Luglio Agosto 2018 - Nefrologo in corsia

Management of the incidental renal masses


The diagnosis of renal masses has increased in the last decades owing to the widespread use of imaging (ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance).

Majority of the renal masses are detected incidentally on routine ultrasound examination.

Solid masses detected on ultrasound require further imaging evaluation with CT and/or MRI for suitable characterization. US-guided renal biopsy is a safe, effective and accurate method for evaluating the small renal masses with ambiguous radiologic findings.

Navigation technology and multimodality image fusion represent an important development in interventional radiology, especially for performing difficult percutaneous biopsies and ablations of small renal masses.

Multidisciplinary approach is required which results from experience and knowledge and in hard cases the use of serial imaging can be helpful.


Keywords: renal masses, imaging, ultrasound, renal biopsy, active surveillance

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.


Il riscontro di masse renali durante gli ultimi trent’anni è andato via via aumentando (1) grazie alla diffusione delle tecniche di imaging, in primo luogo l’ecografia (US), ma anche la tomografia assiale computerizzata (TC) e la risonanza magnetica nucleare (MRI).


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