Clinical and social advantages of remote patient monitoring in home dialysis


Introduction. Home dialysis (both extracorporeal and peritoneal) can improve the management and the quality of life of patients with chronic disease. In this study we evaluated the possible clinical and social advantages derived from remote patient monitoring using the Doctor Plus® Nephro program, as opposed to the standard of care. Methods. We included in our analysis the patients participating in the remote monitoring program of the Nephrology Center of ASL 3 in Rome from July 2017 to April 2019. Each patient was observed from a minimum of 4 months to a maximum of 22 months. Systolic and diastolic pressure, heart rate, weight and oximetry were monitored. An SF-12 questionnaire was also administered to evaluate the level of satisfaction with the program Doctor Plus® Nephro. Results. 16 patients (56,3% males, mean age 62 years) were observed as part of the analysis. During the program there was a reduction of systolic pressure in 69% of the patients and of diastolic pressure in 62,5%. Mean heart rate decreased from 69,4 bpm to 68,8 bpm (p<0,0046). The answers to the SF-12 questionnaire showed that the perceived health status of all patients had improved. Due to the closer clinical monitoring, the number of patients accessing emergency services also decreased. Conclusion. Doctor Plus® Nephro could improve access to home treatment; the results of this study in fact show it to be a useful tool for Nephrological Centers to monitor patients undergoing home dialysis.

 Keywords: remote patient monitoring, dialysis, home dialysis, blood pressure, quality of life

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Puntare sulle cure domiciliari per migliorare la gestione e la qualità della vita del paziente cronico e della sua famiglia è l’indicazione contenuta nell’ultimo Piano Nazionale della Cronicità (PNC) approvato dal Ministero della Salute Italiano, che dedica una particolare attenzione alla malattia renale cronica e all’insufficienza renale. Nel capitolo del PNC dedicato alle malattie croniche e all’insufficienza renale uno degli obiettivi generali è favorire l’assistenza domiciliare del paziente; una delle linee di intervento proposte a supporto è sperimentare modelli di dialisi domiciliare (dialisi peritoneale e emodialisi domiciliare), utilizzando strumenti di tele-dialisi assistita [1].

La dialisi domiciliare offre numerosi vantaggi se comparata con la dialisi effettuata in ospedale. Gli studi dimostrano diversi benefici per i pazienti in dialisi domiciliare in termini di sopravvivenza, qualità di vita, costi di spostamento, autonomia e benefici clinici, quali aumento del controllo dei valori pressori e del fosforo [28]. Inoltre, nella maggior parte dei paesi, il costo della dialisi domiciliare è inferiore al costo della dialisi effettuata in ospedale [911].


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Between old and new targets: blood pressure control in hypertensive outpatients


Objective. In developed countries, blood pressure (BP) control has increased over the past few decades and is now approaching 70% of patients. Herewith we report the results of a cross-sectional study carried out on hypertensive outpatients.

Design and methods. In a cohort of 1,412 consecutive hypertensive outpatients (790 females, 622 males; mean age: 60.3±12.2 years) evaluated from January 2015 to December 2016, the following parameters were assessed: age, gender, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), smoking habits, BP in the sitting position, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), serum glucose, lipid profile, antihypertensive drugs prescribed. In agreement with the European guidelines, hypertension was defined as sitting BP ≥140/90 mmHg or use of antihypertensive drugs. Patients whose BP was <140/90 mmHg were considered as having achieved BP control. Furthermore, in compliance with the redefinition of hypertension suggested by the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA), a second level of BP control (BP <130/80 mmHg) was evaluated.

Results. Overall, 75.7% of hypertensive patients achieved BP levels <140/90 mmHg, while 50.5% achieved BP levels <130/80 mmHg. In both contexts, compared with patients whose BP was not controlled, those achieving the BP targets were mainly younger and females with a lower prevalence of obesity, diabetes and chronic kidney disease. Furthermore, they also had a lower WC and a higher eGFR.

Conclusions. Nearly 76% of patients achieved the BP target of <140/90 mmHg, a result which is higher than the 70% achieved in Europe, and 50.6% achieved that of <130/80 mmHg, a result which is slightly higher than the 47% recently reported in USA.

Keywords: Blood pressure, blood pressure control, hypertension.

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L’ipertensione arteriosa è uno dei maggiori fattori di rischio indipendenti e modificabili per cardiopatia ischemica, scompenso cardiaco, accidenti cerebrovascolari, insufficienza renale e mortalità cardiovascolare in tutti i gruppi di età (1).


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