A narrative review on arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis


Vascular access is the lifeline for hemodialysis patients. Autologous artero-venous fistula (AVF) is still the most popular vascular access for hemodialysis even if declining during the last decades. Compared to central venous catheters and vascular grafts, AVF is characterized by a lower risk of infection and lower number of hospitalizations, and by a better quality of life, higher dialysis efficiency, and more prolonged life expectancy for patients. Since the year 1966 when the two surgeons Cimino and Brescia had the idea of connecting the forearm vein and artery for chronic dialysis, several data have accumulated on surgical procedures, positioning of AVF (distal vs proximal), time for the first use, monitoring and surveilling.

All guidelines suggest that special care should be given by monitoring and surveilling AVF to avoid its failure or fatal closing. Attention should be paid to the patient’s vasculature before surgery, through the “maturation” phase and chronic use. Indeed, AVF requires constant and careful care. The crucial role is played by the patient itself in cooperation with devoted clinical staff participated by skilled nurses, nephrologists, surgeons, radiologists, and sonographers.

Literature on AVF is evaluated and guidelines suggestions reported as well as the data attained by the Accesso Vascolare per Emodialisi (AVE) project. This project aimed to evaluate the benefits of monitoring and surveilling, operated by a multidisciplinary team on dialysis adequacy, AVF longevity, and patient’s mortality.

Keywords: artero-venous fistula, dialysis, mortality, monitoring, surveilling

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La fistola artero-venosa interna (FAV) fu concepita dai medici Cimino e Brescia nel 1966, quale superamento dello shunt artero-venoso esterno di Quinton-Scribner [1, 2].

La FAV resta l’accesso vascolare migliore ed è considerata la “lifeline” per il paziente in dialisi cronica essendo superiore agli altri accessi vascolari, quali catetere venoso centrale e protesi, rispetto ai quali presenta maggiore longevità, minor rischio di infezioni e formazione di trombi, ed assicura maggiore sopravvivenza al paziente [37]. 

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Treating anaemia in patients with chronic kidney disease: what evidence for using ESAs, after a 30-year journey?


Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESAs) are well-tolerated and effective drugs for the treatment of anaemia in patients with chronic kidney disease.

In the past, scientific research and clinical practice around ESAs have mainly focused on the haemoglobin target to reach, and to moving towards the normality range; more cautious approach has been taken more recently. However, little attention has been paid to possible differences among ESA molecules. Although they present a common mechanism of action on the erythropoietin receptor, their peculiar pharmacodynamic characteristics could give different signals of activation of the receptor, with possible clinical differences.

Some studies and metanalyses did not show significant differences among ESAs. More recently, an observational study of the Japanese Registry of dialysis showed a 20% higher risk of mortality from any cause in the patients treated with long-acting ESAs in comparison to those treated with short-acting ESAs; the difference increased in those treated with higher doses. These results were not confirmed by a recent, post-registration, randomised, clinical trial, which did not show any significant difference in the risk of death from any cause or cardiovascular events between short-acting ESAs and darbepoetin alfa or methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta. Finally, data from an Italian observational study, which was carried out in non-dialysis CKD patients, showed an association between the use of high doses of ESA and an increased risk of terminal CKD, limited only to the use of short-acting ESAs.

In conclusion, one randomised clinical trial supports a similar safety profile for long- versus short-acting ESAs. Observational studies should always be considered with some caution: they are hypothesis generating, but they may suffer from bias by indication.

Keywords: anaemia, erythropoiesis stimulating agents, ESAs, mortality, chronic kidney disease, long acting, short acting

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Dalla pubblicazione dello storico lavoro di Eschbach più di 30 anni fa [1], il trattamento dell’anemia con i farmaci stimolanti l’eritropoiesi (Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents, ESAs) ha rivoluzionato la qualità della vita dei pazienti con malattia renale cronica (Chronic Kidney Disease, CKD). In quegli anni i pazienti erano gravemente anemici e spesso sopravvivevano con livelli di emoglobina anche inferiori a 5 g/dL, ricorrendo a periodiche trasfusioni, con alto rischio di trasmissione di un’epatite allora sconosciuta, definita “non A-non B” (oggi chiamata C) e con conseguente accumulo di grandi quantità di ferro. Nei casi più gravi i nefrologi erano costretti ad intervenire con un trattamento chelante a base di desferriossamina, a sua volta gravato da serie complicanze come la mucoviscidosi. Improvvisamente, grazie all’utilizzo dell’eritropoietina, i pazienti ricominciarono a vivere. Tale era l’entusiasmo dei nefrologi nel poter finalmente correggere efficacemente la grave anemia dei loro pazienti cronici, che si fecero trascinare fino a una correzione troppo rapida dei valori di emoglobina, portando a complicanze come un aumento dei valori pressori sino a severe crisi ipertensive e, a volte, convulsioni. 

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Association between fractures and vascular calcifications


Several cross-sectional and prospective studies highlight the existence of an association between bone fractures and abdominal aortic calcifications, especially if particularly severe and independent from confounders such as aging, smoking habits and diabetes. This phenomenon affects not only the general population but also patients with chronic kidney disease in which cortical bone lesions are prevalent. Moreover, bone fractures and aortic calcifications have been proved to be linked to increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, both in the general populations and in patients with chronic kidney disease, who notoriously show elevated cardiovascular risks.

Therefore, diagnostic investigations about bone fractures and abdominal aortic calcifications, particularly in patients with chronic kidney disease, may represent a useful tool for identification of patients with a higher cardiovascular risk in order to optimize therapies for bone metabolism disorders.

KEYWORDS: Vertebral fractures, vascular calcifications, Chronic Kidney Disease, mortality

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L’Osteoporosi e le malattie cardiovascolari sono due importanti problemi di salute pubblica, entrambi associati ad elevata morbilità e ospedalizzazione di lunga durata, elevata mortalità ed elevato dispendio di risorse da parte del Sistema Sanitario (1).

Tra queste due patologie, inoltre, è documentata una stretta correlazione, sia nella popolazione generale, sia nei pazienti con malattia renale cronica (MRC), come dimostrato da recenti studi clinici sperimentali (234).

La relazione tra osso e vasi è molto ben riassunta, sotto l’aspetto biologico, dal processo di calcificazione della media dei vasi arteriosi. Infatti, alcuni modulatori chiave del metabolismo osseo e minerale sono coinvolti attivamente nel processo di calcificazione vascolare, in quanto esistono forti analogie tra le cellule della parete vascolare e il tessuto osseo. In particolare, le cellule muscolari lisce, stimolate dagli stessi lipidi ossidati che inducono aterosclerosi, sono in grado di trans-differenziarsi in osteoblasti e, successivamente, di produrre osso mineralizzato nella parete arteriosa. Inoltre, sia il processo di aterosclerosi che di osteoporosi vedono il reclutamento dei monociti e la loro differenziazione in macrofagi-cellule schiumose nelle arterie e negli osteoclasti dell’osso (5). Il processo di trans-differenziazione in senso osteo-condroblastico delle cellule muscolari lisce della tunica media delle arterie vede coinvolto un aumento dell’espressione del fattore di trascrizione Runx2 e di altri mediatori a valle di differenziazione osteoblastica (Msx2, Wnt3a, and Wnt7a), di mineralizzazione della matrice (osterix, fosfatasi alcalina) e proteine tipiche del tessuto osseo (collageno tipo I, osteocalcina, osteopontina, e RANKL) (6). 

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