The Fabry nephropathy: new insight in diagnosis, monitoring and treatment


Fabry disease is a rare inborn error of the enzyme α-galactosidase (Α-Gal) and results in lysosomal substrate accumulation in tissues with a wide range of clinical presentations. The disease has attracted a lot of interest over the last years and several issues has been discovered up to now leading to increasing knowledge and awareness of the disease. However, several aspects are still unclear and under investigation. Thus, the new challenges that physicians encounter are the discovering of the pathogenic mechanisms, the neutralising antibodies to ERT, the long-term efficacy of therapies.

In this article, we summarise and review the latest developments in the science community regarding diagnosis, management and monitoring of Fabry disease concerning in particular its physiopathology, novel biomarkers, antibodies development and novel treatment options.


Keywords: Fabry disease, nephropathy, α-galattosidase A, agalsidase

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La malattia di Fabry è una malattia genetica dovuta alla mutazione del gene GLA posto nel cromosoma X che causa la deficienza dell’enzima lisosomiale α-galattosidasi A. È caratterizzata dall’accumulo di glicolipidi (in particolare il globotriaosylceramide o Gb3 e la globotriaosylsfingosina o Lyso-Gb3), all’interno dei lisosomi di svariati elementi cellulari.

Screening Test of Fabry Disease in Patients with Renal Replacement Therapy in the City of Modena


Fabry disease is a rare genetic lysosomal storage disease, inherited in an X-linked manner, characterized by lysosomal deposition of globotriaosylceramide due to deficient activity of the enzyme α-galactosidase A. Because the prevalence of this genetic disorder is unknown in the Emilia Romagna region, we conducted a screening study to assess the prevalence of Fabry disease in the city of Modena, Italy.

Material and Methods

A screening study has been conducted in patients on renal replacement therapy at University Hospital of Modena. Screening tests have been performed using dried blood spot method. Alpha-galactosidase A activity and Lyso-Gb3 levels were evaluated in peripheral blood of all men. In women test based on genetic analysis; Lyso-Gb3 was measured only in patients with mutation of gene GLA.


Screening tests have been performed on 388 subjects: 181 maintenance hemodialysis patients, 166 kidney transplant recipients and 41 peritoneal dialysis patients. About 40% of the patients did not had etiological diagnosis of renal disease. Lyso-Gb3 was more specific test than α- galactosidase A (100% vs. 82.5%) to diagnose Fabry disease. We found two different mutations: c.13 A>G p.(Asn5Asp), a variant likely benign and c.937 G>T p.(Asp313Tyr) a variant of uncertain significance. Both the patients carrying these genetic mutations had no symptoms or medical history compatible with Fabry disease.


Identification of variant of uncertain significance such as c.937G>Tp.(Asp313Tyr) showed the limits of genetic analysis to diagnose an inherit disease. Further studies are need to assess the diagnostic value of Lyso-Gb3 for screening for Fabry disease.

KEYWORDS: Fabry Disease, Screening; Lyso-Gb3; c.13 A>G p. Asn5Asp; c.937 G>T p.(Asp313Tyr); D313Y; α-galactosidase A

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La Malattia di Anderson Fabry è una malattia genetica legata al cromosoma X dovuta al deficit enzimatico dell’α-galattosidasi A per mutazioni del gene GLA (1). L’α-galattosidasi A è un enzima lisosomiale responsabile del metabolismo degli glicosfingolipidi. La sua carenza determina l’accumulo di globotriaosilceramidi (GL-3, Gb 3, CTH) nei lisosomi e di globotriaosilsfingosine (Lyso-GL-3, Lyso-Gb3) nel circolo ematico (2).