The public emergency caused by Covid-19 has forced health services to reorganize in order to separate positive patients from negative ones. In nephrology, this reorganization involves several levels of assistance concerning hospitalizations, ambulatory care and haemodialysis.
Within the Complex Unit of Nephrology in Ragusa, the distribution of nephro-dialytic resources has involved four different hospitals, hence ensuring haemodialysis services for asymptomatic and pauci-symptomatic Covid-19 patients as well as for patients in Covid-Unit, Sub-Intensive Therapy and Intensive Care Unit. In this complex context, we had to create a common protocol involving all the professionals who provide assistance in our Unit, across the different structures.
We also report some encouraging data that seem to indicate the effectiveness of the protocols put in place.
Keywords: Covid-19, Nephrology, devices for individual protection, management of the renal patient, dedicated paths