Italian Society of Nephrology’s 2018 census of renal and dialysis units: their structure and organization


Background: Given the public health challenge represented by chronic kidney disease, the Italian Society of Nephrology (SIN) promoted a census of the renal and dialysis units to analyze structural and human resources, organizational aspects, activities and workload, referring to the year 2018. Methods: An on-line questionnaire including 60 questions, exploring structural and human resources, organizational aspects, activities and epidemiological data referred to 2018, was sent to the heads of all identified Italian renal or dialysis unit. Results: 567 renal units were identified, 3.3 public and full renal unit pmp. The nephrology beds are about 37.6 pmp. The nurses were 8,130 in HD wards, 1,827 in the nephrology wards, only 432 for outpatient clinics. Conclusions: Data from this census may be used for benchmarking and comparison between centers, regions and groups of regions. These data offer a snapshot of the clinical management of renal disease in Italy.

Keywords: census, nephrology unit, organization, workforce, workload

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.


Con l’intento di proseguire con la fotografia della attività nefrologica nazionale, il Presidente e il Consiglio Direttivo (CD) della Società Italiana di Nefrologia hanno deciso di dar vita a un nuovo censimento che fotografasse l’attività clinico-assistenziale e il carico di lavoro della nefrologia italiana, nonché la distribuzione e consistenza dei centri di Nefrologia al 31.12.2018. Realizzare un censimento su base nazionale è un lavoro estremamente gravoso, sia in fase progettuale che sotto l’aspetto pratico-attuativo. D’altronde, la modalità del censimento resta l’unica via per ottenere dati concreti di attività e di performance in tempi rapidi.

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Italian Society of Nephrology’s 2018 census of renal and dialysis units: the nephrologist’s workload


Background: Given the public health challenge represented by chronic kidney disease, the Italian Society of Nephrology (SIN) promoted a census of the renal and dialysis units to analyze structural and human resources, organizational aspects, activities and workload, referring to the year 2018. Methods: An on-line questionnaire including 60 questions, exploring structural and human resources, organizational aspects, activities and epidemiological data referred to 2018, was sent to the heads of all identified Italian renal or dialysis unit. Results: Renal and dialysis activity was performed by over 2,718 physicians (41 pmp). The management of the acute renal failure was one of the most relevant activities in the public renal units (3,000 pmp patients in ICU and 183.000 dialysis sessions). Italian Nephrologists performed about 6000 AV fistulas out of a total of 9300. In the survey there are a lot of data regarding organization, workforce and workload of the renal unit in Italy. Conclusions: Data from this census may be used for benchmarking and comparison between centers, regions and groups of regions. These data offer a snapshot of the clinical management of renal disease in Italy.

Keywords: census, nephrology unit, organization, workforce, workload

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.


Dopo i primi tre censimenti delle Unità di Nefrologia e Dialisi, il Presidente ed il Consiglio Direttivo della Società Italiana di Nefrologia hanno deciso di dar vita ad un nuovo censimento che fotografasse, alla data del dicembre 2018, oltre alla distribuzione e consistenza dei centri di Nefrologia, anche il carico di lavoro dei nefrologi italiani.

In questo secondo articolo si continua la presentazione dei dati con particolare riferimento agli aspetti pratico-gestionali dell’attività nefrologica. La descrizione dei materiali e metodi adottati è riportata nel primo dei due articoli sul censimento.

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