Minimal Change Relapse During Pregnancy


The appearance of nephrotic syndrome during pregnancy is considered an exceptional event, whose incidence is around 0.012-0.025% of all pregnancies, and it is even more rare when the cause is represented by minimal lesions glomerulonephritis. In this article we will describe the case of a patient with a histological diagnosis of glomerulonephritis with minimal lesions, tending to frequent relapses. She was in complete remission since 2013 after treatment with cyclosporine. suspended in May 2017. After few weeks she become pregnant, and the pregnancy was regular until the 23rd week. when a recurrence of nephrotic syndrome appears. She was treated with steroids bolus followed by oral steroid, and afterwards gave birth to a live fetus with spontaneous delivery at 37 weeksThe few data in the literature confirm that recurrence of glomerulonephritis due to minimal lesions in pregnancy should be treated rapidly with steroids, that can induce rapid remission and protect both the pregnant than the fetus from even serious damage.

Keywords: Minimal change nephropathy, pregnancy, nephrotic syndrome, steroid.

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La glomerulonefrite a lesioni minime è definita dalla normalità dei glomeruli all’esame in microscopia ottica, e dalla presenza all’esame ultrastrutturale glomerulare della fusione dei pedicelli dei podociti. La glomerulonefrite a lesioni minime si caratterizza per la presenza di proteinuria e per la sensibilità all’uso di steroidi.