Marzo Aprile 2019 - Specialità e professioni a colloquio

Renal failure in the medicolegal evaluation of civil invalidity and social security disability (INPS)


After a quick description of the anatomopathology and physiopathology of renal failure, the Authors delve into the problem of assessing its medicolegal aspects in the fields of civil invalidity and social security.

In Italy, civil invalidity involves protecting the psychological and physical welfare of the disabled, as sanctioned by law 118 of 1971; this law protects all citizens with a debilitating condition, including those who do not work or are not of working age. A disabled person is someone who, if of working age (between 18 and retirement) has a reduction of more than ⅓ (34%) of their general work capacity; if under or over the retirement age, they have a persistent difficulty in carrying out age-appropriate functions and tasks. In support of an application for being awarded civil invalidity, people can also refer to law no. 104 of 1992, which assesses social, relational and work disadvantages of a disabled person.

INPS (Italian Social Security Institute) protection, on the other hand, is a social security protection based on health requirements (having a capacity for work which is reduced by more than ⅓, as established by law no. 222 of 1984), as well as on the following administrative requirement: having paid, as a worker, at least 260 weekly contributions, equivalent to five years of contribution and insurance, of which 156, equal to three years of contribution and insurance, were made in the five-year period preceding the date of submitting the application. If this is the case, the protected person, thus insured, can enjoy protection for their illness by virtue of the stipulations for social security.


Keywords: Renal failure, civil invalidity, social security disability, Italian Social Security Institute (INPS)

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.


L’insufficienza renale può definirsi come la ridotta capacità del rene di mantenere il bilancio tra introduzione ed escrezione di acqua e minerali nell’organismo con il conseguente accumulo di vari prodotti terminali del metabolismo [1]. L’insufficienza renale può presentarsi clinicamente in forma acuta (IRA) con una manifestazione rapida, sovente reversibile. Si parla, invece, di insufficienza renale cronica (IRC) quando la perdita della funzionalità renale si palesa in maniera progressiva e sovente irreversibile in quanto costituisce lo stadio terminale di numerose patologie non emendabili del rene. 

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