Infections to the peritoneal catheter are common in Peritoneal Dialysis (PD). We report the clinical case of a 49-year-old male patient in PD, who showed an atypical manifestation of tunnel infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus. The infection was characterized by a little abscess, on the left pararectal abdominal line, 6 cm far from exit-site of the peritoneal catheter. The diagnosis was made using ultrasonography (US), which showed a fistulous communication from subcutaneous cuff to the skin. We treated the infection conservatively by performing cuff-shaving and drainage of the abscess, associated to antibiotic therapy (teicoplanin). Due to the persistence of the infection, we added oral and topical rifampicin, and advanced medication with freez-dried collagen plant impregnated with extended-release gentamicin. The complete resolution of the infection allowed us to avoid removing the catheter.
KEY WORDS: Peritoneal Dialysis, peritoneal catheter infection, cuff-shaving