NxStage System One is a new dialytic technology based on easy setup, simplicity of use and reduced dimensions, which is increasingly in use worldwide for home hemodialysis treatments. The system utilizes a low amount of dialysate, usually 15-30 liters according to anthropometric patients’ values. The dialysate is supplied at very low flux, generally about 1/3 of blood flow, in order to obtain an elevated saturation of dialysate for solutes. In these conditions the clearance of urea will be almost equal to dialysate flow rate. In order to achieve an obptimal weekly clearance evaluated by Std Kt/V the dialysis sessions are repeated six times a week. In this way a good control of blood voleme can be reached. In this paper we report our experience of treatment with NxStage System One in 12 patients from May 2011 to Dicember 2016.
Keywords: NxStage system One, Home hemodialysis treatment, Daily hemodialysis