Nephrology continues to be in transition. While rates of kidney diseases and injury continue to rise, changes in the general health care system and the delivery of kidney care make it unclear how increases in need will be translated into demand for nephrologists. The changes in the delivery system also raise questions as to the future roles and career paths for nephrologists. There a major interrelated workforce issues to be watched closely: How many nephrologists are needed? The supply of nephrologists does not reflect the distribution of patients with kidney diseases or the activity and job description related to end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients. Looking forward, more needs to be done to systematically measure need and access, and to identify clinical areas and activity of high need for nephrologists. This review examines the laws that govern the measure of work and the needs of personnel of the Italian state and in particular in health care. Therefore, once the method is accepted and established, it will be possible communicate those findings to policy makers and fellows and to involve the politicians.
Keywords: health workload legislation, workforce, workload