Steroid-Dependent Nephrotic Syndrome Due to Minimal Change Glomerulonephritis Treated with Rituximab


47-year-old woman suffering from minimal lesion glomerulonephritis previously undergone high-dose steroid therapy and subjected to exacerbations of nephrotic syndrome after therapy discontinuation. It was decided to initiate off-label treatment with Rituximab at a dosage of 375 mg/m2 administred at zero-time, one-month and three months with good therapeutic response and resolution of the clinical laboratory picture. The therapy was well tolerated and had no side effects. This scheme could be an alternative to the conventional therapeutic scheme with steroids or other classes of immunosuppressive drugs, especially in order to avoid problems related to prolonged exposure to steroid therapy.

Keywords: minimal change glomerulonephritis, Rituximab, steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome

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La glomerulonefrite a lesioni minime (Minimal Change Disease ‒ MCD) rappresenta circa il 15% delle sindromi nefrosiche dell’adulto. Sebbene l’esatta eziologia della MCD rimanga sconosciuta, nella patogenesi sembra giocare un ruolo importante l’attivazione del sistema immunitario. La MCD è generalmente considerata autolimitante con decorso benigno e con un rischio estremamente basso di progressione verso un end-stage renal disease. Tuttavia negli adulti le manifestazioni cliniche sono più severe. Nuovi approcci sono stati adottati nel tentativo di limitare la sindrome nefrosica negli adulti con MCD. La terapia deve essere in grado di indurre una rapida remissione, evitare recidive e limitare gli effetti avversi [1].

Ci sono pochi trial clinici volti a valutare la terapia in questa condizione negli adulti. Il gold standard per il trattamento rimane tutt’oggi la terapia corticosteroidea [2]. Tuttavia solo il 30% degli adulti va incontro a remissione in 8 settimane, che rappresenta il tempo medio di remissione nei casi pediatrici. Negli adulti che hanno risposta alla terapia il 25% va incontro a relapse e il 30% diventa steroide-dipendente [3].  Inoltre il prolungato uso di steroide provoca numerosi effetti collaterali.

L’approccio terapeutico nella MCD non responsiva alla terapia steroidea si avvale di altri farmaci immunosoppressivi quali inibitori delle calcineurine, ciclofosfamide, micofenolato.

Minimal change disease during lithium therapy: case report


Lithium is a largely used and effective therapy in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Its toxic effects on kidneys are mostly diabetes insipidus, hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis and tubulointerstitial nephritis. Also, a correlation between lithium and minimal change disease has sometimes been described.

We report here the case of a patient with severe bipolar disorder on lithium therapy who, without any pre-existing nephropathy, developed nephrotic syndrome and AKI with histopathologic findings pointing to minimal change disease.

The patient was treated with symptomatic therapy; the discontinuation of lithium therapy resulted in the remission of AKI and of the nephrotic syndrome, thus suggesting a close relationship between lithium and minimal change disease.


Keywords: minimal change disease, lithium, nephrotic syndrome

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La glomerulonefrite a lesioni minime è una delle principali cause di sindrome nefrosica idiopatica. Nella popolazione adulta rappresenta circa il 15% dei casi di sindrome nefrosica idiopatica, rappresentandone la terza causa, in ordine di importanza, dopo la glomerulonefrite membranosa e la sclerosi segmentaria e focale [1, 2, 3].

Minimal Change Relapse During Pregnancy


The appearance of nephrotic syndrome during pregnancy is considered an exceptional event, whose incidence is around 0.012-0.025% of all pregnancies, and it is even more rare when the cause is represented by minimal lesions glomerulonephritis. In this article we will describe the case of a patient with a histological diagnosis of glomerulonephritis with minimal lesions, tending to frequent relapses. She was in complete remission since 2013 after treatment with cyclosporine. suspended in May 2017. After few weeks she become pregnant, and the pregnancy was regular until the 23rd week. when a recurrence of nephrotic syndrome appears. She was treated with steroids bolus followed by oral steroid, and afterwards gave birth to a live fetus with spontaneous delivery at 37 weeksThe few data in the literature confirm that recurrence of glomerulonephritis due to minimal lesions in pregnancy should be treated rapidly with steroids, that can induce rapid remission and protect both the pregnant than the fetus from even serious damage.

Keywords: Minimal change nephropathy, pregnancy, nephrotic syndrome, steroid.

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La glomerulonefrite a lesioni minime è definita dalla normalità dei glomeruli all’esame in microscopia ottica, e dalla presenza all’esame ultrastrutturale glomerulare della fusione dei pedicelli dei podociti. La glomerulonefrite a lesioni minime si caratterizza per la presenza di proteinuria e per la sensibilità all’uso di steroidi.