Use of CFTR Modulators for Cystic Fibrosis in a Patient with Liver Transplant and ESRD on Hemodialysis


Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations of the gene encoding the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein. The most recent therapeutic approach to cystic fibrosis aims to correct structural and functional abnormalities of CFTR protein.
CFTR modulators including ivacaftor-tezacaftor-elexacaftor are used in patients with F508del mutation, with clinical improvement. To date, there are no experiences of CFTR modulator therapy in cystic fibrosis patients with organ transplantation and severe renal impairment.
We report the case of a patient diagnosed with cystic fibrosis with F508del mutation, who underwent liver transplantation at the age of 19 and started hemodialysis at the age of 24 due to end-stage renal disease secondary to membranous glomerulonephritis. She was treated with Kaftrio (ivacaftor-tezacaftor-elexacaftor) with clinical benefits on appetite, improvement of body mass index, and reduction of pulmonary exacerbations. A reduction of dosage to 75% of the standard dose was required due to alterations of the liver function.
Conclusions. Use of CFTR modulators in patient with cystic fibrosis, liver transplant and end-stage renal disease could be considered safe but a clinical and laboratoristic monitoring of hepatic function is needed.

Keywords: CFTR modulators, cystic fibrosis, ESRD, liver transplant


Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disease caused by mutations of the gene encoding the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein, expressed on the epithelial cells of many organs, including respiratory tract, pancreas, liver, intestine, reproductive tract.

The main clinical manifestations include chronic productive cough, difficulty in breathing, intolerance to exercise, pancreatic insufficiency, intestinal malabsorption, meconium ileus at birth.

The main burden to quality of life and the major cause of mortality in CF is progressive lung disease secondary to chronic airway obstruction that predisposes to recurrent pulmonary infection.

Classical treatment of CF is focused on the consequences of CFTR dysfunction and it includes respiratory physiotherapy, muco-active agents, aggressive antibiotic therapy, pancreatic enzyme replacement, high-calorie and high-fat diet.

The newest therapy approach to CF aims to correct structural and functional abnormalities of CFTR protein using CFTR modulators.

To date, there is no experience of CFTR modulators use in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and in patients undergone organ transplantation. 

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Infected hepatic cyst in ADPKD patient in peritoneal dialysis


Renal and hepatic cysts infections are among the most important infectious complications of ADPKD and often require hospitalization. Liver cysts are even more complex than renal cysts and their diagnosis and treatment are quite controversial.

We report the case of a 58-year-old patient with ADPKD undergoing peritoneal dialysis treatment. He presented fever and severe asthenia and was diagnosed with a hepatic cyst infection. Given the presence of the peritoneal catheter, and in order to facilitate the targeted treatment of the infection, we administered antibiotics (ceftazidime and teicoplanin) in the bags used for peritoneal dialysis exchanges for 4 weeks, obtaining the complete disappearance of symptoms and laboratory and ultrasound alterations.

Intraperitoneal antibiotics administration in the treatment of infected hepatic cysts represents an effective and safe therapeutic alternative, never described in literature so far.


Keywords: ADPKD, ESRD, Infected hepatic cyst, peritoneal dialysis

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L’ADPKD è la più comune malattia ereditaria renale a trasmissione autosomico dominante, nonchè la quarta causa di End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), ed ha un’incidenza variabile tra 1:500 e 1:1000 individui. Nell’85% dei casi è caratterizzata dalla presenza di mutazioni del gene PKD1 e nel 15% dei casi del gene PKD2, codificanti rispettivamente per la Podocina 1 e Podocina 2, che portano alla formazione di cisti, principalmente a livello renale ed epatico. Molti pazienti sono asintomatici nelle fasi iniziali, e presentano poi sintomi quali macroematuria, proteinuria, coliche renali, insufficienza renale cronica, sintomi da ingombro addominale, manifestazioni cardiovascolari (ipertensione, ipertrofia del ventricolo sinistro, prolasso della valvola mitrale, aneurismi), infezioni del tratto genitourinario, carcinoma renale e diverticolosi [16]. Le principali complicanze sono le emorragie e le infezioni delle cisti [7]. 

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Renal manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease


Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease affects over 12 million people in the world and is the fourth cause of ESRD. It is the main monogenic kidney disease and causes the progressive formation of cysts leading to renal failure after a few decades. The main manifestations of the disease are observed even at a young age.
The early sign of ADPKD is impaired urinary concentrating capacity, due to medullary alteration by cysts, and resistance to vasopressin.
These anatomical alterations determine hyperfiltration, altered ammonium transport, nephrolithiasis, and, above all, hypertension even in pediatric age. Activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system has been shown responsible for the maintenance of high pressure values as well as the growth of cysts and renal fibrosis. Arterial hypertension would be responsible for ventricular hypertrophy.
Many recent studies have confirmed the role of pressure control, especially if rigorous, in decreasing the progression of renal disease, and the use of ACE inhibitors seems to have higher efficacy than other antihypertensive drugs.
The progression of renal disease is evidenced by the reduction of glomerular filtration which may be minimal in the early years, due to hyperfiltration, but, then, may even exceed 5 ml / min per year, especially when the total kidney volume (TKV) exceeds 1500 ml.
In more rapid progression forms, ESRD may appear at about 55 years of age. The main risk factors are age, genetic mutation, familiarity with ESRD, macrohematuria episodes, and early onset hypertension. Some authors have proposed both genetic and clinical scores that can provide guidance on the probability of rapid progression.
Other renal manifestations include kidney pain, nephrolithiasis, urinary tract infections and cyst hemorrhage. Renal cell carcinoma is a very rare event.


Keywords: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, hypertension, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, compensatory hyperfiltration, renal volume, ESRD.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.


Il rene policistico rappresenta la malattia ereditaria monogenica più frequente in ambito nefrologico. Ne sono affetti circa 12,5 milioni di individui nel mondo ed è la quarta causa di insufficienza renale terminale dopo il diabete, l’ipertensione e le glomerulonefriti (1). 

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