Objectives. The results are reported here of the 8th National Census (Cs-22) of Peritoneal Dialysis in Italy, carried out in 2022-23 by the Italian Society of Nephrology’s Peritoneal Dialysis Project Group and relating to 2022.
Methods. The Census was conducted in the 227 non pediatric centers which performed Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) in 2022. The results have been compared with the previous Censuses carried out since 2005.
Results. Incidence: in 2022, 1350 patients (CAPD=52.1%) started on PD (1st treatment for ESRD). PD was started incrementally by 35.3% in 136 Centers. The catheter was placed exclusively by a Nephrologist in 17.0% of known cases. Prevalence: there were 4152 (CAPD=43.4%) patients on PD on 31/12/2022, with 21.1% of prevalent patients on assisted PD (family member caregiver: 86.3%). Out: in 2022 the PD drop-out rate (ep/100 pt-yrs) was: 11.7 to HD; 10.1 death, down; 7.5 Tx. The main cause of transfer to HD remains peritonitis (23.5%), although its reduction over the years is confirmed (Cs-05: 37.9%). Peritonitis/EPS: the incidence of peritonitis in 2022 was 0.176 ep/pt-yr (696 episodes). The incidence of new cases of EPS fell in 2021-22 (7 cases). Other results: the number of Centers using 3.86% for the peritoneal equilibration test (PET) (57.7%) increased. PD for heart failure continues to be used in 44 Centers (66 pts).
Conclusions. Cs-22 confirms PD’s good results in Italy.
Keywords: Peritoneal Dialysis, technique failure, incremental Peritoneal Dialysis, peritonitis, peritoneal equilibration test (PET)