Peripheral hypoperfusion syndrome and monomielic syndrome: from diagnosis to treatment. Case report with review of the literature


Arteriovenous access ischemic steal is a fairly uncommon complication associated with the creation of a vascular access for hemodialysis, which can sometimes cause potentially devastating complications, with permanent disability. Several old names for this syndrome have now been replaced by two new denominations: Hemodialysis Access-Induced Distal Ischemia (HAIDI) and Distal Hypoperfusion Ischemic Syndrome (DHIS).

Clinically, we distinguish between the Peripheral Hypoperfusion Syndrome, which can cause gangrene of the fingers, and the Monomelic Syndrome, characterized by low incidence and by the presence of neurological dysfunctions. Risk factors include diabetes mellitus, atherosclerotic vascular disease, old age, female gender, tobacco use and hypertension.

We report the case of a patient with HAIDI in order to increase awareness on this syndrome’s early diagnosis and proper management. After describing the case, we also include a literature review.


Keywords: hand Ischemia, vascular access, echocolordoppler, hemodialysis

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Case Report

Descriviamo il caso di un uomo di 58 anni con una storia di diabete mellito di lunga durata, ipertensione arteriosa e vasculopatia periferica. Il primo accesso vascolare (AV) allestito era una FAV brachio-cefalica al braccio sinistro. Subito dopo l’intervento, però, si assisteva alla comparsa di lieve dolore, parestesie e debolezza della mano, sintomatologia che è andata via via scomparendo nei giorni successivi. 

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