Retroperitoneal renal hemorrhage: experience of our dialysis center


The aging of the uremic population, the increasingly common use of anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents e heparin, during hemodialysis, can expose our patients to a greatest risk of bleeding. Spontaneous retroperitoneal hematomas are a fairly rare and potentially fatal condition.
We describe 5 clinical cases of retroperitoneal hemorrhage that we observed during 10 years in our department, focusing on modalities of symptom onset, clinical-laboratory picture and treatment modalities

Keywords: Retroperitoneal hemorrhage, hemodialysis

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.


Gli ematomi retroperitoneali e in particolare quelli spontanei (in assenza di trauma o danno iatrogeno) sono una patologia abbastanza rara e potenzialmente fatale.


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