Extra-hepatic manifestations associated with Hepatitis and virus infection


Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a significant public health problem that affects almost 20 million individuals annually and cause acute liver injury in 3,5 million. Hepatitis E virus can cause acute, fulminant and chronic hepatitis and has been associated with a range of extrahepatic manifestation. The spectrum of these manifestation is still emerging. Acute pancreatitis and neurological, renal, hematologic, and muscoloskeletal manifestations have been described. Renal injury include membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis with or without cryoglobulinemia, membranous glomerulonephritis and tubular necrosis. The etiopathogenesis of extrahepatic manifestation is only supposed. It could be caused by a direct tossic effect of HEV or by an autoimmune process. We report a case of a 46 years old man who presented with acute hepatitis E. He was diagnosed to have acute severe renal failure and severe pancreatitis due to hepatitis E. Few cases have been reported in the literature concerning patients suffering from hepatitis E and severe extraepatic manifestations with a benign course and complete recovery.

Key words: hepatitis E, extrahepatic manifestation, renal injury

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L’epatite E è una patologia sostenuta da un RNA virus a filamento singolo, appartenente alla famiglia degli Hepeviridae. Si presenta come una malattia rara nei paesi industrializzati, mentre è spesso presente in forma epidemica nei paesi in via di sviluppo, rappresentando il più frequente tipo di epatite a trasmissione enterale nel mondo. Sono riconosciuti due diversi pattern di malattia con caratteristiche epidemiologiche differenti. Nei paesi in via di sviluppo, i genotipi più comuni sono il genotipo 1 e il genotipo 2, la cui trasmissione è oro-fecale e la sorgente d’infezione è rappresentata dall’acqua contaminata. Nei paesi industrializzati, invece, i genotipi più comuni sono il genotipo 3 (il più espresso in Europa) e il genotipo 4 tramessi principalmente da carne animale in particolar modo carne suina (13). 

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Acute kidney injury and rhabdomyolysis after cocaine overdose: case report and literature review


Cocaine, a natural alkaloid derived from the coca plant, is one of the most commonly used illicit drugs.
Cocaine abuse causes systemic adverse effects like stroke, myocardic infarction, arterial dissection, vascular thrombosis and rhabdomyolysis.
Cocaine use is, also, associated with renal complications such as acute kidney injury, vasculitis, acute interstitial nephritis, chronic kidney disease, malignant hypertension with thrombotic microangiopathy.
Acute kidney injury may or may be not associated to rhabdomyolysis.
Rhabdomyolysis caused by cocaine abuse is multifactorial, involving tissue ischemia secondary to vasoconstriction and cellular damage caused by the drug.
We report a 50-year-old man with history of chronic hepatitis C and substance abuse admitted to our unit with severe rhabdomyolysis and acute kidney failure after nasal insufflation of cocaine overdose. Renal function recovered after several treatments of dialysis.
We conclude that cocaine adversely impacts kidney function; in addition cocaine and rhabdomyolysis are the double danger for acute kidney injury. Medical management of cocaine toxicity requires a multisystem approach, with close monitoring cardiac, neurological and renal function.

Keywords: Acute kidney injury, rhabdomyolysis, cocaine

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La cocaina, un alcaloide del tropano presente nelle foglie della pianta di coca di eritroxilone, nota come il più potente stimolatore di origine naturale, esalta e prolunga gli effetti della stimolazione simpatica inibendo il reuptake delle catecolamine nelle terminazioni nervose (1, 2). 

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The AKI in intensive care has been widely treated by international and national guidelines. The treatment of AKI in patients not requiring admission in Intensive Care Unit, but often hospitalized in Nephrology Unit, it is showed of less relevance. For over 5 years we have used for the treatment of AKI of patients admitted in Nephrology Unit an intermittent slow technique, implemented in approximately 600 patients with AKI for a total of about 3000 treatments. In this study we report the clinical results obtained in 100 consecutive patients referred to our Nephrology Unit from 1st January 2014. We excluded the patients with AKI and lactic acidosis by metformin, which were treated with CVVHDF. The Dialysis Protocol provides a slow low efficiency intermittent treatment called SLE-HDF (Sustained Low Efficiency Hemo-Dia-Filtration), with 10-hour duration, 1.5 L/h dialysate for a patient up to 75 kg, 2 L/h up to 85 kg, 2.5 L/h over 85 kg. Half of the dialysate was used in convention in post and half in diffusion. Endpoints were the recovery of renal function and the survival of the patient. On each patient was calculated on at least one seat, the Kt/V urea (UKt/V).
Were studied 100 patients, 45 females and 55 males, with mean age 79.4 + 11 years. The weight was 74 kg + 18 kg at the start of treatment. The 65% of patients had diuresis < to 500 ml/24 hours. The causes of AKI were: 41% heart failure, 31 % AKI on MRC, 7% rhabdomyolysis, 6% Hepato-renal Syndrome, 4% sepsis, 11 % other causes. Major comorbidities were heart disease (63%), diabetes (50%), COPD (38%), age over 85 years, cancers 23, liver disease 16, hypotension requiring amine 15, sepsis 10. In total in the 100 patients, 512 treatments were performed, average 5.12 + 3.7. The mean UKt/V was 0.4 + 0.05 per session. The deaths were 43. Patients discharged were 57. Of these, 43 had a recovery of renal function. Fourteen patients have not recovered renal function and were admitted for chronic dialysis treatment. In conclusion, our protocol of SLE-HDF, which uses volumes of dialysate sharply lower than used in literature, has been shown to be effective in correcting the biochemical profile of the patient with AKI. The clinical results are considered satisfactory, having obtained the improvement in 57% of patients, considering that the 43 deaths, 10 were suffering from Hepato-cirrhosis and 13 from malignant neoplasm. Further studies are needed to confirm our findings. KEYWORDS: AKI, SLE-HDF, RRT

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Nell’ultimo decennio l’argomento AKI in terapia intensiva ha visto un proliferare di letteratura ed è stato ampiamente trattato da linee guida internazionali (1) e nazionali (2). Minor interesse ha mostrato nel tempo il trattamento dell’AKI in pazienti non richiedenti ricovero in terapia intensiva, in genere ospedalizzati in degenza nefrologica. Spesso si tratta di pazienti critici con molte comorbidità, frequentemente con instabilità emodinamica. E’ ipotizzabile che anche i pazienti con AKI in degenza nefrologica possano trarre beneficio da trattamenti lenti a bassa efficienza, siano essi continui o quotidiani intermittenti. Per questa categoria di pazienti le linee guida (2) rilevano come sia estremamente complesso stabilire la dose dialitica da prescrivere, anche perché spesso la dose prescritta è inferiore a quella ottenuta (3, 4, 5). Non sembra definito, in caso di tecniche ibride, lente intermittenti, quale indice di efficienza dialitica sia da applicare. Nel nostro centro da più di 5 anni viene attuato un nuovo protocollo dialitico per il trattamento dell’AKI che, finalizzato ad ottenere un Kt/V dell’urea almeno uguale a quello della dialisi giornaliera per i pazienti con MRC, fosse di facile attuazione e di basso impatto per il personale infermieristico. Con tale protocollo sono stati trattati circa 600 pazienti. In questo studio abbiamo valutato i risultati clinici in 100 pazienti con AKI avviati consecutivamente al trattamento dialitico nella nostra Unità Operativa dal 1° gennaio 2014.

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Complement factor B mutation in atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome. Rare cause of rare disease


Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is a rare disease characterized by microangiopathic hemolysis, platelet consumption and multiple organ failure with predominant renal involvement. In the most of cases (85-90%), it is associated with enteric infection due to Shiga-toxin or verocytotoxin (STEC-VTEC)-producer Escherichia coli. Rarely, in about 10-15% of cases, HUS develops in the presence of a disorder of alternative complement pathway regulation and it is defined atypical (aHUS).

We describe the case of a 65-year-old man who came to our attention with a clinical presentation of aHUS and a clinical course characterized by rapidly progressive acute renal failure (ARF), which required renal replacement treatments, and by a stable clinical picture of hematological impairment as a marker of a non-severe and self-limiting form. The clinical and laboratory course allowed us not to perform specific therapies such as plasma exchange and/or block of the complement with eculizumab. Less than two weeks after hospital admission, there was a gradual recovery of renal function with spontaneous diuresis and hematological remission.

Genetic screening has revealed a heterozygous mutation in the complement factor B (CFB) that is not described in the literature and therefore not yet characterized in the genotype/phenotype correlation, also for the extreme rarity of the forms associated with CFB alteration. In conclusion, the presence of a new mutation in the CFB, such as the one described in our case, is probably associated with the development of aHUS but has not led to a poor prognosis, as generally reported in the literature for known variants of the CFB.

Key words: Acute kidney injury., Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome, Complement factor B mutations, Thrombotic microangiopathy

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La Sindrome Emolitico-Uremica (SEU) è una patologia rara caratterizzata sul piano clinico da emolisi microangiopatica, consumo piastrinico e danno multiorgano con prevalente interessamento renale e sul piano istologico da una microangiopatia trombotica sistemica (1).

Nella maggior parte dei casi (85-90%), la SEU è associata a un’infezione enterica da ceppi di Escherichia coli produttori di Shiga-like o verocitotossine (STEC-VTEC); tale forma interessa prevalentemente l’età pediatrica e viene definita come forma “tipica” (2).

Più raramente, in circa il 10-15% dei casi, la SEU non è causata da batteri produttori di verocitotossine ed è definita atipica (SEUa); essa riconosce, più spesso, come meccanismo patogenetico un disordine della regolazione della via alternativa del complemento. Questa forma può manifestarsi a qualsiasi età della vita e si presenta maggiormente in forma sporadica e solo nel 20% in forma familiare. In più della metà dei casi, la SEUa è associata a mutazioni in eterozigosi a carico dei geni che codificano per le proteine regolatrici del complemento come Fattore H (CFH), Fattore I (CFI), Cofattore proteico di membrana (MCP), Fattore B (CFB) e C3 (3 – 5). In aggiunta a tali mutazioni genetiche, la SEUa può essere causata da anticorpi anti-FH (AbAnti-FH) che interferiscono con la regione C-terminale del CFH determinando una deficienza funzionale acquisita del CFH; lo sviluppo di tali anticorpi è associato a una delezione in omozigosi del gene CFHR1, responsabile della sintesi di una molecola altamente omologa al CFH (6, 7). Inoltre, nelle SEUa sono state identificate mutazioni anche a livello del sistema di attivazione della coagulazione con particolare riguardo alla trombomodulina (8) e al plasminogeno (9) e, recentemente, a carico della diacil-glicerolo-chinasi epsilon (DGKe), una chinasi espressa a livello endoteliale con funzione regolatrice nell’attivazione piastrinica e nella coagulazione, caratterizzate da una precoce manifestazione, generalmente entro il primo anno di vita (10).

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