State of art and new perspectives in the induction regimen of ANCA-associated vasculitis with renal involvement: from histopathology to therapy


Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (AAV) are rare autoimmune diseases characterised by medium and small vessels inflammation. Renal vasculitic involvement is one of the most severe manifestations, with high mortality in case of a delayed diagnosis and a significant impact on patients’ long-term prognosis. Histological classifications and scores for the definition of renal involvement in AAV exist and correlate with the renal outcome. Current induction regimen consists of a high dose of glucocorticoids and immunosuppressive drugs: cyclophosphamide (CYC), rituximab (RTX) or a combination of both. RTX use is expanding thanks to randomised control trials suggesting its non-inferiority compared to the standard CYC therapy in general AAV and a better safety profile; its cost has also reduced thanks to the availability of biosimilars. However, the equivalence of RTX and CYC in patients with severe renal involvement is still debated.

The quest for the ideal induction regimen in AAV is moving towards a more personalized approach: on the one hand, efforts are made to use already existing therapies in the most appropriate way; on the other, new insights into AAV pathogenesis has allowed the discovery of new targets, such as the complement factor C5a.

Thanks to this new AAV management, renal outcome and overall survival has visibly improved. New studies are needed to reach a more personalized approach in the induction regimen of ANCA-associated glomerulonephritis and AAV in general.


Keywords: ANCA, vasculitis, glomerulonephritis, rituximab, cyclophosphamide, renal biopsy

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Le AAV, vasculiti ANCA-associate (anticorpi anti-citoplasma dei neutrofili), sono rare vasculiti necrotizzanti autoimmuni che coinvolgono i vasi di medio e piccolo calibro. Le AAV includono tre patologie differenti: la granulomatosi con poliangioite (GPA, in passato nota come malattia di Wegener), la poliangioite microscopica (MPA) e la granulomatosi eosinofila con poliangioite (EGPA, in passato nota come sindrome di Churg Strauss) [1]. L’incidenza in Europa è rispettivamente di 2.1-14.4, 2.4-10.1 e 0.5-3.7 per milione e la prevalenza di 46-184 per milione. La sopravvivenza a 5 anni è intorno al 74-91% per la GPA, 45-76% per l’MPA e 60-76% per l’EGPA [2]. Il picco di incidenza si colloca fra i 65-75 anni, con una lieve prevalenza maschile.

Nel corso della malattia, circa il 90% dei pazienti sviluppa anticorpi ANCA, rivolti contro proteine contenute nel citoplasma dei neutrofili: sebbene esistano degli overlap, gli ANCA anti PR3 (anti-proteinasi 3) sono più frequenti nella GPA, mentre gli ANCA anti MPO (anti-mieloperossidasi) nella MPA; il 40% dei pazienti con EGPA sviluppa positività agli ANCA, in prevalenza MPO, spesso associata a forme con coinvolgimento vasculitico. Esistono alcune eccezioni: il 10% dei pazienti è ANCA negativo ed è possibile sviluppare entrambi gli anticorpi, prevalentemente nelle forme secondarie [3,4].


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Management of the incidental renal masses


The diagnosis of renal masses has increased in the last decades owing to the widespread use of imaging (ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance).

Majority of the renal masses are detected incidentally on routine ultrasound examination.

Solid masses detected on ultrasound require further imaging evaluation with CT and/or MRI for suitable characterization. US-guided renal biopsy is a safe, effective and accurate method for evaluating the small renal masses with ambiguous radiologic findings.

Navigation technology and multimodality image fusion represent an important development in interventional radiology, especially for performing difficult percutaneous biopsies and ablations of small renal masses.

Multidisciplinary approach is required which results from experience and knowledge and in hard cases the use of serial imaging can be helpful.


Keywords: renal masses, imaging, ultrasound, renal biopsy, active surveillance

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Il riscontro di masse renali durante gli ultimi trent’anni è andato via via aumentando (1) grazie alla diffusione delle tecniche di imaging, in primo luogo l’ecografia (US), ma anche la tomografia assiale computerizzata (TC) e la risonanza magnetica nucleare (MRI).


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An unusual presentation of Amyloidosis AL


We describe the case of a 74-year-old man admitted to our Nephrology Unit with nephrotic syndrome and mild kidney disease. A complete panel of laboratoristic and instrumental tests did not provide useful information for diagnosis. No specific signs or symptoms suggested the presence of AL amyloidosis. As a matter of fact, diagnosis was reached thanks to the hystopathologic examination of renal tissue and bone marrow, since the associated B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder had not revealed itself through serum and urine electrophoresis and immunofixation. This recent case provides the opportunity to review about the disease and to revaluate the renal biopsy as a first line exam in a clinical context where laboratoristic and instrumental tests offer us poor information.

Keywords: AL amyloidosis, bortezomib, renal biopsy

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.


Descriviamo il caso clinico di un uomo di 74 anni, giunto all’osservazione del Nefrologo per sindrome nefrosica in presenza di lieve insufficienza renale (sCr 1,5 mg/dL; eGFR sec. CKD-EPI 45 mL/min/1,73 mq, MDRD 48 mL/min/1,73 mq) e proteinuria in range nefrosico (4,22 g/24 ore). In anamnesi si segnalavano: trait talassemico, note di gastrite erosiva ed una pregressa frattura costale post-traumatica. Clinicamente si riscontravano habitus pletorico, incremento ponderale di nove chili nelle ultime dieci settimane, ipotensione arteriosa. Gli esami laboratoristici routinari evidenziavano stato anemico (Hb 10,7 g/dL), beta2-microglobulina al di sopra dell’intervallo di normalità (4,54 mg/L), elevazione di Nt-proBNP (1.419 pg/mL). Indici infiammatori ed autoimmunità: negativi. Elettroforesi e immunofissazione sierica e urinaria non segnalavano anomalie. All’Rx torace si notava una velatura del seno costo-frenico bilateralmente e un ingrandimento dell’ombra cardiaca. All’elettrocardiogramma erano presenti bassi voltaggi diffusi. L’ecocardiogramma rilevava segni di ipertrofia con disfunzione diastolica e aspetto di pattern restrittivo al Doppler transmitralico. 

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