prato)
Giovannetti Elisabetta (Camaiore)
Giovannetti Elisabetta (Lido di Camaiore)
Giozzet Morena (Feltre)
Giuliani Anna (Vicenza)
Giunta Federica (Macerata)
Graziani Romina (Ravenna)
Guizzo Marta (Castelfranco Veneto)
Heidempergher Marco (Milano)
Iacono Rossella (Civita Castellana)
Iadarola Gian Maria (Torino)
Iannuzzella Francesco (Reggio Emilia)
Incalcaterra Francesca (Palermo)
La Milia Vincenzo (Lecco)
Laudadio Giorgio (Bassano del Grappa)
Laudon Alessandro (Trento)
Lenci Federica (Ancona)
Leonardi Sabina (Trieste)
Lepori Gianmario (Olbia)
Leveque Alessandro (Citta’ di Castello)
Licciardello Daniela (Acireale)
Lidestri Vincenzo (Chioggia)
Lisi Lucia (Vimercate)
Lo Cicero Antonina (San Daniele del Friuli )
Luciani Remo (Roma)
Maffei Stefano (Asti)
Magnoni Giacomo (Bologna)
Malandra Rossella (Teramo)
Manca Rizza Giovanni (Pontedera)
Mancuso Verdiana (Agrigento)
Manfrini Vania (Seriate)
Manini Alessandra (Crema)
Marcantoni Carmelita (Catania)
Marchetti Valentina (Lucca)
Marini Alvaro (Popoli)
Martella Vilma (Lecce)
Masa Maria Alessandra (Sondrio)
Mastrippolito Silvia (Lanciano)
Mastrosimone Stefania (Treviso)
Matalone Massimo (Catania)
Mauro Teresa (Corigliano Rossano)
Mazzola Giuseppe (Mantova)
Melfa Gianvincenzo (Como)
Messina Antonina (Catania)
Miglio Roberta (Busto Arsizio)
Miniello Vincenzo (Pistoia)
Mollica Agata (Cosenza)
Montalto Gaetano (Taormina)
Montanari Marco (Ariccia)
Montemurro Vincenzo (Firenze)
Musone Dario (Formia)
Nardelli Luca (Milano)
Neri Loris (Alba)
Orani Maria Antonietta (Milano)
Palmiero Giuseppe (Napoli)
Palumbo Roberto (Roma)
Panuccio Vincenzo Antonio (Reggio Calabria)
Panzino Antonio Rosario (Catanzaro)
Parodi Denise (Arenzano)
Pastorino Nadia Rosa (Novi Ligure)
Pellegrino Cinzia (Cetraro)
Perilli Luciana (Vasto)
Perna Concetta (Cerignola)
Perosa Paolo (Pinerolo)
Pieracci Laura (Imperia)
Pietanza Stefania (Putignano)
Pignone Eugenia (Torino)
Pinerolo Maria Cristina (Milano)
Piraina Valentina (ivrea)
Pirrottina Maria Anna (San Benedetto del Tronto)
Pisani Antonio (Napoli)
Pogliani Daniela Rosa Maria (Garbagnate Milanese)
Porreca Silvia (Bari)
Pozzi Marco (Desio)
Prerez Giuseppina (Dolo)
Previti Antonino (Santorso)
Puliti Maria Laura (Palestrina)
Randone Salvatore (Avola)
Ricciardi Daniela (Castiglione del Lago)
Ricciatti Annamaria (Ancona)
Rocca Anna Rachele (Roma)
Rubini Camilla (Venezia Mestre)
Russo Francesco Giovanni (Scorrano)
Russo Roberto (Bari)
Sabatino Stefania (Udine)
Sacco Colombano (Biella)
Sammartino Fulvio Antonio (Pescara)
Santarelli Stefano (Jesi)
Santese Domenico (Taranto)
Santinello Irene (Piove di Sacco)
Santirosi Paola Vittori (Foligno-Spoleto)
Santoferrara Angelo (Civitanova Marche)
Saraniti Antonello (Milazzo)
Savi Umberto (Belluno)
Scalso Berta Ida (Cirie’)
Scarfia Rosalia Viviana (Caltagirone)
Serriello Ilaria (Roma)
Signorotti Sara (Cesena)
Silvana Baranello (Campobasso)
Somma Giovanni (Castellamare di Stabia)
Sorice Mario (Senigallia)
Spissu Valentina (Sassari)
Stacchiotti Lorella (Giulianova)
Stucchi Andrea (Milano)
Taietti Carlo (Treviglio)
Tata Salvatore (Venezia)
Teri Antonino (Foggia)
Tettamanzi Fabio (Tradate)
Timio Francesca (Perugia)
Todaro Ignazio (Piazza Armerina)
Toriello Gianpiero (Polla)
Torraca Serena (Salerno)
Trepiccione Francesco (Napoli)
Trubian Alessandra (Legnago)
Turchetta Luigi (Cassino)
Vaccaro Valentino (Alessandria)
Valsania Teresa (Piacenza)
Vecchi Luigi (Terni)
Veronesi Marco (Ferrara)
Visciano Bianca (Magenta)
Viscione Michelangelo (Avellino)
Vizzardi Valerio (Brescia)
Zanchettin Gianantonio (Conegliano)
Zeiler Matthias (Ascoli Piceno)



  1. Marinangeli G, Cabiddu G, Neri L et al; Italian Society of Nephrology Peritoneal Dialysis Study Group. Old and new perspectives on peritoneal dialysis in Italy emerging from the Peritoneal Dialysis Study Group Census. Perit Dial Int 2012; 32:558-65.
  2. Marinangeli G, Cabiddu G, Neri L et al; Italian Society of Nephrology Peritoneal Dialysis Study Group. Andamento della DP in Italia nei Centri pubblici non pediatrici. Risultati del censimento GSDP-SIN 2010 e confronto con i censimenti 2008 e 2005. G Ital Nefrol 2014; 31(4).
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  6. Neri L, Viglino G, Vizzardi V, et al; Peritoneal Dialysis Study Group of the Italian Society of Nephrology. [Peritoneal Dialysis in Italy: the 7th GPDP-SIN census 2019]. G Ital Nefrol. 2022 May 11;36 (3).
  7. Viglino G, Neri L, Alloatti S et al. Analysis of the factors conditioning the diffusion of peritoneal dialysis in Italy. Nephrol Dial Transpl 2007; 22:3601-5.
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  9. Registro Italiano di Dialisi e Trapianto.
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  19. Registre de Dialyse Péritonéale de Langue Française disponibile
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Peritoneal Dialysis in Italy: the 7th GSDP-SIN census 2019


Objectives: Analysis of the results of the 7th National Census (Cs-19) of Peritoneal Dialysis in Italy, conducted in 2020-21 by the Peritoneal Dialysis Project Group of the Italian Society of Nephrology, for the year 2019.
Materials and methods: The data was initially collected using specially designed software, which after entering the data of individual patients allows the aggregate extraction of the necessary information. The difficulties due to the COVID pandemic made it necessary to also use the traditional on-line questionnaire used previously. Of the 237 Centers envisaged, 198 responded, of which 177 with complete data for HD also in 2016.
Results: Overall incidence and prevalence (31/12/2019) were respectively 1,363 (CAPD/APD = 741/622) and 3,922 (CAPD/APD = 1,857 / 2,065) patients. The percentage incidence and prevalence (177 Centers) decreased compared to 2016, respectively, from 23.8% to 22.1% and from 17.3% to 16.6%. 31.4% started PD incrementally in 60.3% of the Centers. The catheter is placed by the Nephrologist alone in 19.7%. Assisted PD is used by 24.5% of the prevalent patients, mostly (83.8%) by a family member. In 2019, the exit from PD (ep/100 years-pts: 11.6 in HD; 8.9 death; 6.0 Tx) is decreasing for all causes. The main cause of transfer to HD remains peritonitis (26.8%). The incidence of peritonitis in 2019 dropped further to 0.190 ep/year-pts as well as the incidence of new cases of EPS (0.103 ep/100 years-pts).
Conclusions: The Cs-19 confirms the good results of the DP in Italy.

Keywords: Peritoneal Dialysis, technique failure, incremental Peritoneal Dialysis, peritonitis, home visits, peritoneal equilibration test (PET)

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.


L’utilizzo della Dialisi Peritoneale (DP) viene rilevato dal Gruppo di Progetto di Dialisi Peritoneale della Società Italiana di Nefrologia (SIN) mediante un Censimento, condotto ogni 2-3 anni, dei Centri che utilizzano la DP. In questo report sono presentati i risultati della 7° edizione, condotta nel 2020-21 e relativa all’anno 2019 (Cs-19), confrontandoli con quelli degli anni precedenti: 2005 (Cs-05), 2008 (Cs-08) [1], 2010 (Cs-10) [2], 2012 (Cs-12) [3], 2014 (Cs-14) [4] e 2016 (Cs-16) [5].

Per quest’ultima edizione era stato introdotto un nuovo sistema di raccolta dati ma la coincidenza con la pandemia COVID-19 ha impedito il raggiungimento dell’obiettivo principale del Censimento, la copertura del 100% dei Centri DP.


Materiali e metodi

Il Censimento del GPDP consiste nella raccolta di dati aggregati relativi alla DP ed è rivolto a tutti i Centri Pubblici, non pediatrici, che hanno utilizzato la DP nell’anno censito.

Raccolta dati

Nell’edizione attuale i dati aggregati sono stati raccolti in due modi diversi.

La prima modalità, analitica, è stata effettuata attraverso un software sviluppato appositamente per il progetto, una sorta di cartella clinica in cui inserire sistematicamente i singoli pazienti e, quando necessario, esportare i dati aggregati utili al Censimento lasciando al programma l’onere dei conteggi. Le informazioni richieste erano i dati anagrafici, quelli relativi all’inizio della DP (nefropatia di base, motivazioni all’inizio della DP, referral, tecnica di inserzione del catetere, tipo di caregiver in caso di DP assistita) ed al follow up della DP limitato alle peritoniti e all’eventuale cambio di modalità di DP o sua interruzione. Per motivi di privacy il programma è stato sviluppato senza una componente cloud quindi tutti i dati inseriti erano conservati in locale e la possibilità di backup su server era demandata all’operatore. La riorganizzazione delle strutture operative e del personale avvenuta a causa del COVID-19 ha comportato per diversi Centri lo spostamento dei computer o la loro riformattazione con la conseguente perdita dei dati inseriti. A questo si sono aggiunti lo stato di emergenza degli ospedali, il sottodimensionamento dell’organico nelle strutture e il pensionamento di molti dei referenti, fattori che hanno ulteriormente compromesso la raccolta dei dati. Infine, in alcuni Centri l’invio dei dati aggregati è stato bloccato dal firewall dell’ospedale.

A questi problemi si è posto parzialmente rimedio ricorrendo alla modalità tradizionale di raccolta dati mediante la compilazione del questionario on-line utilizzato per le edizioni precedenti.

Per tutte queste ragioni, nonostante gli sforzi compiuti, non è stato raggiunto l’obiettivo principale del Censimento, ovvero la copertura del 100% dei Centri che hanno utilizzato la DP nel 2019.

Centri partecipanti e livelli di analisi

L’elenco dei Centri pubblici che utilizzano la DP ha il suo punto di partenza nell’elenco del Censimento della SIN condotto per l’anno 2004 [6], aggiornato negli anni ed integrato con altri dati raccolti in occasione di Convegni e Congressi, fino all’ultimo Censimento SIN del 2018 [7].

I Centri che hanno partecipato sono stati 198. Nelle precedenti edizioni si trattava della totalità dei Centri che avevano utilizzato la DP per almeno 1 paziente, con dati completi sia per la DP ma anche per la Emodialisi (HD) (tranne nell’ultima edizione del 2016 in cui su 237 Centri i dati completi per HD erano stati forniti da 230 Centri). Ciò consentiva di effettuare il confronto con gli anni precedenti sui dati globali.

Nell’attuale edizione la mancanza di diversi Centri e/o la mancanza dei dati relativi alla HD, ha complicato l’analisi, che, per includere il maggior numero di informazioni possibile, è stata quindi condotta tra gruppi diversi secondo le informazioni analizzate.

In sintesi sono stati registrati (Figura 1):

  1. 198 Centri con dati completi di incidenza e prevalenza e drop out per la DP
    • Centri nuovi = 5 (e quindi 193 presenti anche nel 2016)
    • Centri esclusi per cessata DP od altro (non censibili) = 7
    • Centri che non hanno inviato i dati e che presumibilmente utilizzano la DP = 39
    • I Centri che hanno risposto rappresentano quindi l’83,5% dei Centri DP (198/237)
  2. 186 Centri dei 198 censiti con dati completi per incidenza e prevalenza della HD nel 2019
  3. 177 Centri dei 198 censiti con dati completi per la HD anche nel 2016.
Fig. 1: Centri partecipanti alle diverse edizioni dei Censimento del GSDP.
Fig. 1: Centri partecipanti alle diverse edizioni dei Censimento del GSDP. Per il 2019 i Centri che non hanno inviato i dati sono 39 anche se, proprio per questo, non è certo che tutti abbiano utilizzato la DP nel 2019.

L’analisi della DP è stata condotta su tutti i Centri censiti. Dal momento che non tutti i Centri hanno risposto a tutte le domande, il numero dei Centri con dati disponibili è specificato nelle singole sottoanalisi. Il confronto per la DP con l’anno precedente (2016) è stato effettuato sui 193 Centri presenti anche nel 2016, mentre il confronto con il 2016 degli indici che richiedono anche i dati relativi alla HD (incidenza e prevalenza percentuali) è stato effettuato sul sottogruppo di 177 Centri che hanno inviato anche i dati relativi alla HD sia nel 2016 che nel 2019.


La struttura del Censimento prevede un gruppo di informazioni ripetute, rimaste invariate dalla prima edizione (Cs-05), relative ad incidenza, prevalenza, cambio o interruzione di metodica, peritoniti e DP non renale. A queste, dal 2008 [1], è stata aggiunta la peritonite sclerosante incapsulante (EPS); dal 2010 [2], le visite domiciliari ed il test di equilibrio peritoneale (PET).  Dall’edizione del 2016 [5], sono state riprese le domande sui cateteri. Inoltre con la modalità analitica di raccolta dati sono state disponibili per la prima volta informazioni sui germi coinvolti negli episodi di peritonite e sulle modalità del training.

Verifiche dei dati e confronti

I dati inizialmente raccolti sono stati sottoposti ad una prima analisi di congruenza. Quelli incoerenti sono stati corretti, ove possibile, attraverso un recall telefonico oppure considerati mancanti o incompleti, a seconda dei casi. Le eventuali correzioni ed il numero di Centri coinvolti sono riportati in dettaglio nella presentazione dei singoli risultati.

Definizioni e calcoli

Sono stati considerati pazienti incidenti tutti quelli immessi come primo trattamento in DP ed in HD nel periodo 01/01/2019-31/12/2019. Tra questi, sono stati considerati in DP incrementale (Incr-DP) con CAPD (Incr-CAPD) e APD (Incr-APD) i pazienti che effettuavano rispettivamente ≤2 scambi/die o ≤4 sedute/settimana. La prevalenza è stata riferita ai pazienti in trattamento dialitico al 31 dicembre. Tra i prevalenti la necessità di assistenza è riferita al coinvolgimento di un caregiver nell’esecuzione delle procedure dialitiche. I pazienti trattati con DP per cause non renali (GFR ≥15 ml/min/1,73) sono stati considerati a parte ed esclusi dal calcolo dell’incidenza e della prevalenza.

Gli episodi di peritonite sono riferiti al 2019 mentre quelli di peritonite sclerosante si riferiscono a tutto il biennio 2018-9 per la raccolta tradizionale ed al triennio per quella analitica.

L’overall rate per morte, trapianto e per cambio di metodica da PD ad HD è stato espresso in numero di episodi per 100 anni-paziente (ep/100anni-pz) secondo la formula:

Overall rate = [N° episodi / (anni di follow up)] x 100

A loro volta, gli anni di follow up sono stati calcolati sottraendo ed aggiungendo ai prevalenti del 31/12/2019 rispettivamente la metà dei pazienti che hanno iniziato la DP (incidenti e da altre metodiche) e la metà quelli usciti (per drop out in HD, decesso o trapianto) durante il 2019.

Per le peritoniti l’incidenza è stata calcolata come episodi/mesi-paziente (ep/mesi-pz) riferita all’anno censito.

Per la EPS, essendo i dati richiesti su base pluriennale e, per la prima rilevazione, quinquennale, è stata applicata la seguente formula:

ep/100 aa/pz = [(casi nel periodo) / (N° anni del periodo) / (prevalenza media del periodo)] x 100

ove la prevalenza media del periodo è stata calcolata come la media della prevalenza attuale (per il Cs-19 quella al 31/12/2019) e quella del censimento precedente (Cs-16, prevalenza al 31/12/2016).

L’analisi statistica è stata limitata alla ricerca di eventuali differenze con il test Chi quadro.



Centri partecipanti e rappresentatività del campione

I Centri che hanno trattato almeno 1 paziente in DP nel 2019 e che hanno partecipato al Cs-19 sono stati 198 di cui 5 non presenti (Centri “nuovi”) e 193 presenti nell’edizione precedente (Cens-16).

Rispetto al 2016 sono inoltre stati esclusi 7 Centri per cessato utilizzo della DP mentre 39 Centri che, presumibilmente, hanno continuato a utilizzare la DP, non hanno inviato alcun dato. Complessivamente i Centri che hanno inviato i dati rappresentano quindi almeno l’83,5% dei Centri che hanno utilizzato la DP nel 2019.

La rappresentatività dei Centri partecipanti è stata valutata mediante il numero di pazienti trattati in questi Centri, rispetto il totale, nel 2016. Per quanto riguarda i 193 Centri presenti in entrambi i Censimenti, l’incidenza e la prevalenza della DP in questi Centri nel 2016 erano rispettivamente l’82,9% (1322 / 1595) e l’84,7% (3903 / 4607) del totale (237 Centri).

Per il confronto degli indici che richiedono anche i dati della HD (incidenza e prevalenza) si è dovuto tenere conto che sia nel Cs-16 che nel Cs-19 alcuni Centri non hanno inviato i dati relativi alla HD (incidenza, prevalenza o entrambe). Per il calcolo di incidenza/prevalenza percentuali nel 2019 sono stati esclusi quindi 12 Centri (186 Centri) mentre per il confronto con il 2016 sono stati esclusi anche i 5 Centri “nuovi” e 4 Centri che non avevano inviato i dati relativi alla HD nel 2016 (Centri considerati per il confronto = 177). La rappresentatività di questi Centri, calcolata sempre allo stesso modo, è riportata in Figura 2. Come si vede, le percentuali di pazienti incidenti e prevalenti e quelli dei Centri sostanzialmente coincidono, ad indicare una buona rappresentatività del “campione”.

Fig.2: Percentuale di pazienti in DP + HD (incidenza e prevalenza) Censiti nel 2016 nei 177 Centri che hanno partecipato con dati completi per l’HD ad entrambe le edizioni.
Fig.2: Percentuale di pazienti in DP + HD (incidenza e prevalenza) Censiti nel 2016 nei 177 Centri che hanno partecipato con dati completi per l’HD ad entrambe le edizioni.

Incidenza e prevalenza

Complessivamente i pazienti che hanno iniziato la DP nel 2016 come primo trattamento nei 198 Centri sono risultati 1.363 (CAPD/APD = 741/622) e quelli in trattamento al 31/12/2019 sono risultati 3.922 (CAPD/APD = 1.857/2.065 pazienti).

Considerando solo i 186 Centri con dati completi per l’HD i pazienti che hanno iniziato la DP come primo trattamento sono stati 1.272 (CAPD/APD = 689/583) e la HD 4.582 con un’incidenza percentuale del 21,7%, mentre i pazienti in trattamento in DP ed in HD al 31/12/2019 sono stati rispettivamente 3.613 (CAPD/APD = 1.685/1.928 pazienti) e 18.671 per una prevalenza percentuale della DP del 16,2% (Figura 3).

Infine considerando solo i 177 Centri presenti anche nel C-16 e con dati disponibili per l’HD l’incidenza è scesa dal 23,8% nel 2016 al 22,1% (Figura 4) nel 2019 mentre la prevalenza dal 17,3% del 2016 al 16,6% del 2019 (Figura 5).

Come già riportato si tratta di Centri pubblici (tranne uno) che utilizzano la DP; perciò i dati di incidenza e prevalenza percentuale della DP sono superiori a quelli del RIDT, che riporta invece i dati di tutti i Centri dialisi, sia pubblici che privati, sia che utilizzino la DP oppure no. Questi ultimi, come noto, sono la maggioranza [6].

Fig. 3.  Incidenza e prevalenza della DP nel 2019 in tutti i Centri (1° trattamento) in valori assoluti e nei Centri con dati disponibili anchde per la HD in valori percentuali.
Fig. 3.  Incidenza e prevalenza della DP nel 2019 in tutti i Centri (1° trattamento) in valori assoluti e nei Centri con dati disponibili anche per la HD in valori percentuali.
Fig. 4.  Incidenza della DP (1° trattamento) in valori assoluti e percentuali rispetto al totale
Fig. 4.  Incidenza della DP (1° trattamento) in valori assoluti e percentuali rispetto al totale dei pazienti in trattamento dialitico. In A negli anni delle precedenti edizioni (2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016); in B nel 2019 confrontato con il 2016 negli stessi Centri con dati disponibili per entrambe le metodiche.
Fig. 5.  Prevalenza della DP in valori assoluti e percentuali
Fig. 5.  Prevalenza della DP in valori assoluti e percentuali rispetto al totale dei pazienti in trattamento dialitico. In A negli anni delle precedenti edizioni (2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016); in B nel 2019 confrontato con il 2016 negli stessi Centri con dati disponibili per entrambe le metodiche.
2005 222 1.443 222 1.443 4.502 24,3
2008 223 1.379 223 1.379 4.646 22,9
2010 224 1.429 224 1.429 4.695 23,3
2012 224 1.433 224 1.433 4.700 23,4
2014 225 1.652 225 1.652 4.442 27,1
2016 237 1.595 230 1.549 4.907 24,0
2019 198 1.363 186 1.272 4.582 21,7
2016 177 1.201 3.840 23,8
2019 177 1.243 4.384 22,1
Tabella I: Incidenza nel tempo. Per il 2019 è riportato il confronto con il 2016 per gli stessi Centri con dati disponibili anche per la HD.
2004 * 4.234 4.234 20.921 16,8
2008 223 4.094 223 4.094 20.478 16,7
2010 224 4.222 224 4.222 21.175 16,6
2012 224 4.299 224 4.299 20.844 17,1
2014 225 4.480 225 4.480 21.716 17,1
2016 237 4.607 230 4.484 21.286 17,4
2019 198 3.922 186 3.613 18.671 16,2
2016 177 3.559 16.965 17,3
2019 177 3.542 17.774 16,6
Tabella II: Prevalenza nel tempo. Per il 2019 è riportato il confronto con il 2016 per gli stessi Centri con dati disponibili anche per la HD.
* Il 2004 è riferito ai dati del Censimento SIN [6] mentre nel 2005 la prevalenza non è stata indagata.

Ingressi in Dialisi Peritoneale

Oltre ai 1.363 pazienti incidenti nei 198 Centri censiti sono entrati in Dialisi Peritoneale 125 pazienti (8,2% degli ingressi) provenienti dalla HD e 44 pazienti (2,9% degli ingressi) provenienti dal Trapianto, per un totale di 1.532 pazienti, senza variazioni significative rispetto gli anni precedenti (Figura 6). In particolare considerando tutti i pazienti rientrati dal Tx in dialisi la percentuale di quelli che rientrano in DP rimane significativamente inferiore e stabile al 14,0% (Figura 7). I pazienti trasferiti da altri Centri sono stati 33.

L’indice di ricambio (pazienti prevalenti/totale ingressi), stima approssimativa della durata media della DP, è risultato 2,56 anni (30,7 mesi), analoga a quella degli anni precedenti.

Fig. 6: Percentuale sul totale degli ingressi in DP di pazienti provenienti dalla HD
Fig. 6: Percentuale sul totale degli ingressi in DP di pazienti provenienti dalla HD e dal Tx in tutti i Centri censiti (198 per il 2019).
Fig. 7: Rientro in dialisi da trapianto. Percentuali di pazienti che hanno
Fig. 7: Rientro in dialisi da trapianto. Percentuali di pazienti che hanno ripreso la dialisi in DP ed in HD negli anni dei Censimenti. Nel 2016 non considerati 7 Centri che non hanno fornito gli ingressi in HD mentre nel 2019 i Centri con dati disponibili per la HD sono stati 186.

Modalità di Dialisi Peritoneale

Tra i pazienti incidenti la CAPD rappresenta la modalità più utilizzata (54,4%) mentre tra i prevalenti lo è la APD (52,7%) (Figura 8). Il dato non sembra essersi modificato negli anni (Figura 9).

Fig. 8: Modalità di DP nei pazienti incidenti e prevalenti nel 2019.
Fig. 8: Modalità di DP nei pazienti incidenti e prevalenti nel 2019.
Fig. 9: Modalità di DP nei pazienti incidenti e prevalenti negli anni.
Fig. 9: Modalità di DP nei pazienti incidenti e prevalenti negli anni.
2005 794 649 1443 1,22 nd nd 4432 nd
2008 759 620 1379 1,22 1926 2168 4094 0,89
2010 763 666 1429 1,15 1929 2293 4222 0,84
2012 778 655 1433 1,19 1981 2318 4299 0,85
2014 945 707 1652 1,34 2099 2381 4480 0,88
2016 895 700 1595 1,28 2147 2460 4607 0,87
2019 741 622 1363 1,19 1857 2065 3922 0,90
2016 685 516 1201 1,33 1680 1879 3559 0,89
2019 671 572 1243 1,17 1653 1889 3542 0,88
Tabella III: Modalità di DP nei pazienti incidenti e prevalenti negli anni

Dialisi peritoneale incrementale

Il dato sulla dialisi incrementale nel 2019 è risultato disponibile in 194 Centri dei 198 Censiti. Nel 2019 i pazienti che hanno iniziato la DP con modalità incrementale nei 194 Centri (Incr-DP) sono stati 414, pari al 31,4% del totale dei pazienti incidenti in tali Centri (1.317); il numero dei Centri che l’hanno utilizzata sono stati 117, pari al 60,3% dei 194 Centri. Tra i pazienti Incr-DP la metodica più utilizzata è risultata sempre la CAPD (86,2%) al contrario di quelli “full dose” in cui è significativamente più utilizzata l’APD (59,7% – p<0,0001) (Figura 10).

Negli anni il numero dei Centri (Figura 11) ed il numero e la percentuale di pazienti in Incr-DP sono andati costantemente aumentando fino al 2012 per rimanere sostanzialmente stabili fino al 2019 (Figura 12).

Si conferma inoltre il numero limite di pazienti in Incr-DP: nei Centri che vi ricorrono infatti la percentuale di pazienti in Incr-DP è risultata nel 2019 (44,9%) praticamente sovrapponibile a quella degli anni precedenti (Figura 13).

Nei Centri che hanno prescritto Incr-DP almeno per 1 paziente l’incidenza percentuale della DP (23,6%) è risultata significativamente superiore a quella degli altri (18,6% – p <0,005) (Figura 14-A). Ciò è in accordo con quanto osservato in tutte le edizioni precedenti (Figura 14-B).

Fig. 10: Inizio incrementale nei 1.317 pazienti incidenti nel 2019
Fig. 10: Inizio incrementale nei 1.317 pazienti incidenti nel 2019 (194 Centri). Nelle colonne ai lati è riportata la ripartizione APD / CAPD dei pazienti che iniziano in modo incrementale (sinistra) e full dose (destra).
Fig. 11: Percentuale di Centri, sul totale di tutti i Centri, che hanno immesso almeno un paziente in Incr-PD nei diversi anni del Censimento. La percentuale è riferita ai Centri con incidenza diversa da zero.
Fig. 11: Percentuale di Centri, sul totale di tutti i Centri, che hanno immesso almeno un paziente in Incr-PD nei diversi anni del Censimento. La percentuale è riferita ai Centri con incidenza diversa da zero.
Fig. 12: Utilizzo della DP incrementale negli anni.
Fig. 12: Utilizzo della DP incrementale negli anni. A sinistra il numero assoluto di pazienti incidenti che hanno iniziato in modo incrementale in CAPD ed in APD (A) ed in percentuale sul totale dei pazienti per modalità di DP (B). A destra le percentuali rispetto al totale dei pazienti incidenti in DP.
Fig. 13: Percentuale di pazienti in Incr-DP nei Centri che utilizzano tale modalità di inizio.
Fig. 13: Percentuale di pazienti in Incr-DP nei Centri che utilizzano tale modalità di inizio.
Fig. 14: Probabilità di iniziare la dialisi con la DP rispetto alla HD nei Centri
Fig. 14: Probabilità di iniziare la dialisi con la DP rispetto alla HD nei Centri che fanno ricorso alla Incr-DP rispetto ai Centri che non la utilizzano nel 2019 (%, A) e nei diversi anni in cui è stato condotto il Censimento del GPDP (OR, B).

Cambio di modalità di Dialisi Peritoneale

Nel 2019 i pazienti, dei 194 Centri che hanno fornito i dati, passati dalla CAPD alla APD sono stati 172 (Figura 15-A) mentre quelli passati dalla APD alla CAPD sono stati 37 (Figura 15-B), rispettivamente il 3,6% e lo 0,8% dei pazienti trattati con la DP. Ciò spiega ulteriormente come tra i pazienti prevalenti la metodica più utilizzata sia l’APD. La ragione principale del cambio di metodica rimane la scelta del paziente: 43,0% per il passaggio da CAPD ad APD e 27,0% per quello da APD a CAPD. Per il passaggio dalla CAPD alla APD l’adeguatezza e l’UF sono ragioni altrettanto importanti, mentre per il trasferimento inverso lo è anche il malfunzionamento del catetere (Figura 15-B). Non sono stati registrati cambiamenti significativi negli anni.

Fig. 15: Pazienti che hanno cambiato metodica di DP
Fig. 15: Pazienti che hanno cambiato metodica di DP (dalla CAPD alla APD e viceversa) nel 2019 e motivazioni al cambio. Come si vede il flusso dalla CAPD alla APD (172 pazienti) è nettamente superiore rispetto al flusso inverso (37 pazienti).

Dialisi Peritoneale assistita

Nel Cs-19 i pazienti prevalenti con necessità di caregiver (assisted PD) sono risultati 962 (24,5% di tutti i prevalenti in DP) nei 198 Centri. Il caregiver era un familiare nel 83,8% dei casi, un badante nel 5,6%, un infermiere a domicilio nel 6,1%; infine, il 4,4% (42 pazienti) effettuava la DP in strutture per anziani (RSA) (Figura 16). Rispetto il 2016 è diminuito il ricorso al caregiver retribuito (“badante”) mentre è aumentato quello all’Infermiere a domicilio ed il coinvolgimento di un familiare (Figura 17).

Fig. 16: DP assistita nel 2019.
Fig. 16: DP assistita nel 2019. Confronto con gli anni precedenti (valori percentuali riportati nel riquadro grigio) e ripartizione dei pazienti in funzione del tipo di caregiver.
Fig. 17: Caregiver nel 2019 a confronto con il 2016 nei 193
Fig. 17: Caregiver nel 2019 a confronto con il 2016 nei 193 Centri presenti in entrambi i Censimenti. Nel riquadro la percentuale di pazienti in RSA in HD ed in DP nel 2019.

Uscita dalla Dialisi Peritoneale e trasferimento alla Emodialisi

In Figura 18 sono riportate le uscite dalla DP, per trasferimento alla HD, per morte e per trapianto, espresse sia come numero di pazienti che come numero di eventi/100 anni-pz, nei 193 Centri presenti anche nel 2016 e confrontati con gli anni precedenti.

In tali Centri sono stati registrati 324 decessi (8,9 ep/100 anni-pz), 421 trasferimenti alla HD (11,6 ep/100 anni-pz) e 220 trapianti (6,0 ep/100 anni-pz). Il numero complessivo di uscite dalla DP si è ridotto da 30,9 ep/100 anni-pz del 2016 a 26,5 ep/100 anni-pz per una riduzione di tutte le modalità di uscita ma in particolare della mortalità.

Per quanto riguarda il dropout alla HD (Figura 19), la singola causa principale rimane la peritonite (26,8% nel 2019), in lieve aumento rispetto il 2016 (da 2,98 a 3,11 ep/100 anni-pz) dopo il costante calo registrato negli anni precedenti. In riduzione il drop out per scelta ed impossibilità a proseguire la DP (23,5% dei casi) passato da 3,04 a 2,72 ep/100 anni-pz. Sostanzialmente invariate le altre cause di trasferimento alla HD (Figura 20).

Per completezza ricordiamo che il Censimento raccoglie anche i dati sui trasferimenti da un Centro all’altro, sulla ripresa della FR e altre uscite dalla DP: rispetto ai 31 pazienti entrati da altri Centri quelli trasferiti ad altri Centri sono stati 43 mentre 22 risultano aver interrotto la DP per ripresa della FRR od altro motivo.

Fig. 18: Cause di trasferimento dalla DP alla HD negli anni.
Fig. 18: Cause di trasferimento dalla DP alla HD negli anni. Si osserva un significativo (p <0,001) trend alla riduzione della peritonite come causa di dropout mentre è aumentata l’insufficiente depurazione. Si conferma inoltre l’aumento registrato nel 2014 dell’impossibilità a proseguire/scelta.
Fig. 19: Cause di trasferimento dalla DP alla HD negli anni in percentuale sul totale dei trasferimenti.
Fig. 19: Cause di trasferimento dalla DP alla HD negli anni in percentuale sul totale dei trasferimenti.
Fig. 20: Cause di trasferimento dalla DP alla HD negli anni in valore assoluto espresso come episodi per 100 anni-pz.
Fig. 20: Cause di trasferimento dalla DP alla HD negli anni in valore assoluto espresso come episodi per 100 anni-pz.


L’analisi delle peritoniti è stata condotta sui 193 Centri presenti in entrambi i Censimenti. Di questi, 4 non hanno fornito i dati sulle peritoniti per cui il dato si riferisce a 189 Centri. Nel 2019 sono stati registrati 666 episodi di peritonite che, per un totale di 42.120 mesi di follow up, equivalgono a 0,190 episodi per anno-paziente o, in altri termini, ad 1 episodio ogni 63,2 mesi-pz, un’incidenza inferiore a quelle registrate negli anni precedenti (Figura 21).

Delle peritoniti registrate nel 2019, 331 (49,7%) si sono verificate in corso di CAPD e 335 (50,3%) in corso di APD. Per quanto riguarda la percentuale di colture negative (125 episodi, pari al 18,8% del totale), il dato non è significativamente diverso da quello degli anni precedenti (Figura 21).

Per la prima volta è riportata l’etiologia delle peritoniti per i 110 Centri che hanno inviato i dati raccolti in modalità analitica (Figura 22): i germi Gram positivi rappresentano la principale causa di peritonite e tra questo lo SA è il più coinvolto mentre tra i Gram negativi lo è Escherichia Coli.

Fig. 21: Incidenza delle peritoniti nel 2019 a confronto con gli anni precedenti.
Fig. 21: Incidenza delle peritoniti nel 2019 a confronto con gli anni precedenti.
Fig. 22: Etiologia delle peritoniti nei 110 Centri indagati in modalità “analitica”.
Fig. 22: Etiologia delle peritoniti nei 110 Centri indagati in modalità “analitica”.

Peritonite sclerosante (EPS)

Dal Censimento del 2016 sono stati riportati 8 nuovi episodi di EPS, per un’incidenza di 0,103 ep/100 anni-pz (Figura 23). Al momento della diagnosi 6 pazienti erano in DP e 2 in HD (Figura 23).

Fig. 23: Casi di EPS nel quinquennio 2004-2008 e nei periodi 2009-10, 2011-12, 2013-14, 2015-16, 2016-2019.
Fig. 23: Casi di EPS nel quinquennio 2004-2008 e nei periodi 2009-10, 2011-12, 2013-14, 2015-16, 2016-2019.

Indagini speciali

Il catetere peritoneale. La tecnica e modalità di posizionamento più frequente è quella chirurgica, in anestesia locale, cui partecipano in collaborazione chirurgo e nefrologo (29,3%) (Figura 24) seguita da quella chirurgica, sempre in anestesia locale, ma con operatore il solo chirurgo (23,0%). Il nefrologo opera da solo nel 19,7% dei casi (in calo rispetto il 2016), sempre in anestesia locale e prevalentemente con tecnica chirurgica (18,3%), sempre più raramente con tecnica semi-chirurgica (1,4% dei casi). La video-laparoscopia è utilizzata nel 8,2% dei posizionamenti come nel 2016.

Complessivamente, il chirurgo è coinvolto nel 80,3% dei casi e il nefrologo nel 54,1%, anche se è probabile che partecipi a parte degli interventi effettuati in VLS (Figura 25).

Fig. 24: Tecnica, operatore e tipo di anestesia per il posizionamento
Fig. 24: Tecnica, operatore e tipo di anestesia per il posizionamento del catetere peritoneale nei pazienti incidenti. Il dato è riferito ai 180 Centri con dati inviati e congruenti. TECNICA: C = chirurgica; SC = semichirurgica; Videolaparoscopia; Altro = non comprende i casi mancanti. OPERATORE: C = chirurgo; N = nefrologo; C e N = chirurgo e nefrologo. ANESTESIA: AL = locale; AG = generale
Fig. 25: Ripartizione del numero di interventi di posizionamento riusciti per tipo di operatore.
Fig. 25: Ripartizione del numero di interventi di posizionamento riusciti per tipo di operatore. Legenda come in Fig. 24.

Il PET. La permeabilità peritoneale viene valutata dalla quasi totalità dei Centri (92,8%) (Figura 26).

Il metodo più utilizzato si conferma non essere più il PET secondo Twardowski con il 2,27%, ma il PET con il 3,86% (57,9%), in costante e significativo aumento (p <0,001) dal 2010 al 2019 (Figura 26). Solo il 7,7% dei Centri misurano la permeabilità peritoneale con altre tecniche (PDC, doppio miniPET e miniPET, altro non specificato).

Fig. 26: Tipo di valutazione della membrana peritoneale: confronto 2019 vs 2016
Fig. 26: Tipo di valutazione della membrana peritoneale: confronto 2019 vs 2016 vs 2014 vs 2012 vs 2010. Nel 2019 è ulteriormente aumentato il numero di Centri che utilizza il 3,86% per il PET.

Le visite domiciliari. Nel 2019 le visite domiciliari non sono previste nel programma di DP del 46,2% dei Centri (Figura 27), numero sostanzialmente invariato rispetto gli anni precedenti (Figura 28). Solo il 9,7% dei Centri le programma di routine, percentuale in lieve aumento rispetto il 2016 (8,0%), mentre il 33,3% dei Centri le utilizza solo se necessario ed il 10,8% solo all’inizio del trattamento (Figura 27). La figura maggiormente coinvolta nelle visite domiciliari rimane l’infermiere, che le svolge da solo nel 44,7% dei 103 Centri che le prevedono; nei casi restanti la visita è svolta in varia misura insieme al medico (Figura 29).

Fig. 27: Frequenza con cui sono state effettuate le viste domiciliari dai Centri partecipanti nel 2019.
Fig. 27: Frequenza con cui sono state effettuate le visite domiciliari dai Centri partecipanti nel 2019.
Fig. 28: Percentuale di Centri che non effettuano visite domiciliari e che le effettuano regolarmente negli anni censiti.
Fig. 28: Percentuale di Centri che non effettuano visite domiciliari e che le effettuano regolarmente negli anni censiti.
Fig. 29: Operatore sanitario che effettua le visite domiciliari nei Centri che le prevedono.
Fig. 29: Operatore sanitario che effettua le visite domiciliari nei Centri che le prevedono. MD > Inf = medico e occasionalmente l’infermiere; Inf. > MD = infermiere e occasionalmente il medico; MD – Inf. = medico e infermiere insieme.

Il Training. Il Training è stato indagato solo per i 110 Centri in modalità analitica per un totale di 771 ingressi in DP nel 2019. In questi Centri (Figura 30) (Figura 31) è effettuato prevalentemente in Centro (58,2%) e solo in una minoranza di Centri completamente a domicilio (6,4%) mentre nel 35,5% dei Centri è avviato in Ospedale e proseguito a domicilio (in proporzione non specificata). Il personale coinvolto è prevalentemente quello del Centro (63,6% dei Centri) mentre personale esterno è coinvolto in una qualche misura nei rimanenti Centri (Figura 31), in particolare nel Training domiciliare: considerando il numero di ingressi registrati nel 2019 in questi 110 Centri, personale esterno potrebbe essere stato coinvolto per 255 training (33,1%) (Figura 31).

Fig. 30: Sede del training ed operatore che lo effettua nei 110 Centri con dati disponibili.
Fig. 30: Sede del training ed operatore che lo effettua nei 110 Centri con dati disponibili.
Fig. 31: Operatore sanitario che effettua il training in funzione della sede del training.
Fig. 31: Operatore sanitario che effettua il training in funzione della sede del training. Personale esterno è coinvolto principalmente nei training effettuati completamente od in parte al domicilio del paziente.




Il Censimento della DP, giunto nel 2016 alla 7° edizione, rappresenta il risultato di un costante sforzo organizzativo del GSDP-SIN e di tutti i referenti DP dei Centri che utilizzano la DP in Italia.

Come ribadito più volte, al limite principale di essere una fotografia dei soli Centri che fanno la DP, che d’altra parte sarebbe anche la sua ragione d’essere, si aggiunge per l’edizione 2019 il non essere riuscito a censire tutti i Centri DP.

Le ragioni sono state ampiamente illustrate nei “Materiali e metodi”, ma è importante ribadire che si è svolto in piena pandemia COVID che ha reso difficoltoso anche l’abituale lavoro di verifica e correzione/recall telefonico preliminare all’analisi dei dati e necessario per ridurne l’imprecisione.

Utilizzo della DP

Tra i paesi occidentali, nonostante una copertura del 83,5% dei Centri DP, l’Italia si è confermata, per numero di pazienti prevalenti in DP, ai primi posti [812].

I valori percentuali di incidenza e prevalenza, rispettivamente del 21,7% e del 16,2%, non ne rappresentano la realtà percentuale, essendo riferiti ai soli Centri che hanno utilizzato la DP nel 2019 e con dati disponibili anche per la HD (186 Centri). Se consideriamo tutti i pazienti anche dei Centri privati e dei Centri pubblici che non fanno la DP, le percentuali riportate dal Registro Italiano di Dialisi e Trapianto [13] sono ovviamente molto inferiori, con un’incidenza globale del 14,5% (dati riferiti a 13 regioni) ed una prevalenza globale della DP nel 2019 del 12,6% (dati relativi a 10 Regioni). Per quanto riguarda il trend, abbiamo fatto riferimento ai 177 Centri con dati completi anche per la HD e anche per il 2016. In questi Centri, dopo anni di sostanziale stabilità si registra un lieve calo dell’incidenza e della prevalenza in accordo con la sostanziale stabilità dei dati riportati dai Registri Internazionali ad eccezione degli USA, in cui la DP è in lieve ma costante aumento per i noti provvedimenti adottati (Figura 32).

Fig. 32: Prevalenza della DP riportata nei diversi registri di dialisi e trapianto del mondo occidentale nel tempo.
Fig. 32: Prevalenza della DP riportata nei diversi registri di dialisi e trapianto del mondo occidentale nel tempo.

Dialisi Peritoneale Incrementale

Si conferma che la Incr-DP coinvolge una percentuale di pazienti incidenti significativa ed è associata ad un maggior utilizzo della DP, in particolare della CAPD. Il trend sembra essersi arrestato da alcuni anni sia per quanto riguarda il numero di Centri che la praticano che per il numero di pazienti per la quale viene prescritta in questi Centri, riscontro atteso e che potrebbe essere correlato alla percentuale di late referral (non indagata in questa edizione). In assenza di dati di Registro internazionali, il Censimento del GSDP rimane una fonte di dati disponibile sull’argomento. Non sono purtroppo disponibili i dati del GFR di inizio dialisi.


All’inizio della DP la modalità più utilizzata è la CAPD mentre tra i pazienti prevalenti quella più utilizzata è la APD. A ciò contribuiscono verosimilmente due fattori, la dialisi incrementale prima ed il maggiore utilizzo dell’APD al ridursi della FRR e all’aumentare della permeabilità peritoneale. Infatti, se all’inizio del trattamento la DP incrementale è prevalentemente effettuata come CAPD, il trasferimento dalla CAPD alla APD rispetto all’inverso è significativamente superiore (e motivato dalla scelta del paziente/caregiver) e, per i pazienti trasferiti dalla HD e dal Tx alla DP, la metodica preferita è l’APD [1]. Il dato del 2019 è sostanzialmente invariato rispetto gli anni precedenti.

Assisted PD

Circa un quarto dei pazienti in DP necessita di assistenza per le procedure dialitiche. Tale percentuale, dopo il lieve calo registrato nel 2016 sembra essere tornata in linea con gli anni precedenti.

I dati internazionali sulla Assisted PD sono ancora scarsi e limitati a Paesi come la Francia ed altri Paesi del Nord Europa in cui, come noto, è effettuata prevalentemente dall’infermiera/personale sanitario/volontari a domicilio [5]. In Italia al contrario il caregiver maggiormente coinvolto rimane quello familiare. Per le altre figure si segnala un diminuito ricorso alle badanti ed uno aumentato al personale sanitario del Centro.

La DP in RSA rimane limitata ad un trascurabile numero di pazienti, in particolare se paragonato al numero dei pazienti in RSA che sono in HD.

Dropout e fallimento della tecnica

Le uscite dalla DP sembrano essersi ridotte, in particolare quelle per morte. In mancanza di altri dati non è possibile analizzarne le ragioni. Il sistema di calcolo del follow up cui rapportare gli eventi è rimasto lo stesso e come per le peritoniti è verosimile che sia sottostimato piuttosto che il contrario.

Il trasferimento alla HD rimane la causa principale di interruzione della metodica.

La principale causa di fallimento della tecnica è ancora la peritonite, in lieve aumento rispetto il 2016 così come in aumento sembra essere il malfunzionamento del catetere mentre in calo depurazione/UFF e scelta/impossibilità a proseguire la DP.

Peritoniti e Peritonite Sclerosante

In contrasto con l’aumento del drop out per peritonite è l’incidenza delle peritoniti, ben al di sotto dell’incidenza auspicabile indicata dalle linee guida ISPD 2022 di 0,40 ep/anno-pz [14], secondo un trend al costante calo negli anni peraltro in accordo con i dati di una recentissima analisi internazionale [15], cui il Censimento del GPDP ha contribuito. Rimane maggior del valore limite indicato dalle linee Guida la percentuale di colture negative (<15%), seppur costante negli anni [14].

A fronte di una riduzione dell’incidenza delle peritoniti, il dato etiologico mostra l’importanza di quelle da SA e da Gram Negativi rispetto a quelle “tradizionali” da SE, dato che potrebbe giustificare la mancata riduzione del drop-out da peritonite registrata nel 2019. L’incidenza di EPS continua a diminuire. È possibile che il dato sia stato ancora più sottostimato in epoca pandemica, in particolare per quanto riguarda l’EPS insorta dopo il Tx, soprattutto nel caso di pazienti trasferiti ad altri Centri per il follow up post Tx.

Aspetti particolari della DP

Catetere peritoneale. Rispetto il 2016 si registra un’ulteriore riduzione del ruolo del Nefrologo nel suo posizionamento ed il conseguente aumento di quello del Chirurgo, da solo o in collaborazione con il Nefrologo. Invariato il ricorso alla Videolaparoscopia.

Valutazione della permeabilità peritoneale. La diffusa valutazione della permeabilità peritoneale e soprattutto il costante incremento nell’utilizzo del 3,86% per il PET (dal 15,6% di tutti i Centri nel 2010 al 57,9% del 2019) osservati in questi anni suggeriscono attenzione all’ottimizzazione del trattamento dialitico e alla conservazione della membrana peritoneale.

Visite domiciliari. Invariato e sempre elevato il numero di Centri che non effettua le visite domiciliari (il 46,2%), mentre in lieve incremento quelli che le effettuano regolarmente (8,0% nel 2016 – 9,7% nel 2019) anche se sempre meno di un Centro su dieci. Il limitato ricorso a questa importante forma di monitoraggio, invariato se non peggiorato negli anni, è forse un indice delle difficoltà organizzative di molti Centri dialisi italiani. L’infermiere rimane il protagonista delle visite a domicilio.

Training. Indagato per la prima volta, solo con la modalità analitica di raccolta dei dati, il training è effettuato prevalentemente in Centro dal personale del Centro stesso nonostante i vantaggi noti del condurlo a domicilio del paziente. Quando effettuato a domicilio interviene personale esterno, da solo o in collaborazione con quello del Centro, indice di difficoltà organizzative.



Il Censimento 2019 ha coinciso con la pandemia COVID ma nonostante questa, grazie all’impegno dei Referenti DP, la copertura raggiunta è risultata, anche se non completa, comunque significativa.

L’utilizzo della DP sembra essere in lieve riduzione nonostante i risultati della DP in Italia si siano confermati di buon livello, come indicato dall’incidenza costantemente in riduzione delle peritoniti, dalla riduzione della mortalità e dalla riduzione del drop out in HD.



Si ringraziano i Referenti dei Centri che hanno aderito al Censimento e che con il loro impegno hanno reso possibile la raccolta dati ed il presente lavoro.

Abdulsattar Giamila (Oristano)
Agostini Barbara (Biella)
Alberghini Elena (Cinisello Balsamo)
Alessandrello Ivana (Modica)
Alfano Gaetano (Modena)
Ambrogio Antonina (Rovigo)
Ancarani Paolo (Sestri Levante)
Angelini Maria Laura (Forlì)
Angelo Maria Letizia (Camposampiero)
Ansali Ferruccio (Civitavecchia)
Autuly Valerie Marie (Città di Castello)
Basso Anna (Padova)
Benozzi Luisa (Borgomanero)
Bermond Francesca (Torino)
Bianco Beatrice (Verona)
Bilucaglia Donatella (Torino)
Bisello Walter (Urbino)
Boccadoro Roberto (Rimini)
Bonesso Cristina (San Donà di Piave)
Bonvegna Francesca (Verbania)
Borettaz Ilaria (Lodi)
Borrelli Silvio (Napoli)
Bosco Manuela (Gorizia)
Braccagni Beatrice (Poggibonsi)
Brigante Maurizio (Campobasso)
Budetta Fernando (Eboli)
Caberlotto Adriana (Treviso)
Cabibbe Mara (Milano)
Cabiddu Gianfranca (Cagliari)
Cadoni Maria Chiara (San Gavino Monreale)
Cannarile Daniela Cecilia (Bologna)
Cantarelli Chiara (Parma)
Capistrano Mariano (Montichiari)
Cappelletti Francesca (Siena)
Capurro Federica (Novara)
Caria Simonetta (Quartu Sant’ Elena)
Carta Annalisa (Nuoro)
Caselli Gian Marco (Firenze)
Caselli Ada (Ascoli Piceno)
Casuscelli di Tocco Teresa (Messina)
Centi Alessia (Roma)
Cerroni Franca (Rieti)
Ciabattoni Marzia (Savona)
Cianfrone Paola (Catanzaro)
Cimolino Michele (Pordenone)
Ciurlino Daniele (Sesto San Giovanni)
Colombo Patrizia (Vercelli)
Colucci Giuseppina (Putignano)
Comegna Carmela (Tivoli)
Contaldo Gina (Monza)
Cornacchia Flavia (Cremona)
Cosa Francesco (Legnano)
Costa Silvano (Voghera)
Costantino Ester Maria Grazia (Manerbio)
D’Alonzo Silvia (Roma)
D’Altri Christian (Martina Franca)
D’Amico Maria (Trapani)
Del Corso Claudia (Pescia)
D’Elia Filomena (Bari)
Della Gatta Carmine (Nola)
Di Daniele Nicola (Roma)
Di Franco Antonella (Barletta)
Di Liberato Lorenzo (Chieti)
Di Loreto Ermanno (Atri)
Di Somma Agnese (San Marco Argentano)
Di Stante Silvio (Pesaro – Fano)
Distratis Cosimo (Manduria)
Domenici Alessandro (Roma)
Esposito Samantha (Grosseto)
Esposito Vittoria (Pavia)
Fancello Sabina (Tempio Pausania)
Fattori Laura (Senigallia)
Ferrando Carlo (Cuneo)
Ferrara Gaetano (San Giovanni Rotondo)
Figliola Carmela (Gallarate)
Filippini Armando (Roma)
Fiorenza Saverio (Imola)
Fischer Maria Stephanie (Bolzano)
Flavio Scanferla (Venezia)
Frattarelli Daniele (Roma)
Gabrielli Danila (Aosta)
Gai Massimo (Torino)
Gammaro Linda (Verona)
Gangeri Fabio (Roma)
Garofalo Donato (Fermo)
Gazo Antonietta (Vigevano)
Gherzi Maurizio (Ceva)
Glauco Gianni (Prato)
Giozzet Morena (Feltre)
Giudicissi Antonio (Cesena)
Giuliani Anna (Vicenza)
Graco Angelo (La Spezia)
Grill Anna (Asti)
Gullo Maurizio (Lamezia Terme)
Guzzo Daniela (Livorno)
Heidempergher Marco (Milano)
Iacono Rossella (Civita Castellana)
Iadarola Gian Maria (Torino)
Iannuzzella Francesco (Reggio Emilia)
Isola Elisabetta (Ravenna)
La Milia Vincenzo (Lecco)
Laudadio Giorgio (Bassano del Grappa)
Laudon Alessandro (Trento)
Lenci Federica (Ancona)
Leonardi Sabina (Trieste)
Lepori Gianmario (Olbia)
Libetta Carmelo (Pavia)
Licciardello Daniela (Acireale)
Lidestri Vincenzo (Chioggia)
Lisi Lucia (Vimercate)
Lo Cicero Antonina (San Daniele)
Luciani Remo (Roma)
Magnoni Giacomo (Bologna)
Malandra Rosella (Teramo)
Manca Rizza Giovanni (Pontedera)
Manfrini Vania (Seriate)
Mangano Stefano (Varese)
Manini Alessandra (Piacenza)
Mariani Roberta (Vasto)
Marini Alvaro (Popoli)
Martella Vilma (Lecce)
Masa Maria Alessandra (Sondrio)
Mastrippolito Silvia (Lanciano)
Matalone Massimo (Catania)
Mauro Teresa (Rossano)
Mazzola Giuseppe (Mantova)
Mazzotta Antonio (Casale Monferrato)
Messina Antonina (Catania)
Michelassi Stefano (Firenze)
Migotto Clara (Vizzolo Predabissi)
Miniello Vincenzo (Pistoia)
Mollica Agata (Cosenza)
Montalto Gaetano (Taormina)
Montanari Marco (Albano Laziale)
Montemurro Vincenzo (Firenze)
Neri Loris (Alba)
Nicolai Giulia Adriana (Conegliano)
Nicosia Valentina (Formia)
Orani Maria Antonietta (Milano)
Panuccio Vincenzo (Reggio Calabria)
Panzino Antonio Rosario (Catanzaro)
Parodi Denise (Genova)
Pastorino Nadia (Novi Ligure)
Pellegrino Cinzia (Cetraro)
Perna Concetta (Cerignola)
Perosa Paolo (Pinerolo)
Pignone Eugenia (Rivoli)
Pinerolo Cristina (MIlano)
Piraina Valentina (Ivrea)
Piredda Maria (Sassari)
Pirrottina Maria Anna (San Benedetto del Tronto)
Pogliani Daniela Rosa Maria (Garbagnate Milanese)
Porreca Silvia (Altamura)
Pozzi Marco (Desio)
Previti Antonino (Santorso)
Puliti Maria Laura (Palestrina)
Randone Salvatore (Avola)
Rapisarda Francesco (Catania)
Ratto Elena (Genova)
Ricciardi Daniela (Castiglione del Lago)
Rocca Anna Rachele (Roma)
Russo Roberto (Bari)
Russo Domenico (Napoli)
Russo Francesco Giovanni (Scorrano)
Sabatino Stefania (Udine)
Santarelli Stefano (Jesi)
Santese Domenico (Taranto)
Santinello Irene (Piove di Sacco)
Santirosi Paola Vittoria (Spoleto)
Santoferrara Angelo (Civitanova Marche)
Santoro Domenico (Messina)
Saraniti Antonello (Milazzo)
Savi Umberto (Belluno)
Scalamogna Antonio (Milano)
Scalzo Berta Ida (Cirie’)
Scarfia Rosalia Viviana (Caltagirone)
Somma Giovanni (Castellamare di Stabia)
Stacchiotti Lorella (Giulianova)
Stramignoni Emanuele (Chieri)
Stucchi Andrea (Milano)
Taietti Carlo (Treviglio)
Tartaglia Luciano (Foggia)
Tata Salvatore (Mestre)
Timio Francesca (Perugia)
Todaro Ignazio (Piazza Armerina)
Toriello Gianpiero (Polla)
Torraca Serena (Salerno)
Totaro Erica (Dolo)
Tramontana Domenico (Vibo Valentia)
Trepiccione Francesco (Napoli)
Trubian Alessandra (Legnago)
Turchetta Luigi (Cassino)
Vaccaro Valentina (Alessandria)
Vecchi Luigi (Terni)
Visciano Bianca (Magenta)
Viscione Michelangelo (Avellino)
Vizzardi Valerio (Brescia)



  1. Marinangeli G, Cabiddu G, Neri L et al; Italian Society of Nephrology Peritoneal Dialysis Study Group. Old and new perspectives on peritoneal dialysis in Italy emerging from the Peritoneal Dialysis Study Group Census. Perit Dial Int 2012; 32:558-65,
  2. Marinangeli G, Cabiddu G, Neri L et al; Italian Society of Nephrology Peritoneal Dialysis Study Group. Andamento della DP in Italia nei Centri pubblici non pediatrici. Risultati del censimento GSDP-SIN 2010 e confronto con i censimenti 2008 e 2005. G Ital Nefrol 2014; 31(4),,WsIdRisposta,WsRelease&c1=00194&c2=14&c3=1
  3. Marinangeli G, Cabiddu G, Neri L et al; Italian Society of Nephrology Peritoneal Dialysis Study Group. Peritoneal Dialysis in Italy: the fourth GSDP-SIN census 2012. G Ital Nefrol 2017; 34(2),
  4. Marinangeli G, Neri L, Viglino G et al; Peritoneal Dialysis Study Group of Italian Society of Nephrology.PD in Italy: the 5th GSDP-SIN Census 2014. G Ital Nefrol 2018;35(5),
  5. Neri L, Viglino G, Marinangeli G et al; Peritoneal Dialysis Study Group of the Italian Society of Nephrology. Peritoneal Dialysis in Italy: the 6th GSDP-SIN census 2016. G Ital Nefrol. 2019 Jun 11;36(3):2019-vol3.
  6. Viglino G, Neri L, Alloatti S et al. Analysis of the factors conditioning the diffusion of peritoneal dialysis in Italy. Nephrol Dial Transpl 2007; 22:3601-5,
  7. Quintaliani G, Di Luca M, Di Napoli A et al. Census of the renal and dialysis units by Italian Society of Nephrology: structure and organization for renal patient assistance in Italy (2014-2015). G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(5),
  8. ERA-EDTA Registry Annual Report 2019. Academic Medical Center, Department of Medical Informatics, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2021,
  9. USRDS Annual Data Report. Volume 2 – ESRD in the United States,
  10. Ikuto Masakane, Masatomo Taniguchi, Shigeru Nakai et al. Annual Dialysis Data Report 2016, JSDT Renal Data Registry (JRDR). Renal Replacement Therapy 2018; 4:45,
  11. Canadian Institute for Health Information. Canadian Organ Replacement Register. Annual Report: Treatment of End-Stage Organ Failure in Canada, Canadian Organ Replacement Register.
  12. ANZDATA – Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry – Annual ANZDATA Report – Adelaide, South Australia,
  13. Registro Italiano di Dialisi e Trapianto,
  14. Li PK, Chow KM, Cho Y et al.ISPD peritonitis guideline recommendations: 2022 update on prevention and treatment. Perit Dial Int. 2022; 42(2):110-153,
  15. Marshall MR. A systematic review of peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis rates over time from national or regional population-based registries and databases. Perit Dial Int. 2022; 42(1): 39-47,

Italian Society of Nephrology’s 2018 census of renal and dialysis units: their structure and organization


Background: Given the public health challenge represented by chronic kidney disease, the Italian Society of Nephrology (SIN) promoted a census of the renal and dialysis units to analyze structural and human resources, organizational aspects, activities and workload, referring to the year 2018. Methods: An on-line questionnaire including 60 questions, exploring structural and human resources, organizational aspects, activities and epidemiological data referred to 2018, was sent to the heads of all identified Italian renal or dialysis unit. Results: 567 renal units were identified, 3.3 public and full renal unit pmp. The nephrology beds are about 37.6 pmp. The nurses were 8,130 in HD wards, 1,827 in the nephrology wards, only 432 for outpatient clinics. Conclusions: Data from this census may be used for benchmarking and comparison between centers, regions and groups of regions. These data offer a snapshot of the clinical management of renal disease in Italy.

Keywords: census, nephrology unit, organization, workforce, workload

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.


Con l’intento di proseguire con la fotografia della attività nefrologica nazionale, il Presidente e il Consiglio Direttivo (CD) della Società Italiana di Nefrologia hanno deciso di dar vita a un nuovo censimento che fotografasse l’attività clinico-assistenziale e il carico di lavoro della nefrologia italiana, nonché la distribuzione e consistenza dei centri di Nefrologia al 31.12.2018. Realizzare un censimento su base nazionale è un lavoro estremamente gravoso, sia in fase progettuale che sotto l’aspetto pratico-attuativo. D’altronde, la modalità del censimento resta l’unica via per ottenere dati concreti di attività e di performance in tempi rapidi.

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