Dystrophic Calcinosis Cutis: a rare fearsome issue of Chronic Kidney Disease


Disorders of calcium-phosphate-parathormone balance, are very important issues in ESRD patients, that may lead to severe complications, as dystrophic calcinosis cutis, a rare disease, caused by calcium salt deposits in cutaneous or subcutaneous tissues and many organs.

We present the case of a 47 years old woman, in ESRD due to membranous glomerulopathy, treated by peritoneal dialysis, who, after 7 months of dialysis, developed painful masses on second finger and fifth metacarpus of the right hand.

Laboratory and instrumental data showed hyperparathyroidism with a parathyroid mass consistent with adenoma.

Increasing of therapy with phosphate binders and cinacalcet only, was not effective to solve cutaneous masses, that were biopsied. Histological exam revealed deposition of amorphic material with calcific component, consistent with cutaneous dystrophic calcinosis.

We further increased dialysis and therapy and we observed complete regression of masses in 2 months.


Key words: dystrophic calcinosis cutis, end stage renale disease, calcium-phosphate metabolism, dialysis

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.


Una donna di 47 anni, affetta da insufficienza renale terminale a causa di una glomerulonefrite membranosa, viene sottoposta, a dialisi peritoneale a Marzo 2015.

Il programma dialitico prevedeva 6 sedute a settimana con sessioni da 9 ore per notte, di dialisi peritoneale automatizzata.

Gli esami ematici all’inizio del trattamento dialitico mostravano iperfosfatemia (8.7 mg/dL) iperparatiroidismo secondario (PTH 473 pg/ml) e normali livelli di calcio (8.8 mg/dl).

Alla paziente è stata consigliata una dieta a basso contenuto di fosforo ed è stata prescritta terapia con vitamina D, cinacalcet e chelanti del fosforo. 

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