DPP-4 inhibitors in nephropatics


The use of glucose-lowering drugs in advanced stage diabetic nephropathic patients should be done very carefully. Some drugs are contraindicated or not recommended. The same insulin needs a dose reduction to avoid dangerous hypoglycemia. For some years the use of inhibitors of the DDP-4 has been approved in T2DM patients with CKD III and IV stage, proposing the use without limitations even in case of ESRD.

We conducted a prospective observational study of a cohort of 60 patients with T2DM and CKD stage IV, selecting a sample of 15 patients taking an inhibitor of DPP-4 and comparing it with those who took therapy “old” drugs, despite having similar characteristics of CKD.

In both groups, we found: 1) the effectiveness of therapy, through the assessment of glycated hemoglobin and glycemic profile; 2) the possible occurrence of “hypoglycemia”, “side effects”, accelerating the progression of CKD. No patients being treated with inhibitors of DPP-4 have experienced hypoglycemia, or adverse events, or adverse effects on the progression of CKD. The glycated hemoglobin, revealed more stability than the comparison group. Hypoglycaemic episodes were present only in the group receiving intensive insulin. Although kidneys and their dose, in case of high degree of CKD, primarily eliminate inhibitors of DPP-4, with some exceptions, should be reduced, in our experience they have proven beneficial drugs in diabetics with kidney disease, being effective and well tolerated in the case of ESRD, where the only treatment option was represented by insulin.

Keywords: diabetes, chronic kidney disease, drug, tollerability

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La gestione terapeutica del paziente diabetico con Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) è generalmente complessa. Uno degli aspetti da tenere in grande considerazione è che la terapia farmacologica ipoglicemizzante va rapportata al grado di funzionalità renale residua e va adattata “su misura” al singolo paziente. Alcuni farmaci ipoglicemizzanti orali sono controindicati nelle fasi avanzate della CKD, come la metformina, o vengono sconsigliati, come nel caso delle sulfaniluree, per il potenziale rischio di ipoglicemie da “accumulo”. Anche la stessa terapia insulinica necessita di una riduzione del dosaggio nelle fasi avanzate della insufficienza renale cronica, per evitare pericolose crisi ipoglicemiche [1, 2].