Conflicts in healthcare: a communication issue


Conflicts are situations in which two or more people come into disagreement: they are an integral part of social life caused by the inability to find a solution to a dispute. Conflicts are constantly present within families and in all social organizations; in the health sector, they are part of the daily routine. The most common causes of conflict are the lack of resources and the divergence in objectives. All conflicts can quickly escalate, so it is essential to recognize them in order to defuse them as soon as possible. Doctors, as managers, must recognize the early signs of latent conflict in order to better manage them and possibly use them in order to stimulate change in the organization.

Keywords: conflict, resources, communication, change

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I conflitti sono situazioni nelle quali due o più persone entrano in opposizione o disaccordo perché i reciproci interessi, posizioni, bisogni, desideri, valori sono incompatibili, o sono percepiti come incompatibili: in tutto ciò giocano un ruolo importante le emozioni e i sentimenti. La relazione tra le parti in conflitto può uscirne rafforzata o deteriorata in funzione di come si sviluppa il processo di risoluzione del conflitto [1].