Maggio Giugno 2019 - census

Peritoneal Dialysis in Italy: the 6th GSDP-SIN census 2016


Objectives. We report here the results of the 6th National Census (Cs-16) of Peritoneal Dialysis in Italy, carried out in 2017-18 by the Italian Society of Nephrology’s Peritoneal Dialysis Study Group and relating to 2016.

Methods. The Census was conducted using an on-line questionnaire administered to the 237 non pediatric centers which did perform Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) in 2016. The results have been compared with the previous Censuses carried out since 2005.

Results. Incidence: In 2016, 1,595 patients (CAPD=56.1%) started on PD (1st treatment for ESRD) and 4,607 on hemodialysis (HD). PD was started incrementally by 32.5% in 144 Centers. 15.6% were late referrals, and 5.1% began within 48-72 hours of insertion. The catheter was positioned exclusively by a Nephrologist in 24.3% of cases. Prevalence: Patients on PD on 31/12/2016 were 4,607 (CAPD=46.6%), with 22.2% of prevalent patients on assisted PD (family member caregiver: 80.5%). Out: In 2016, PD dropout rate (ep/100 pt-yrs: 12.5 to HD; 11.8 death; 7.0 Tx) has not changed. The main cause of transfer to HD remains peritonitis (23.8%), although it is still decreasing (Cs-05: 37.9%). Peritonitis/EPS: The incidence of peritonitis in 2016 was 0.211 ep/pt-yr (939 episodes). The incidence of new cases of EPS in 2015-16 is diminishing too (16 cases=0.176 ep/100 pt-yrs). Other results: In 2016 the number of Centers using 3.86% for the peritoneal equilibration test (PET) (49.8%) increased, and the Centers carrying out home visits diminished (51.5%).

Conclusions. Cs-16 confirms that PD in Italy is having good results.

Keywords: Peritoneal Dialysis, technique failure, incremental Peritoneal Dialysis, peritonitis, home visits, peritoneal equilibration test (PET)

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.


L’utilizzo della dialisi peritoneale (DP) in Italia nel 2015 è ancora limitato ad una prevalenza del 9,5%, con un ulteriore calo nel 2016 [1], se si considerano tutti i Centri Dialisi, anche quelli che non utilizzano la metodica. Sempre presente anche la notevole variabilità da regione a regione e da Centro a Centro [26]. 

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