Day of Prevention of Renal Diseases in Amatrice, Italy


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a very common condition and its prevalence is increasing worldwide. The CARHES study in Italy showed a prevalence of 6.5% in women and 7.5% in men. As a matter of fact, an early diagnosis is essential to slow down the progression and improve the renal and cardiovascular prognosis. For this purpose the A.N.Di.P. association (National Association of Peritoneal Dialysis-Onlus “Enzo Siciliano”) organized the DAY OF PREVENTION OF RENAL DISEASES which was held in AMATRICE the 15th of July 2017 called “WE START A NEW PATH OF LIFE TOGETHER”. The goal of this initiative was to highlight and spread the importance of prevention and early diagnosis of renal disease in Amatrice and its surroundings. During this day, medical history, blood pressure measurements, urinalysis, serum creatinine and serum uric acid were carried out and we suggested to patients how to proceed, if necessary, in a further diagnostic and therapeutic process. We also recommended a correct lifestyle, based on healthy eating and regular physical activity. The choice to dedicate particular attention to the population tragically affected by the earthquake occurred to identify renal diseases, since they are a possible consequence of the earthquake, to draw attention to the importance of renal function and to demonstrate that simple routine checks may lead to an early diagnosis of unrecognized kidney diseases, also reducing cardiovascular risk.

Keywords: Amatrice, chronic kidney disease, crush syndrome

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.


La malattia renale cronica (MRC) è una condizione molto diffusa e la sua prevalenza è in aumento in tutto il mondo (13). Lo studio CARHES in Italia ha mostrato una prevalenza del 6,5% nelle donne e del 7,5% negli uomini (45). Si definisce MRC la condizione in cui sia presente almeno da tre mesi una riduzione dell’estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) al di sotto di 60 ml/min/1.73m², oppure la presenza di un marcatore di danno renale quale: proteinuria, alterazioni del sedimento urinario, anomalie elettrolitiche da disordine tubulare, anomalie istologiche, alterazioni dei test di diagnostica per immagini del rene, storia di trapianto renale. La MRC e l’insufficienza renale cronica (IRC) non sono sinonimi poiché negli stadi 1 e 2 della MRC la funzione renale non è particolarmente alterata. La diagnosi e la stadiazione di MRC, secondo le linee guida KDIGO (12), si basano sull’eGFR, sulla presenza o meno di proteinuria, sull’esame delle urine e sull’ecografia renale e prevedono la classificazione della malattia in 5 stadi (Tabella 1). 

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