Leptospirosis and kidneys: a clinical case


We describe here the case of a young patient, employed in agriculture, who entered the emergency room with fever, headache, hematuria and a worsening of renal function; we diagnosed leptospirosis with renal involvement. As the patient lamented very generic symptoms, the anamnesis was fundamental in leading us to suspect an infection, execute the right laboratory analysis, and correctly diagnose a pathology which is currently very rare in Italy.

Keywords: case report, leptospirosis, AKI

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La leptospirosi umana è considerata una delle più diffuse e potenzialmente fatali zoonosi, è determinata da un batterio Gram negativo appartenente alla famiglia delle Spirochetales ordine Leptospiracee e si associa ad elevata morbilità e mortalità, in particolare nei pazienti di età superiore ai 60 anni [1].