Maggio Giugno 2019 - Nefrologo in corsia

Efficacy of sodium thiosulphate in a case of calciphylaxis in a chronic nephropathic ninety-year-old patient on conservative therapy


Calcific uremic arteriolopathy, also known as calciphylaxis (CUA), is a rare and potentially fatal condition that occurs in 1-4% of the population with chronic renal failure, most often on dialysis treatment. The pathogenesis is not yet clear although several hypotheses have been advanced, most importantly the alteration of the calcium phosphorus metabolism. Administration of sodium thiosulfate (STS) is the emerging therapy. Below, we report the case of an elderly chronic kidney patient on conservative therapy suffering from CUA who has been successfully treated with STS.


KEYWORDS: calciphylaxis, sodium thiosulfate, chronic kidney disease

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.


L’arteriolopatia uremica calcifica, più comunemente conosciuta con il termine di calcifilassi (CUA), è un disordine raro associato ad un’alta frequenza di mortalità. Colpisce 1-4% della popolazione con insufficienza renale cronica ed è caratterizzata da ischemia e necrosi cutanea secondaria alla deposizione di calcio nella tonaca media delle arteriole con fibrosi dell’intima e trombosi delle arteriole sottocutanee [1]. 

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