Metabolic effects of Cholecalciferol supplementation in kidney stone formers with vitamin D deficiency


Introduction. In this paper we investigated whether cholecalciferol supplementation, prescribed to treat vitamin D deficiency in patients with nephrolithiasis, increased the risk of stone recurrence.

Methods. Calcium excretion and urine supersaturation with calcium oxalate (ßCaOx) and brushite (ßbsh) were evaluated in 33 kidney stone formers (aged 56±17; 12 males), both before and after therapy with cholecalciferol, prescribed as oral bolus of 100.000-200.000 UI, followed by maintenance doses, repeated every week (5.000-10.000 UI) or month (25.000-50.000 UI). During the study, patients followed a dietary regimen which included a daily calcium intake of about 800-1000 mg.

Results. Urinary nitrogen, sodium and ash-acid excretion did not significantly change during the study. After cholecalciferol supplementation, the main results were as follows: both serum calcium and phosphate did not vary significantly; 25(OH)VitD3 increased from 11,8±5,5 to 40,2±12,2 ng/mL (p<0,01); 1,25(OH)2 VitD3 increased from 41,6±17,6 to 54,0±16,0 pg/mL (p<0,01); PTH decreased from 75,0±27,2 to 56,7±21,1 pg/mL (p<0,01); daily urinary calcium increased from 2,7±1,5 to 3,6±1,6 mg/Kg b.w. (p<0,01), whereas fasting urinary calcium did not change significantly. After therapy, ßbsh increased from 0,9±0,7 to 1,3±1,3 (p=0,02) and ßCaOx did not vary significantly. Before cholecalciferol supplementation, 6/33 patients (18.2%) were hypercalciuric, whereas 13/33 patients (39,4%) showed hypercalciuria after supplementation (pX2=0,03).

Conclusions. Cholecalciferol supplementation for vitamin D deficiency may increase both urinary calcium and urine supersaturation in stone formers. If vitamin D supplements are needed in these patients, a careful monitoring of urine metabolic profile is warranted, in order to customize the metaphylaxis accordingly (hydration, potassium citrate, thiazides).


Keywords: Vitamin D deficiency, Cholecalciferol, Nephrolithiasis, Urolithiasis, Hypercalciuria

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 La carenza di vitamina D è oggi diffusa, non soltanto fra i soggetti a rischio, quali ad esempio le persone anziane, con scarsa esposizione alla luce solare, obese o affette da patologie gastroenteriche con malassorbimento (1,2), ma anche fra gli individui giovani, attivi e in buone condizioni generali quali sono molti pazienti affetti da calcolosi renale (35). A riguardo di questi ultimi, sussistono alcuni peculiari aspetti metabolici meritevoli di essere considerati.