Comparison Among Potassium Binders on the Management of Hyperkalemia on Chronic Dialysis Patients: A Protocol for Systematic Review


Introduction. Treating hyperkalemia is one of the main goals of supportive care in patients on hemodialysis. In this context, therapy with new potassium binders is a promising resource.
Objective. The main aim is to evaluate the difference in serum potassium concentration after treatment with sodium zirconium cyclosilicate or patiromer compared to placebo/sodium polystyrene sulfonate/calcium polystyrene sulfonate.
Methods. We will perform systematic research in PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHLE, and grey literature will be screened. We will screen RCTs on patients treated with SZC or patiromer in chronic hemodialysis, without sex or age restriction, which include the differences in serum potassium concentration, adverse events (AEs), and mortality as outcomes.
Expected results. This systematic review is expected to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the efficacy and adverse effects of new potassium binders, compared to sodium polystyrene sulfonate or calcium polystyrene sulfonate or placebo, on serum potassium concentration, in a sample of hemodialysis patients. Furthermore, possible gaps in actual knowledge can be highlighted, suggesting new research.
Conclusions. The present protocol for a systematic review will consider all existing evidence from published RCTs about the efficacy of potassium binders on hemodialysis patients.

Keywords: Potassium binders, sodium zirconium cyclosilicate, patiromer, hyperkalemia, CKD, Hemodialysis


The incidence of Hyperkalemia is common in kidney diseases, and its incidence increases in patients who previously experienced hyperkalemia, similarly to patients with diabetes or assuming RAASIs, with successively shorter time between the episodes [1].

Patiromer and Sodium Zirconium Cyclosilicate (SZC), an ion-exchange polymer resin and an ion-exchange microporous resin, were developed in the second decades of the third millennium, reducing adverse events [24].

The increased risk of mortality and morbidity in hyperkalemia is well-known [5, 6], as well as their increased incidence in patients treated with RAASIs.  It occurs because RAASIs reduce the aldosterone-related potassium excretion that physiologically occurs in the distal and collecting tubule. Despite this, RAASIs showed nephroprotective and cardioprotective action, and it makes RAASIs useful to use. For this, new potassium binders, also aimed to better manage hyperkalemia in patients treated with RAASIs, managing pre-dialysis serum potassium that is considered a risk factor of cardiovascular mortality [7].


Aims and scope

The main objective is to evaluate the difference in serum potassium levels at different time points after treatment with SZC and patiromer compared to placebo, sodium polystyrene sulfonate or calcium polystyrene sulfonate.  The rationale for using potassium binders is to reduce pre-HD serum potassium, allowing a mitigation of interdialytic potassium changes and reducing the risk of arrhythmia.

Furthermore, the safety needs to be evaluated among these potassium binders in this population, due to the different pharmacokinetics that improve them.


Design and registration

This systematic review protocol follows the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA-P) guidelines [8]. This review protocol will also be registered in the PROSPERO database.

Search strategy

We will perform systematic research in MEDLINE, EMBASE, and CINAHLE, looking for published randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Grey literature will be screened through Google Scholar, Scopus and Only RCTs will be included in the study.

We will search for papers in the English language, and we will include only European and American countries, to avoid heterogeneity in the population. Reference lists from eligible trials and related reviews will also be reviewed, in order to find additional potential eligible studies. Ongoing, unpublished trials or further data from published trials will be researched on Finally, where needed, we will contact the experts in the field.

Search details are summarized in Table 1.

((Potassium binders) OR (lokelma) OR (sodium zirconium cyclosilicate) OR (Veltassa) OR (patiromer)) AND ((Placebo) OR (Kayexalate) OR (sodium polystyrene sulfonate) OR (sorbisterit) OR (calcium polystyrene sulfonate)) AND ((dialysis) OR (Hemodialysis) OR (peritoneal dialysis) OR (CKD) OR (Chronic Kidney Disease)) AND ((Potassium) OR (hyperkalemia)) ‘Filters: Clinical Trial, Randomized Controlled Trial’
#1 Potassium Binders

#2 Lokelma

#3 Sodium zirconium cyclosilicate

#4 Veltassa

#5 Patiromer

#6 Placebo

#7 Kayexalate

#8 Sodium polystyrene sulfonate

#9 Sorbisterit

#10 Calcium polystyrene sulfonate

#11 Dialysis

#12 hemodialysis

#13 Peritoneal dialysis

#14 CKD

#15 Chronic Kidney Disease

#16 Potassium

#17 Hyperkalemia

#18 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10

#19 #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR # 14 OR #15

#20 # 16 OR #17

#21 #18 AND #19 AND #20 in Trials

((‘Potassium binders/exp’ OR ‘lokelma’ OR ‘sodium zirconium cyclosilicate’ OR ‘Veltassa’ OR ‘patiromer’) AND (‘Placebo’ OR ‘Kayexalate’ OR ‘sodium polystyrene sulfonate’ OR ‘sorbisterit’ OR ‘calcium polystyrene sulfonate’) AND (‘dialysis’/exp OR ‘hemodialysis’/exp OR ‘peritoneal dialysis’/exp OR ‘chronic kidney disease’ OR ‘CKD’/exp) AND (‘potassium’ OR ‘hyperkalemia’/exp)) AND (‘Clinical Trial’ OR ‘Randomized Controlled Trial’)
Table 1. Search strategy PubMed and EMBASE.

Eligibility criteria 

PICO strategy will be applied as follows:

– Population: we will compare the efficacy and the adverse effects in patients treated with SZC or patiromer. Eligible RCTs will consider subjects with chronic hemodialysis, without sex or age restriction. Exclusion criteria correspond to CKD in conservative treatment, acute hemodialysis, and oncological disorders.

– Intervention: SZC or Patiromer

– Comparator: placebo, sodium polystyrene sulfonate or calcium polystyrene sulfonate.

– Outcome: differences in serum potassium concentration, Adverse events (AEs), and mortality.

– Study design: Randomized clinical trials (RCTs)

Literature screening and study selection

The summary will be shown using the PRISMA flow diagram [9]. Duplicate will be removed.

Studies will be screened first by title and abstracts by two independent authors and any disagreement will be discussed with a third author. All abstracts will be screened using Rayyan software, whereas all full-text articles will be screened using the Mendeley software desktop.

Data extraction

Studies will be screened first by title and abstracts by two independent authors and any disagreement will be discussed with a third author with Rayyan software. Subsequently, the full texts of the selected studies will be read and assessed by two independent authors and any disagreement will be discussed with a third author. Reasons for the exclusion will be reported for each study. The selection process will be described through the PRISMA flow diagram.

The following data will be extracted through a standardized extraction Excel sheet by two independent authors:

  1. General characteristics of the study (design, settings, sample size)
  2. Participant characteristics: inclusion and exclusion criteria; number of participants screened and included; average age; comorbidities; sex; area of recruitment
  3. Intervention characteristics: type and duration of the treatment and the follow-up
  4. Adverse events: number of participants affected by adverse events, description of the adverse events and number of dropouts.

Missing data will be obtained by contacting the included studies’ authors. We will send emails three times in three months.

We will include RCTs to allow a high-grade validity of this systematic review. If needed for insufficient data, we will include non-RCTs and observational studies.

Data items

Identification of the study: this will include the name of the journal, article DOI, article title, authors, publication year, short citation, and country.

Methods: study objectives, study design, inclusion and exclusion criteria, intervention, comparator characteristics, population details and results will be included.

For intervention and comparator will be specified type, dose, duration, frequency, and mode of administration.

For population, detail will be detailed mean age, sex, and number of participants. Results will describe summary statistics, effect estimates, confidence intervals, p-values, subgroup analyses, sensitivity analyses, risk of bias, and GRADE.

We plan to perform subgroup analyses based on age (< or > 18 years), hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, and a network analysis for different potassium binders will be performed.

Main findings: this will include patient characteristics and other relevant clinical outcome measures.

Methodological quality assessment 

For the systematic review, the method of assessing the risk of bias or study quality, and for the data extraction will be structured as follows: studies will be screened first by title and abstracts by two independent authors and any disagreement will be discussed with a third author with Rayyan software.

Blinding: the study selection, data extraction, and risk of bias assessment will be performed without blinding the assessors to the study authors or the journal of publication.

Strategy for data synthesis: qualitative synthesis of the results based on risk of bias will be performed. If applicable, quantitative synthesis through a meta-analysis will follow. The risk of bias will be assessed independently by two authors, using the ROB 2.0 Tool for each outcome of interest. Any disagreement will be discussed with a third reviewer. RobVis visualization tool will be used to create the RoB graph.



Primary analysis will compute serum potassium differences between SZC/Patiromer and placebo/sodium polystyrene sulfonate or calcium polystyrene sulfonate. Secondary analysis will consist on a network metanalysis comparing each potassium binder/placebo. All data will be analyzed with fixed-effect model or random-effect model based on the heterogeneity of the studies. Mean differences, and 95% confidence interval (CI), will be calculated for continuous outcomes. For dummy outcomes, the Odds Ratio (OR), computing 95% confidence interval (CI), will be computed. Data were pooled using the fixed-effects model and also analyzed with the random-effects method to guarantee the strength of the model. We plan to test for heterogeneity using the χ² statistic related to freedom degrees, with a P value of 0.05 used as the cut-off value to determine statistical significance. In addition, the degree of heterogeneity will be investigated by calculating the l² statistics. We will consider l² low if <25%, moderate if 25-50%, moderate-high if 50-75% and very high if >75%. In case of high heterogeneity, we will perform sensitivity analyses to explore sources of heterogeneity, such as study quality, year of publication, intervention or control variables, participants characteristics, and risk of bias. In addition, sub-group analyses will be conducted. We will use RevMan 5.4 software to perform the meta-analysis of all outcomes, and R4.4.0 software to perform the Network meta-analysis of all outcomes.

We will assess funnel plot asymmetry and the contour-enhanced funnel plot to explore publication bias. GRADE System will be used to evaluate the certainty of the evidence and to summarize the study conclusions.



This is a systematic review that will use published data and does not require ethical approval, but each included study have to enrol patients after written consent and approval ethical code.


Status of the study and dissemination plan

We are starting the literature search, but the selection has not already started. We expect to complete the project and report it in 12 months. We will follow the updated PRISMA guideline to report the final paper and we will upload the progress on the PROSPERO website. Furthermore, we hope to publish a systematic review in a Nephrological journal.



Serum potassium levels deviation from the normal range increases morbidity and mortality, both in conservative CKD [10, 11] and dialysis patients [12].

Considering that levels both lower or upper normal range are related to increased mortality and morbidity, hyperkalemia seems to significantly increase mortality and morbidity [5, 6]. This can be explained by the higher risk of arrhythmia in patients with rapid potassium intradialytic oscillations. About this, guaranteeing normal serum potassium on interdialytic days is needed to avoid rapid intradialytic oscillation [13].

The hyperkalemic effect of RAASIs can be physiologically explained, by a reduced urinary potassium excretion in the distal and collecting tubule, as well as by an increased potassium movement through the extracellular space [14].

It is well known that RAASIs are able to reduce fibrosis [15] and that they can reduce mortality and hospitalization [16], for this is needed to find a solution to manage hyperkalemia RAASIs-related.

Indeed, new potassium binders allow for better management of RAASI treatment in CKD patients, as well as reduced hypokalemia as an adverse effect compared to old potassium binders. For these reasons, an inclusive systematic review is needed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of each potassium binder.



This protocol deeply describes the methods and criteria used to perform a systematic review of the literature, including selection, extraction, biases evaluation, and synthesis of data from published RCTs evaluating the efficacy and safety of various potassium binders. We hope that this systematic review will increase the current knowledge and will hypothesize possible future research to overpass current gaps.



  1. Thomsen RW, Nicolaisen SK, Hasvold P, Sanchez RG, Pedersen L, Adelborg K, Egstrup K, Egfjord M, Sørensen HT. Elevated potassium levels in patients with chronic kidney disease: occurrence, risk factors and clinical outcomes-a Danish population-based cohort study. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2018 Sep 1;33(9):1610-1620. PMID: 29177463.
  2. Vifor Pharma. Patiromer US Prescribing Information 2016.
  3. PubChem. Sodium zirconium cyclosilicate. Available at: (Accessed October 2019);
  4. Stavros F, Yang A, Leon A, Nuttall M, Rasmussen HS. Characterization of structure and function of ZS-9, a K+ selective ion trap. PLoS One. 2014 Dec 22;9(12):e114686. PMID: 25531770; PMCID: PMC4273971.
  5. Luo J, Brunelli SM, Jensen DE, Yang A. Association between Serum Potassium and Outcomes in Patients with Reduced Kidney Function. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016 Jan 7;11(1):90-100. doi: Epub 2015 Oct 23. PMID: 26500246; PMCID: PMC4702219.
  6. Collins AJ, Pitt B, Reaven N, et al.  Association of serum potassium with all-cause mortality in patients with and without heart failure, chronic kidney disease, and/or diabetes. Am J Nephrol. 2017;46:213–221.
  7. Palmer BF, Carrero JJ, Clegg DJ, Colbert GB, et al. Clinical Management of Hyperkalemia. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 Mar;96(3):744-762. Epub 2020 Nov 5. PMID: 33160639.
  8. Moher D, Shamseer L, Clarke M, Ghersi D, Liberati A, Petticrew M, et al. Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. Syst Rev. 2015;4: 1.
  9. Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, Boutron I, Hoffmann TC, Mulrow CD, et al. The PRISMA 2020 statement: An updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. The BMJ. 2021.
  10. Borrelli S, De Nicola L, Minutolo R, Conte G, Chiodini P, Cupisti A, Santoro D, Calabrese V, Giannese D, Garofalo C, Provenzano M, Bellizzi V, Apicella L, Piccoli GB, Torreggiani M, Di Iorio BR. Current Management of Hyperkalemia in Non-Dialysis CKD: Longitudinal Study of Patients Receiving Stable Nephrology Care. Nutrients. 2021 Mar 15;13(3):942. PMID: 33804015; PMCID: PMC8000881.
  11. Calabrese V, Cernaro V, Battaglia V, Gembillo G, Longhitano E, Siligato R, Sposito G, Ferlazzo G, Santoro D. Correlation between Hyperkalemia and the Duration of Several Hospitalizations in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. J Clin Med. 2022 Jan 4;11(1):244. PMID: 35011985; PMCID: PMC8746076.
  12. Calabrese V, Tripepi GL, Santoro D. Impact of hyperkalemia in length of hospital stay in dialysis-dependent patients. Ther Apher Dial. 2022 Oct;26(5):1050-1051. Epub 2022 Apr 11. PMID: 35366057.
  13. Ferraro PM, Bolignano D, Aucella F, et al. Hyperkalemia excursions and risk of mortality and hospitalizations in hemodialysis patients: results from DOPPS-Italy. J Nephrol. 2022;35(2):707-709.
  14. Palmer BF, Clegg DJ. Physiology and Pathophysiology of Potassium Homeostasis: Core Curriculum 2019. Am J Kidney Dis. 2019 Nov;74(5):682-695. Epub 2019 Jun 19. Erratum in: Am J Kidney Dis. 2022 Nov;80(5):690. PMID: 31227226.
  15. Koszegi S, Molnar A, Lenart L, et al. RAAS inhibitors directly reduce diabetes-induced renal fibrosis via growth factor inhibition. J Physiol. 2019;597(1):193-209.
  16. Beusekamp JC, Tromp J, Cleland JGF, et al. Hyperkalemia and Treatment With RAAS Inhibitors During Acute Heart Failure Hospitalizations and Their Association With Mortality. JACC Heart Fail. 2019;7(11):970-979.

Hyperkalemia-induced acute flaccid paralysis: a case report


Acute flaccid paralysis is a medical emergency that may be caused by primary neuro-muscular disorders, metabolic alterations, and iatrogenic effects. Severe hyperkalemia is also a potential cause, especially in elderly patients with impaired renal function. Early diagnosis is essential for appropriate management.

Here, we report the case of a 78-year-old woman with hypertension and diabetes presenting to the emergency department because of pronounced asthenia, rapidly evolving in quadriparesis. Laboratory examinations showed severe hyperkalemia of 9.9 mmol/L, metabolic acidosis, kidney failure (creatinine 1.6 mg/dl), and hyperglycemia (501 mg/dl). The electrocardiography showed absent P-wave, widening QRS, and tall T-waves. The patient was immediately treated with medical therapy and a hemodialysis session, presenting a rapid resolution of electrocardiographic and neurological abnormalities. This case offers the opportunity to discuss the pathogenesis, the clinical presentation, and the management of hyperkalemia-induced acute flaccid paralysis.

Keywords: hyperkalemia, acute flaccid paralysis, hemodialysis, diabetes


Hyperkalemia is associated with poor outcomes and a high mortality rate among the general population, and among patients with cardiac and renal disease [1,2]. Hyperkalemia-related clinical complications and deaths are determined mainly by the cardiac electrophysiological effects of elevated potassium levels [3]. Indeed, hyperkalemia may result in ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death. Moreover, hyperkalemia may also cause other physiologic perturbations, such as muscle weakness and paralysis, paraesthesia, and metabolic acidosis.

Here, we report a case of severe hyperkalemia presenting with dramatic neurological manifestations in the form of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP).

Effect of hyperkalemia and RAASi nonadherence on patients affected by heart failure or chronic kidney disease


The presence of hyperkalemia (HK) in patients with heart failure (HF)or chronic kidney disease (CKD) increases the risk of death. The aims of the present study have been: i) to evaluate if the risk of cardiovascular (CV) events and mortality increases in two cohorts of patients with heart failure (HF) or chronic kidney disease (CKD) affected by hyperkalemia (HK) and treated with renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors (RAASi). We have also evaluated the risk of dialysis among CKD patients; ii) to provide an estimate of the increased risk of CV events and mortality caused among HK patients by a non-optimal adherence to RAASi therapy in both HF and CKD cohorts.

This is a retrospective study, based on the administrative databases of five Italian Local Health Units. All patients ≥18-year-old discharged from hospital with a diagnosis of HF (ICD-9-CM 428) or CKD (ICD-9-CM585) between January 2010 and December 2017 were enrolled. We defined as index date (ID) the date of first diagnosis during the enrolment period. Only patients that were prescribed RAASi therapy during the first three months after the ID were considered. Serum potassium level was tested in the three months before and after ID. The patients were considered as having HK if they presented a serum potassium level ≥5.5 mmol/l. Results show that patients with HK treated with RAASi were respectively 46% (HF) and 31% (CKD) more at risk of CV events and 88% (HF) and 72% (CKD) more at risk of dying. Moreover, the risk of dialysis in CKD patients increased by 458%. After the onset of HK, non-optimal adherence to RAASi in patients with HK was found to increase notably the risk of CV events (65% HF, 34% CKD) and mortality (127% HF, 122% CKD) in both cohorts.


Keywords: hyperkalemia, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitor, chronic kidney disease, heart failure, drugs for hyperkalemia, real-world study

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.


L’iperkaliemia (IK) è un grave disordine elettrolitico, potenzialmente fatale, che si configura con un livello sierico di potassio ≥5.0 mmol/l, superiore al limite massimo del range standard (3.5-5.0 mmol/l) [1, 2]. Tuttavia in generale il quadro clinico si rende manifesto per valori ≥5.5 mmol/l.

Hyperkalemia treatment in chronic kidney disease patients: overview on new K binders and possible therapeutic approaches


Hyperkalaemia is a common complication in patients with nondialysis Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). It is associated with weakness, paralysis, arrhythmias and increased mortality. Higher serum potassium levels refractory to treatment is one of the most frequent reasons to initiate immediately renal replacement treatment in advanced stages of CKD. Hyperkalaemia is also indirectly associated with the progression of CKD; in fact higher serum potassium levels may lead to withdrawal of renin-angiotensin-system inhibiting drugs that currently represent the most effective tools to postpone ESRD. It is therefore essential to identify patients at higher risk of increase of serum K and to implement therapeutic interventions aimed at preventing and treating hyperkalaemia, such as diet modifications and greater use of diuretics and potassium binders. Sodium and calcium-polystyrenesulfonate (SPS) are the resins currently available in Italy. However, few studies showed that SPS is efficacious to reduce serum K and is associated with increased risk of severe adverse effects. Patiromer and ZS-9 represent a significant pharmacological progress in the treatment of hyperkalemia. Indeed, recent studies showed that these novel binders are efficient to reduce serum levels of K with minor occurrence of side effects than polystyrensulfonates. Furthermore, Patiromer, sodium free agent, might have a further advantage in CKD patients, reducing the salt intake in these patients. In addition, ZS-9, being fast-acting drug, might be used also in the treatment of acute hyperkalaemia.

Keywords: Hyperkalaemia, L binder, SPS, CPS, Patiromer, ZS-9

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

L’iperkaliemia (o iperpotassiemia) è uno dei più comuni disturbi elettrolitici osservabili in pazienti con malattia renale cronica (CKD) o scompenso cardiaco congestizio. In accordo con la letteratura corrente, non c’è una definizione univoca: si può parlare di iperkaliemia sia quando il livello di potassio (K) nel sangue supera il cut-off di 5,0 mEq/L (13) sia quando supera il cut-off di 5,5 mEq/L (45).

L’iperkaliemia è piuttosto rara nella popolazione generale poiché una funzione renale conservata consente una regolazione fine ed efficace l’omeostasi del potassio (6).