Effect of Plasmafiltration and Adsorption in Cocaine Abuse: A Case Report


Rhabdomyolysis is one of the principal causes of acute kidney disease. Multiple endogenous and exogenous causes could start this process: cocaine addiction, a social phenomenon present in our Country among young adults, is one exogenous causes. Natural stimulating alkaloid cocaine has toxic action on multiple systems, principally central nervous system and cardiovascular system. Etiopathogenesis is related either to changes in local and systemic hemodynamics, or to direct damage caused by myofibril accumulation, or to immunological events leading to vasculitis or thrombotic microangiopathies. Scientific evidences describe different therapeutic approaches: supportive therapy, extracorporeal treatments and possible removal of the pathogenic noxa, and the therapeutic apheresis plays a role yet to be confirmed in this field.

We describe the case of a 52-year-old man, hospitalized in the Cardiological Intensive Care Unit of our hospital, due to serious alterations in the indices of myocardiocytonecrosis and liver function, following cocaine abuse. During hospitalization, renal function indices worsened associated to diuresis contraction and onset of metabolic acidosis, not responsive to medical therapy. Also in consideration of myoglobin high circulating levels, related to rhabdomyolysis, the patient went under a cycle of selective apheresis using adsorption with a TR350 cartridge associated to hemodialysis: after two adsorption sessions, the patient resumed spontaneous diuresis with progressive normalization of the blood indices.

Keywords: Cocaine, Rhabdomyolysis, Apheresis, Adsorption

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L’abuso di cocaina, emergenza epidemiologica e sanitaria sempre più ingravescente, se non controllato e trattato tempestivamente, può spesso determinare l’insorgenza di intossicazioni acute.

La cocaina e i suoi metaboliti in concentrazioni elevate, infatti, possono essere responsabili di manifestazioni clinico-laboratoristiche molteplici ed eterogenee: esistono forme silenti e asintomatiche e forme con coinvolgimento multiorgano. Anche il rene, mediante meccanismi eziopatogenetici variegati, può subire un insulto determinante un’insufficienza renale, spesso non responsiva alla terapia medica.

Gli approcci terapeutici prevedono principalmente una terapia sintomatica e determinata dalle manifestazioni multiorgano eventualmente presenti ma anche l’allontanamento della noxa patogena: non esistono infatti terapie farmacologiche specifiche per l’abuso di cocaina ma solo approcci comportamentali o terapie ancillari per le quali non esiste un univoco consenso tra gli specialisti (Tabella 1). 

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Extracorporeal therapy in sepsis


Acute renal injury (AKI) occurs in 19% of patients with sepsis, 23% of those with severe sepsis and up to 50% of patients with septic shock. AKI represents an independent prognostic factor of mortality (about 45%); epidemiological studies have pointed out that the onset of AKI in sepsis (S-AKI) correlates with an unfavourable outcome, reaching a mortality of 75%.

Over the years, efforts have been made to prevent and treat “low flow” hemodynamic damage resulting from shock by increasing renal blood flow, improving cardiac output and perfusion pressure. New experimental studies in S-AKI have shown that renal blood flow is maintained, and indeed increases, in the course of septic shock. Recently, a “single theory” has been proposed that defines acute renal injury as the final result of the interaction between inflammation, oxidative stress, apoptosis, microcirculatory dysfunction and the adaptive response of tubular epithelial cells to the septic insult.

The type of treatment, the dose and the starting time of RRT are of strategic importance in the recovery of AKI in septic patients.

The use of new anticoagulation strategies in critically ill patients with S-AKI has allowed treatments to be carried out for enough time to reach the correct dose of purification prescribed, minimizing down-time and bleeding risk.

The availability of new technologies allows to customize treatments more and more; the collaboration between nephrologists and intensivists must always increase in order to implement modern precision medicine in critical care.

Keywords: S-AKI, septic shock, CRRT, citrate, CPFA, adsorption

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La sepsi è una disfunzione d’organo pericolosa per la vita causata da una risposta dell’ospite abnorme e deregolata all’infezione, associata alla comparsa di manifestazioni sistemiche del processo infettivo.

La massiva risposta dell’ospite al quadro settico può evolvere verso un quadro di shock settico, definito come la comparsa di disfunzione d’organo o di segni di ipoperfusione tissutali secondari all’infezione, con ipotensione non responsiva all’espansione volemica che richiede l’utilizzo di terapia con vasopressori al fine di incrementare la pressione arteriosa media (MAP) ≥65 mmHg [1]. 

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