Maggio Giugno 2024 - Articoli originali

“Green” Hemodialysis: The Centralized Acidic Concentrate from the Dialysis Center of Policlinico of Modena


Introduction and aim of the study. The centralized preparation and distribution system of acidic concentrate represents a true innovation in hemodialysis, when compared to acid bags, in terms of convenience and eco-sustainability. The aim of this study is to compare the use of traditional acid bags with the centralized distribution system of acidic concentrate, with particular attention to differences in terms of eco-sustainability and convenience.
Methods. At the Nephrology Dialysis and Renal Transplantation Unit of the University Hospital of Modena was installed the Granumix system® (Fresenius Medical Care, Bad Homburg, Germany). Data collected before the introduction of the Granumix® system (including the used acid bags, boxes and pallets used for their packaging, liters of acid solution used and kilograms of waste generated from wood, plastic, cardboard and residual acid solution) were compared with those collected after the implementation of the Granumix® system. Factors such as material consumption, volume of waste generated, unused and wasted products, time required for dialysis session preparation and nurses’ satisfaction were analyzed to document which system was more environmentally sustainable.
Results. Data collected in 2019 at our Dialysis Center showed a consumption of 30,000 acid bags, which generated over 20,000 kg of waste from wood, plastic and cardboard, and approximately 12,000 liters of residual acid solution to be disposed of, with a handling weight by operators reaching nearly 160,000 kg. The use of the centralized distribution system of acidic concentrate resulted in a significant reduction in waste generated (2,642 kg vs 13,617 kg), residual acid solution to be disposed of (2,351 liters vs 12,100 liters) and weights handled by operators (71,522 kg vs 158,117 kg).
Conclusions. The acidic concentrate appears to be better suited to the sustainability challenge that dialysis must faces today, particularly due to the significant increase in the number of patients, which leads to a higher number of treatments and, therefore, a growing demand for eco-sustainable products.

Keywords: Hemodialysis, Innovation, Sustainability, Acidic Concentrate, Central Dialysis Fluid Delivery System


Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.


Dopo circa 80 anni dal primo trattamento emodialitico, sono tante le sfide che la dialisi deve ancora affrontare. Tra le più importanti va menzionato il significativo trend dell’aumento del numero di pazienti in dialisi che di conseguenza porterà a un aumento nell’utilizzo di risorse naturali e nella produzione di rifiuti [1].  La consapevolezza che la maggior parte dei rifiuti della dialisi viene smaltita senza entrare nel processo del riciclaggio (materiale contaminato da sangue o fluidi biologici, prodotti assimilabili a farmaci) è uno stimolo a una crescente necessità di sviluppare e adottare soluzioni ecosostenibili che riducano l’impatto ambientale e l’inquinamento. Inoltre, l’adozione di soluzioni eco-friendly rappresenta un investimento per le aziende del settore sanitario poiché può generare vantaggi economici nel lungo periodo. Una recente innovazione tecnologica in ambito emodialitico è l’implementazione di un sistema automatizzato per la produzione e distribuzione del concentrato acido.  

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