In the last fifteen years, genomics and other -omics sciences have revolutionized our understanding of biological processes at the molecular level. An illustrative example is urate metabolism. Before the publication of the complete human genome, in 2003 it was believed that a single enzyme (urate oxidase) was responsible for uricolysis –that is the conversion of urate into the more soluble allantoin. Now we know with great detail that this process requires the consecutive action of three enzymes that have been lost by gene inactivation in our hominoid ancestor. Similarly, a single urate transporter (URAT1) was known at that time. Now we have evidence that urate homeostasis depends on a complex set of transporters located on the epithelial cells of the kidney and the intestine. In this review article, we give an account of the recent discoveries on urate metabolism and how these discoveries can be applied to the development of novel drugs to treat hyperuricemia, tumor lysis syndrome and the Lesch-Nyhan disease.
Full text of the article is available in Italian.