The AKI in intensive care has been widely treated by international and national guidelines. The treatment of AKI in patients not requiring admission in Intensive Care Unit, but often hospitalized in Nephrology Unit, it is showed of less relevance. For over 5 years we have used for the treatment of AKI of patients admitted in Nephrology Unit an intermittent slow technique, implemented in approximately 600 patients with AKI for a total of about 3000 treatments. In this study we report the clinical results obtained in 100 consecutive patients referred to our Nephrology Unit from 1st January 2014. We excluded the patients with AKI and lactic acidosis by metformin, which were treated with CVVHDF. The Dialysis Protocol provides a slow low efficiency intermittent treatment called SLE-HDF (Sustained Low Efficiency Hemo-Dia-Filtration), with 10-hour duration, 1.5 L/h dialysate for a patient up to 75 kg, 2 L/h up to 85 kg, 2.5 L/h over 85 kg. Half of the dialysate was used in convention in post and half in diffusion. Endpoints were the recovery of renal function and the survival of the patient. On each patient was calculated on at least one seat, the Kt/V urea (UKt/V).
Were studied 100 patients, 45 females and 55 males, with mean age 79.4 + 11 years. The weight was 74 kg + 18 kg at the start of treatment. The 65% of patients had diuresis < to 500 ml/24 hours. The causes of AKI were: 41% heart failure, 31 % AKI on MRC, 7% rhabdomyolysis, 6% Hepato-renal Syndrome, 4% sepsis, 11 % other causes. Major comorbidities were heart disease (63%), diabetes (50%), COPD (38%), age over 85 years, cancers 23, liver disease 16, hypotension requiring amine 15, sepsis 10. In total in the 100 patients, 512 treatments were performed, average 5.12 + 3.7. The mean UKt/V was 0.4 + 0.05 per session. The deaths were 43. Patients discharged were 57. Of these, 43 had a recovery of renal function. Fourteen patients have not recovered renal function and were admitted for chronic dialysis treatment.
In conclusion, our protocol of SLE-HDF, which uses volumes of dialysate sharply lower than used in literature, has been shown to be effective in correcting the biochemical profile of the patient with AKI. The clinical results are considered satisfactory, having obtained the improvement in 57% of patients, considering that the 43 deaths, 10 were suffering from Hepato-cirrhosis and 13 from malignant neoplasm. Further studies are needed to confirm our findings.