Luglio Agosto 2019 - Editorial



The main objective of the Italian National Transplant Center (CNT) is to increase the number, the quality and the safety of transplants by promoting special programs in cooperation with Italian Regions. Data show that the number of deceased subjects that are reported for organ or tissue donation is largely lower than it could potentially be, and that great variations exist among different Regions. In order to increase the number of performed transplants, the CNT is planning to move in three main directions: (1) promoting transplants from deceased donors, (2) promoting transplants from living donors and (3) optimising the way organs are stored, distributed and utilised across the country.


Keywords: Italian National Transplant Center, transplants from deceased donor, transplants from living donor, organ procurement

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.


Mentre nuove opportunità quali la rigenerazione e/o riparazione del rene, il rene artificiale miniaturizzato ed altro ancora si affacciano all’orizzonte, ma non costituiscono ancora una realtà clinica concreta, il trapianto di rene continua ad essere riconosciuto come la più efficace opzione terapeutica dell’insufficienza renale terminale. 

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