Marzo Aprile 2021 - Editorial

Young Nephrologists’ Arena: a new joint GIN-JN project

Young Nephrologists’ Arena
New generations represent a key asset for Nephrology. Gaetano La Manna and Giorgina Piccoli, Editors in Chief of the Giornale Italiano di Nefrologia and Journal of Nephrology respectively, aim at promoting participation but also a fair and responsible competition between the younger members of our vibrant European Nephrological community. Although contributing to the discussion is a prize in its own right, as it creates competency, relationships and self-confidence, they present here a new initiative they hope will promote personal development, and therefore the development of our field as a whole.

Together, they have envisioned a new section of the GIN (to be published every 2 issues) called Young Nephrologists’ Arena. Within it, Nephrologists under 35 can submit interesting and original clinical cases written in English, to be reviewed by an independent board led by Antonio Santoro. The board will then identify one contribution that will be published on the Journal of Nephrology, within the Art in the ward section.


Send your contributions to:


Type of article:
clinical cases


Other important features:
written in English
corresponding author under 35
maximum of 4 co-authors


30 June 2021: if accepted, to be published in August 2021
31 October 2021: if accepted, to be published in December 2021
28 February 2022: if accepted, to be published in April 2022


Antonio Santoro (GIN and JN)
Giuseppe Cianciolo (GIN)
Massimo Torreggiani (JN)