Maggio Giugno 2019 - Editorial

The new National Guidelines System in Italy: a first evaluation


The so-called Gelli-Bianco Law (L 24/2017) recognizes the central role of Guidelines as far as decision-making in the health sector is concerned and establishes the Italian National Guidelines System (SNLG) as a “safe harbor”, notwithstanding the specificities of each real-world case. The Italian National Center for Clinical Excellence, Quality and Security (CNEC) is responsible for the creation and the development of the SNLG.

After considering the many issues revolving around the creation of shared Guidelines, both on the national and international level, we present here the activities of the SNLG to date, together with an evaluation of how the new rules and practices around the creation of National Guidelines have been received. We also provide a series of recommendations for scientific societies on how best to produce Guidelines in their own field and how to submit them to the SNLG.


Keywords: Guidelines, scientific societies, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, best practices, evidence-based medicine

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.

La legge 24/2017 (c.d. Legge Gelli-Bianco) conferisce alle Linee Guida (LG) un ruolo di particolare rilevanza nell’ambito della responsabilità professionale, facendo del Sistema Nazionale Linee Guida (SNLG) una sorta di safe harbour per i professionisti che vi si attengono – “fatte salve le specificità del caso concreto”.  

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