Luglio Agosto 2019 - Comunicazione e Marketing

Psychology of the communication between doctors/nurses and patients in nephrology and dialysis


People with a chronic kidney condition can live with their disease for several years, during which the illness becomes “an integral aspect of life” and requires “an arduous and continuous process of adaptation at multiple levels: cognitive, emotional and physical”. Often, communicating with doctors is not helpful to these patients in understanding what is happening and reorganizing their lives, as ineffective communication strategies are employed. It is in fact necessary to overcome obstacles such as the use of incomprehensible technical language, ambiguity, the lack of communication training and the abundance of stressful situations.

Chronically ill patients have the right to be informed in a simple, clear and impartial way about their condition and its possible treatments; this information will help them manage their kidney disease, “accept” it and find the motivation to adhere to medical prescriptions over time.


Keywords: Communication, doctor, nurse, chronic patient

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.


Quando una persona perde la funzionalità dei propri reni, la sua vita e quella dei suoi familiari cambia redicalmente perché la malattia renale è cronica, la dialisi e il trapianto sono terapie impegnative e continuate nel tempo [1]. 

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