Objectives: Analysis of the results of the 7th National Census (Cs-19) of Peritoneal Dialysis in Italy, conducted in 2020-21 by the Peritoneal Dialysis Project Group of the Italian Society of Nephrology, for the year 2019.
Materials and methods: The data was initially collected using specially designed software, which after entering the data of individual patients allows the aggregate extraction of the necessary information. The difficulties due to the COVID pandemic made it necessary to also use the traditional on-line questionnaire used previously. Of the 237 Centers envisaged, 198 responded, of which 177 with complete data for HD also in 2016.
Results: Overall incidence and prevalence (31/12/2019) were respectively 1,363 (CAPD/APD = 741/622) and 3,922 (CAPD/APD = 1,857 / 2,065) patients. The percentage incidence and prevalence (177 Centers) decreased compared to 2016, respectively, from 23.8% to 22.1% and from 17.3% to 16.6%. 31.4% started PD incrementally in 60.3% of the Centers. The catheter is placed by the Nephrologist alone in 19.7%. Assisted PD is used by 24.5% of the prevalent patients, mostly (83.8%) by a family member. In 2019, the exit from PD (ep/100 years-pts: 11.6 in HD; 8.9 death; 6.0 Tx) is decreasing for all causes. The main cause of transfer to HD remains peritonitis (26.8%). The incidence of peritonitis in 2019 dropped further to 0.190 ep/year-pts as well as the incidence of new cases of EPS (0.103 ep/100 years-pts).
Conclusions: The Cs-19 confirms the good results of the DP in Italy.
Keywords: Peritoneal Dialysis, technique failure, incremental Peritoneal Dialysis, peritonitis, home visits, peritoneal equilibration test (PET)