Kidney Transplant from donors after cardiac death (DCD): monocentric experience and literature review


Kidney transplant from donor after circulatory death (DCD) represents a valid choice to increase the incidence of renal transplantation, presenting recipients’ and grafts’ survival rates comparable to those from brain dead donors (DBD). In January 2016, the Transplant Referral Center in the Emilia Romagna region has started a DCD program. In the present study we report on the first 30 months of the program as far as our own Center in Bologna is concerned, and we provide a comparison with DBD transplants performed over the same period. From January 2016 to September 2018, 16 kidney transplants from 10 DCD donors (5 SCD-DCD and 5 ECD-DCD) have been performed, with two graft-loss at 12 months of follow-up, both due to renal artery rupture caused by infectious arteritis with consequent transplantectomy. Two patients died due to sepsis. Seven (44%) delay graft function (DGF) have been reported. No differences have been found between DCD and DBD in terms of kidney function (serum creatinine and eGFR evaluated at discharge, 12 and 24 months of follow-up). Kidney from marginal donors (ECD-DCD or KDPI >65%) were associated with a higher rate of DGF and worst graft function at discharge. All the predicting factors that have been analysed, including Karpinsky Score, failed to show an association with serum creatinine and eGFR at 12 and 24 months of follow up.

Keywords: DCD, transplant, kidney, perfusion, outcomes, asystole

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Il trapianto di rene da donatore dopo morte cardiaca (donation after circulatory death – DCD) rappresenta una valida alternativa per colmare il gap tra numero di donatori e pazienti in lista di attesa.