Peritoneal dialysis in the Lazio region: results from 2017 regional audit


In 2011, a first peritoneal dialysis audit was held in the Lazio region to analyze the problems hindering the spread of this method and to improve the quality of care through the sharing of best practices across Centers. A scientific board was therefore set up, representing all the Centers offering PD, in order to assess clinical effectiveness using KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and to quantify the objectives to be achieved. The analysis made it possible to identify the main problems and take action, all the while monitoring progress through KPIs.

A second audit was carried out in 2017 and the collected data was analyzed and compared with the findings of the previous study. Overall, data showed an increase in prevalence, although the incidence showed a slight decrease. Indicators on the change of dialysis treatment, the dropout from domiciliary treatment and the incidence of late referral appeared stable over time. A slight improvement was observed in clinical data on peritonitis and on the length of hospitalization.

All participants in the audit declared that sharing and discussing clinical practices had been really useful. In addition, through the drafting of practical documents (guides for patients, guidance on informed consent, protocols of clinical follow-up), a number of tools have been provided to ensure a uniformly high level of care across the different regional Centers.


Keywords: audit, peritoneal dialysis, best practices, Key Performance Indicators (KPI), protocols

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.


L’insufficienza renale cronica terminale (ERSD) si associa ad un incremento della morbidità e della mortalità dei pazienti ed a un deterioramento della loro qualità di vita (QoL) [1]. La richiesta di una tecnica sostitutiva che possa conciliare una migliore QoL con le necessità depurative/ultrafiltrative del paziente spinge verso una sempre maggiore adozione di DP o emodialisi domiciliare (HHD) [1]. Su questa linea si pone anche il recente Piano Nazionale della Cronicità, che sottolinea tra gli obiettivi generali l’importanza della dialisi domiciliare in alternativa alla dialisi ospedaliera [2]. Inoltre, i costi di gestione del paziente in dialisi domiciliare, che essa sia dialisi peritoneale o home hemodialysis, sembrano essere più contenuti [3]. Considerando anche l’incremento progressivo dell’incidenza di ERSD [4] e la sempre minore disponibilità di risorse, le considerazioni economiche ne rendono auspicabile il potenziamento [5].

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