Introduction: Dialysis is a form of renal replacement therapy that requires several changes in the relational, emotional, work, and family sphere. It can be a cause of stress due to various factors.
Objective: The purpose of our study has been to evaluate the perception of the nursing care received by dialyzed patients.
Method: In 2021, a cross sectional study was conducted in Perugia hospital by administering to dialyzed patients a questionnaire built on the Newcastle satisfaction with nursing scale.
Results: 30 patients participated in the study: the mean age was 68.9 ±15.1, 66.7% were male, 50% had a high school diploma, 86.7% were retired, and 50% were dialyzed for less than 5 years. Negative perceptions of the assistance received were mainly reported by women, younger patients, and patients who had been in therapy for only a few years.
Discussion: Our study highlights several aspects that are fundamental to improving the quality of nursing care. There also needs to be a greater attention to certain types of patients, to improve their experience and consequently their quality of life.
Keywords: nursing, quality, dialysis, questionnaire, Newcastle satisfaction with nursing scale